Sample/practice exam 10 April 2020, questions and answers PDF

Title Sample/practice exam 10 April 2020, questions and answers
Course Educational Psychology
Institution Araullo University
Pages 2
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CHAPTER 4: 1.) Robyn is meeting her teachers on the first day of fifth grade. Based on questions they asked her, which one of Robyn’s teachers seems to understand appropriateness of the use of labels & language associated with differences in abilities & disabilities? ANSWER: “What do you like to do during recess?” 2.) Which of the following teachers uses preferred language? ANSWER: I have four students with special needs in my classroom 3.) Fluid intelligence increases until late adolescence & decreases with age. What type of brain functions is associated with fluid intelligence? ANSWER: Mental efficiency 4.) Conrad notices that the new boy Stefano doesn’t know what to do when the bell rings for lunch. Conrad goes to Stefano & tells him that the students leave their books at their desks & go to the lunchroom to line up for lunch. Conrad invites Stefano to go with him & a couple of other boys in fifth grade. Conrad demonstrates which one of Gardner’s multiple intelligences? ANSWER: Interpersonal 5.) Which of the following tasks or processes primarily involves bodily-kinesthetic intelligence? ANSWER: Paige demonstrated the steps for pitching a softball with precision 6.) In which of the following lessons does Mr.Carpenter incorporate several of the multiple intelligences? ANSWER: Students created clay models & made presentations to the class about their topic 7.) Which of the following teachers seems to have the most appropriate understanding of learning styles? ANSWER: I try to present instruction in multiple modalities. For example, I use pictures, charts, & maps along with printed text & verbal instruction 8.) As a teacher asks questions about the story the students finished recording. Kylie thinks in pictures & uses visual information. Based on the facets of the visualizer dimension, what might we conclude about Kylie? ANSWER: Her cognitive style is visualizer 9.) Mrs.Frasier describes her classroom. “I have 21 students. Seven are English teachers. Four stay in my class only part of the time. One has a hearing impairment & works with a singer, & one has an autism spectrum disorder. “Which of the following terms best fits Mrs. Frasier’s description of her class?” ANSWER: Inclusion classroom

10.) DeWayne, a ninth grade student, has a learning disability. The team that develops his individualized education program is most likely made up of: ANSWER: His parents, teachers, school psychologist, & assistant principal 11.) Rian has a learning disability & is struggling in first grade. The psychologist told Rian’s parents that Rian has the most common learning disability. Rian most likely has difficulties with: ANSWER: Reading 12.) When Deion was in the first grade, he realized that he didnt learn math as fast as most other children. He took tests, & the psychologist informed him & his mom that Deion had a learning disability & would likely continue to struggle with math. As a third grader, Deion reads when it’s time to do math seatwork. He believes he is unstable to learn math. He has developed: ANSWER: Learned helplessness 13.) Deion, who was diagnosed w/ a learning disability in math, continues to struggle as a third grader. His teacher wants to work effectively with him & help him experience some level of success with every lesson. Which of the following strategies is LEAST likely to help her meet this goal? ANSWER: Avoid giving Deion feedback about his work. Feedbackmay discourage him 14.)

Cass has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD. She & two of the boys in her class… ANSWER: use visual cues to help..


Tyler, a sixth grader student, has emotional problems, & his aggresive behavior… ANSWER: Use a written behavior contract in which Tyler......

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