Sample/practice exam 2 April 2017, questions and answers PDF

Title Sample/practice exam 2 April 2017, questions and answers
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Name Chapter 9--Persuasive and Marketing Messages

Question 1

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Amelia was just hired as a sales rep for a large medical supply company. She knows her new j persuasive. Which of the following is a persuasion technique that Amelia should use on her ne Answer

Question 2

Make her requests realistic, doable, and attainable. Engender trust in her readers and listeners, Use solid information, statistics, and examples to support her view. Amelia should do all of the above.

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What is the most accurate statement about persuasion? Answer

Question 3

Having the ability to persuade is important only at top-level positions. Much of your success in business depends on how skilled you are at persuading pe Persuasion usually involves coercion. If you lack credentials or experience, it's almost impossible to be persuasive.

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Jason, the CEO of a small company, is writing a persuasive memo to his employees to encoura costs. What should he do to generate cooperation and buy-in? Answer

Question 4

Multiple Choice

Not worry about it too much. After all, he's the boss, so they'll have to cooperat Threaten employees with concrete examples of what will happen if they don't c Remind employees that he is the one in charge. Write the memo with an enthusiastic tone.

0 points


Cassidy is planning to write a sales letter. The first thing she should do is Answer

Question 5

Multiple Choice

decide on the purpose of her message. prepare an outline. compose a rough draft of the letter. gather information to use in the letter.

0 points


You are writing a sales letter for a new hybrid car and have decided to focus the letter on how will be helping the environment. This can best be accomplished by Answer

using a direct organizational strategy. trying to make people who drive nonhybrid vehicles look bad. gathering statistics about global warming. adapting the message to the audience.

Question 6

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Showing customers how your product or service specifically solves a problem, achieves a pers k lif i i li h d b

Sleep on it.

Question 8

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Effective persuaders may choose from different organizational strategies to get the results they following is the most accurate statement about organizational patterns? Answer Suggest new ideas, directives, or recommendations for change immediately to sh believe in them. If you are asking for something that you know will be approved, use the indirect When you expect resistance or when you need to educate the receiver, use the ind pattern. All of the above are effective strategies.

Question 9

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Shaun plans to submit a proposal to his boss, but he's afraid his boss will oppose his ideas. Wh his proposal? Answer

Question 10

Reduce resistance Gain attention Motivate action Build interest

Multiple Choice

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Sales letters usually follow which organizational pattern? Answer

Question 11

Motivate action, gain attention, build interest, request order Gain attention, build interest, reduce resistance, motivate action Build interest, gain attention, motivate action, reduce resistance Gain attention, build interest, motivate action, request order

Multiple Choice

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The statement How would you like to save 20 percent on your home heating costs this winter? Answer

Question 12

builds interest with a product description. motivates action by telling readers how to save money. gains attention by asking a question that focuses on reader benefits. presents an indirect benefit.

Multiple Choice

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Morgan is writing a persuasive message to her boss and includes the opening sentence Your st leadership style and commitment to our company's success. She is gaining her reader's attentio opening statement? Answer

A description of the problem A compliment A reader benefit A stimulating question

Question 13

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facts and statistics. problem description.

Question 15

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The statement A Hewlett-Packard printing system may cost a little more, but it will produce do quality than the other printers we are considering Answer

Question 16

builds interest in a product. gains attention by describing a problem. reduces resistance. motivates action.

Multiple Choice

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Which of the following is an effective way for persuasive writers and speakers to establish cre audience? Answer

Question 17

Establish your expertise. Offer counterarguments. Request a response from the receiver. Suggest new ideas, directives, or recommendations for change that will be of inter

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Which of the following sentences best motivates action in a persuasive message? Answer We know that you'll want to use our global consulting services, so we'll be by Frida contract. If you think that our global consulting services might benefit you, we hope you'll co The training we provide will help your sales team communicate effectively on its tr me by June 1 so that your training sessions can begin by June 15. All of the above would effectively motivate action.

Question 18

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To start your home water delivery service immediately, call us at 1-800-555-1111 is an examp Answer

Question 19

Multiple Choice

reducing resistance. motivating action. gaining attention. building interest.

0 points


In which of the following situations is the writer being unethical? Answer Peter convinces his subordinates that they will need to take a 2 percent pay cut but that it will only be temporary. Terry writes a memo focusing on a small perk offered in the new health coverage, emphasizes a reduction in total coverage. Shannon interviews four people but cites only the three who have the necessary qu Instead of writing a standard e-mail message, a CEO releases a video that explains


begging the question. post hoc (after, thus, because).

Question 22

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Using the statement The company added a wellness program, and four managers were promo afterward is most likely an example of Answer

Question 23

circular reasoning. logical reasoning. begging the question. post hoc (after, thus, because).

Multiple Choice

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A strong force that encourages ethical behavior in business is the desire to Answer

Question 24

convince someone to change a belief or to perform an action. make more money. maintain one's reputation and credibility. prompt expensive litigation.

Multiple Choice

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Which of the following situations requires an indirect strategy? Answer

Question 25

An invitation to a local politician to speak at your professional organization's award An e-mail message asking for information about membership in a professional org A letter requesting a copy of your credit report All of the above should use an indirect strategy.

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In persuading a busy executive to visit a college class, which of the following illustrates a dire Answer You will be helping students learn about the finance field. You will receive a $500 honorarium. We would appreciate your giving up your time, and we are grateful for your effo You would earn the respect of all your colleagues.

Question 26

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In persuading the owner of your company to allow you to telecommute, which of the following benefit to the reader? Answer

Question 27

The time I save commuting would be spent working on company business. Because I'll be working in my quiet home environment, my productivity will increa Because I will not require an on-site office or company equipment, the company w reduction in expenses. My working from home will help to protect the environment.

Multiple Choice

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Which of the following will most likely require persuasion? Answer A i k h t ff t k ti t

l t

j t b th d dli

Question 29

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Which of the following messages moving downward from superiors to subordinates will most persuasion? Answer

Question 30

Asking employees to follow a new procedure for submitting payroll data Telling employees to change their passwords every six weeks Suggesting that employees send holiday cards to their clients Requesting that employees participate in a charity 5K run that takes place outside

Multiple Choice

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Suggestions made by subordinates to management usually require Answer little or no persuasion. bribery. considerable persuasion. little or no evidence, facts, or figures.

Question 31

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Jacqueline wants to convince her supervisor to invest in new iPhones for the sales staff. What Jacqueline can do in her proposal? Answer

Question 32

Tell her supervisor that the cost of the new iPhones is a good deal. Tell her supervisor how happy she and the on the sales staff would be with new iP Show how much better the sales staff will be able to stay in touch with clients and iPhones, resulting in greater productivity and higher sales. Outline some of the features the new iPhones have.

Multiple Choice

0 points


Which of the following sentences convey the best tone for a persuasive request within an organ Answer You should start following the new procedure immediately. You must approve my travel expenses by Friday. Please see your supervisor to have all supply purchases preapproved. Management demands that all new employees attend an orientation session.

Question 33

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Antonia is writing a proposal to the board of directors. What should she do to best persuade th idea? Answer

Question 34

Avoid using facts and figures as it may bore or confuse her reader. Show how her proposal will save the company money. Avoid mentioning any risks involved because doing so might scare the audience Antonia should do all of these.

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Which message would be most effective when organized indirectly? Answer

An e-mail message informing employees about a change in the holiday schedule

An announcement about management training seminars being offered to employee A memo asking employees to donate to a local charity through payroll deductions A il lli l h l b i i d


When you are writing to complain about something and you're worried that your reader might claim, you should use Answer

Question 37

the indirect strategy. the direct strategy. both direct and indirect appeals. circular reasoning.

Multiple Choice

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Which of the following situations would require a persuasive claim or complaint letter? Answer

Question 38

Miranda noticed that the power cord for a laptop she purchased last month is startin George ordered business cards that were printed on the wrong color of cardstock. Brooke's transmission failed two months after her car warranty expired. Ben's November credit card statement contains a $65 charge he didn't make.

Multiple Choice

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Which of the following would be the best way to begin a persuasive claim or complaint letter? Answer

Question 39

Open with a quick review of what the writer has done to resolve the problem. Open with a detailed chronology of what happened. Open with a statement that clearly shows your frustration with the situation. All of the above would be effective ways to begin a persuasive claim letter.

Multiple Choice

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Which of the following statements would be best for ending a persuasive claim or complaint le Answer

Question 40

If my claim is not granted, I will contact the Better Business Bureau immediately. Please credit my account for $198 by March 30, which is when my next billing cyc My attorney is eagerly waiting to see whether my claim is granted. Please get back to me at your earliest convenience.

Multiple Choice

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In making a customer claim, you're more likely to be successful if you Answer

Question 41

appeal to the company's sense of responsibility and pride in its good name. threaten to picket the company with signs that describe the complaint. mention the discussion you had with your attorney regarding this claim. provide a long, fact-filled account of all your dealings with the company concernin

Multiple Choice

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Which of the following statements about direct mail marketing is most accurate? Answer

With the increasing popularity of e-marketing, direct mail marketing has become o Sales letters are generally written by specialists. Direct mail marketing is more invasive than telephone solicitations and more hated Because marketing is such a science, very few people ever have the opportunity to

considered a sales letter. Question 42

Multiple Choice

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Dual appeal Logical appeal

Question 44

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The most effective sales messages reduce resistance by Answer mentioning the price right away to show you have nothing to hide. showing only the total price. including such things as testimonials and names of satisfied customers. doing all of the above.

Question 45

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Sheree has ended a sales letter with the sentence Sign up by October 30 to get a 15 percent dis dues. What technique is she using to motivate action? Answer

Question 46

Guaranteeing satisfaction Limiting the offer Setting a deadline Offering a gift

Multiple Choice

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When promoting products and writing sales letters, which of the following is legal? Answer

Question 47

Including a "puffery" statement such as We offer the best service in the industry! Using a celebrity's name or likeness in a sales message without his or her permissi Telling people they are sweepstakes winners or finalists when they really aren't All of the above are illegal.

Multiple Choice

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Mary Anne is writing a sales letter to a company in Japan, which is a high-context culture. Wh sure she is persuasive with this audience? Answer

Question 48

Use direct expressions, words, and phrases. Make direct comparisons with other similar products. Make sure the message she is delivering is completely clear. Emphasize we and our rather than I or the "you" view.

Multiple Choice

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What is the best way to be persuasive with individuals from low-context cultures? Answer

Question 49

Use a soft-sell approach. Rely on unspoken context and nonverbal cues to convey messages. Express requests directly. Avoid using superlatives such as lowest, highest, or best.

Multiple Choice

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The most effective press releases Answer concentrate on advertising a company's products.


The threat of losing something one already possesses is more likely to motivate people than th same thing. Answer

Question 52


True False

0 points


Managers don't have to worry about tone because employees will automatically comply with th Answer

Question 53


True False

0 points


The first step in planning a persuasive message is determining the purpose since it establishes message. Answer

Question 54


True False

0 points


A successful and practical persuasive message shows receivers how your request will help the achieve a personal or work objective, or make life easier. Answer

Question 55


True False

0 points


If you are asking for something that you know will be approved, use the indirect approach. Answer

Question 56


True False

0 points


When using the indirect strategy for writing a persuasive message, begin by gaining your reade Answer

Question 57


True False

0 points


Last month an additional 200 calls were handled by our technical support personnel, increasi percent per call is an example of an effective opener for a persuasive message recommending problem. Answer

Question 58


True False

0 points


When building interest in your proposal or request, limit your explanation to one paragraph for...

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