Sample/practice exam 2 April 2017, questions and answers PDF

Title Sample/practice exam 2 April 2017, questions and answers
Course Business communications
Institution University of Nottingham
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Name Chapter 6--Writing Process Phase 3: Revise, Proofread, Evaluate

Question 1

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Phase 3 of the 3--3 writing process begins with doing which of the following? Answer Proofreading your document Deciding how to organize the message Analyzing your audience Revising the message to improve content and sentence structure

Question 2

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Which of the following statements about Phase 3 of the writing process is least accurate? Answer

Question 3

A significant amount of a writer's time should be spent in this phase. Only amateurs expect perfection on the first try of writing a message. Some writers revise after writing a document, and some revise as they go. The first version of a document is usually satisfactory for most business messages.

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Jung was promoted to a position that will require extensive writing. What is the best advice yo Answer

Question 4

Spend the most time analyzing the purpose and audience. Revision is necessary only for longer, more important documents. If you try hard enough, you can write a perfect first draft. When you finish a first draft, put the document aside and return to it after a break f

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Angela is writing a marketing report to submit to her supervisor. She should spend the most tim make sure that her document is clear and correct. Answer prewriting writing revising Angela will spend an equal amount of time in all three phases.

Question 5

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The final phase of the writing process focuses on Answer

Question 6

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revising. proofreading. evaluating. all of these.

0 points


One of the first steps of the revision process is to test the ____ to make sure that your message understood by the reader. Answer clarity

Question 8

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What should you do to make a business message clear? Answer

Question 9

Keep your message simple and conversational. Use plain language. Resist the urge to show off or be fancy. All of the above.

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Which of the following is a goal of business writing? Answer

Question 10

To impress your reader To keep your writing concise and simple To maintain a formal tone by avoiding first-person pronouns and contractions All of the above are goals of business writing.

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To sound conversational, you should avoid which of the following in your business messages? Answer Legal terminology Technical words Third-person constructions All of the above

Question 11

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Which of the following sentences best demonstrates clarity? Answer

Question 12

Employees should be notified without delay of next week's gathering. It is imperative that all employees be notified of next week's assembly. It is the duty of all supervisors to inform their subordinates of next week's congreg Please let your employees know about next Friday's meeting.

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Which of the following sentences sounds most conversational? Answer

Question 13

The undersigned is sincerely grateful for the kind assistance you provided last wee Thanks for your help last week. It is my sincere hope that it was not too much of an inconvenience for you to sacrif assist a colleague last week. My sincere gratitude is offered to you in exchange for the support you offered to m

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Which of the following sentences uses first-person construction? Answer We received your application for the marketing position. You will receive a call soon to schedule an interview. The undersigned is in receipt of your application.

You will be pleased to learn that your application was received.

fewest possible words. What is Suzanne checking for? Answer

Question 16

Multiple Choice

Conciseness Format Clarity Vigor

0 points


To make your business messages concise, you should avoid which of the following? Answer Fillers and compound prepositions Active-voice verbs Simple sentences All of the above

Question 17

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The sentence There are three topics that we will discuss at today's meeting could be made mor a(n) Answer

Question 18

Multiple Choice

redundancy. compound expression. opening filler. trite business expression.

0 points


The sentence We will cover the basic fundamentals of HTML coding during the first session co eliminating a(n) Answer redundancy. compound expression. opening filler. trite business expression.

Question 19

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The sentence I am writing this e-mail message to let you know that a new version of our softwa download Answer

Question 20

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contains a redundancy. contains a long lead-in. contains a trite business expression. is an example of good business writing.

0 points


Each and every, midway between, and personal opinion are all examples of Answer

redundancies. compound prepositions. long lead-ins.

opening fillers. Question 21

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redundancy. long lead-in. compound preposition.

Question 23

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Which of the following is an advantage of writing concisely? Answer

Question 24

Concise messages are easier to comprehend than wordy messages. Concise messages are more persuasive. Concise messages are less emphatic than wordy messages. All of the above are advantages of writing concisely.

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Which of the following sentences is free of opening fillers, redundancies, or compound prepos Answer

Question 25

There are several reasons that our company should go public. Our company should go public for several reasons. Due to the fact that we need to raise money, our company should go public. It is perfectly clear that our company should go public.

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Which of the following sentences does not contain a long lead-in? Answer

Question 26

I am writing this letter to inform you that our return procedure has changed. Please be advised that our meeting location has changed. Please share your concerns with your supervisor. You might be interested to learn that an updated model is available.

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Which of the following phrases is free of redundancies? Answer Essential items End result Mutual cooperation Assemble together

Question 27

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Which of the following represents the best business writing? Answer

Question 28

This e-mail message is to inform you that the CEO will be visiting our branch tomo The CEO will be visiting our branch tomorrow. You should be aware that the CEO will be visiting our branch tomorrow. We will let you know soon as to whether or not the CEO will be visiting our branch

Multiple Choice Question

0 points

Which of the following represents the best business writing? Answer Because the property title is now free and clear, you have our grateful thanks. We are at this point in time unable to fill your complete order.


Which of the following sentences does not contain a verb that has been converted into a noun? Answer

Question 31

The task force made a recommendation to start a recycling program. Our supervisor made a decision to eliminate overtime. The jury concluded that the defendant was guilty. The accountant will perform an analysis of the quarter's financial statements.

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Made a discovery, reached a conclusion, and held a discussion are all examples of Answer

Question 32

verbs that have been converted to nouns. compound prepositions. trite business expressions. redundancies.

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Which of the following represents the best writing? Answer Christopher conducted an investigation of the company's financial statements. Laila reported her findings. Please give consideration to my proposal. The general manager made the assumption that Ethan had contacted the customer

Question 33

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Under separate cover, pursuant to your request, and thank you in advance are all examples of Answer long lead-ins. redundancies. trite business expressions. professional business phrases.

Question 34

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A trite business expression such as as per your request Answer

Question 35

contains unnecessary redundancy. is one that has been worn out through overuse. is unclear because it is too technical. sounds professional and businesslike.

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Which of the following sentences avoids use of trite expressions? Answer

The application will be sent under separate cover. Enclosed please find a coupon to use during your next visit. We have received your loan application. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have questions.

Question 36

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Whi h f h f ll


h b

b i

ii ?

opening filler.

Question 38

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Which of the following is an example of an effective, businesslike expression? Answer

Question 39

Enclosed herewith please find Thank you in advance Every effort will be made None of the above

Multiple Choice

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Which of the following sentences is most vigorous and direct? Answer The health care industry is dependent on a highly trained staff. In accordance with your wishes, we are sending you our latest catalog. In some parts of the world, business is not conducted over meals. We have made plans to create a reduction in our operating expenses.

Question 40

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Which of the following is free of wordy or trite phrases? Answer

Question 41

It is my personal opinion that we cannot create a reduction in our inventory unless You may be assured that every effort will be made to ship your order by October 1 Management has been unable to reach a conclusion regarding contract negotiatio Although Chinese is the language spoken by the largest number of native speakers considered the language of international business.

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To make your business messages more readable, you can do which of the following? Answer

Question 42

Multiple Choice

Add footnotes Incorporate numbered and bulleted lists Append a bibliography Eliminate white space

0 points


From what writing fault does the following sentence suffer? The task force will investigate the solutions, and a recommendation will be made. Answer

Question 43

Multiple Choice

Trite business phrase Redundant expressions Nonparallel construction Long lead-in

0 points


Which of the following sentences is parallel?


In my current position, I interact with customers, input orders, and am responsible newsletter. O CEO' bj ti t i l l t b t d

Question 45

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Which of the following statements is most accurate? Answer

Question 46

Headings can help a reader separate major ideas from details. Headings are used only in reports. Graphic techniques such as underlining, bold type, and italics should be avoided in messages. To save room, avoid blank space in a document.

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The Gunning Fog Index is an example of Answer a grammar checker. a readability measure. the KISS formula. a weather indicator.

Question 47

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Most readability formulas measure Answer

Question 48

the number of long words. sentence length. the number of trite expressions. the number of long words and sentence length.

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When proofreading a document, Answer

Question 49

rely on the spell checker to locate all spelling and typographical errors. do so continuously while the document is being written. make sure introductory clauses are followed by commas. do all of the above.

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When proofreading a document, be concerned with Answer

Question 50

spelling, grammar, and punctuation. format. names and numbers. all of the above.

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The best way to evaluate your finished written message is Answer by determining the readability level. by running it through a grammar/style checker program. through feedback.

to pay a professional to proofread it for you....

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