Sample/practice exam 2 November 2019, questions and answers PDF

Title Sample/practice exam 2 November 2019, questions and answers
Course Criminal procedure law
Institution University of Pretoria
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Download Sample/practice exam 2 November 2019, questions and answers PDF


SPR 400 24 May 2018 Question/Vraag 1 Once the prosecutor is satisfied that there is sufficient evidence to provide a reasonable prospect of a conviction, [1] a prosecution should normally follow [1], unless public interest demands otherwise [1] Indien ‘n aanklaer tevrede is dat daar genoegsame getuienis is om ‘n redelike vooruitsig vir ‘n skuldigbevinding te verskaf, [1] moet ‘n vervolging normaalweg volg, [1] “unless public interest demands otherwise”. [1] Question 2 If there is a serious discrepancy between the evidence given and the earlier affidavit the prosecutor must draw attention to this fact [1] If the defence is not already in possession of the affidavit the affidavit must be made available to the defence [1] The legal representative will take the discrepancy up with the witness [1] Also make the statement available to the court [1] Ito S v Stinchcombe (SCC) the state may not decide on its own about witness’s credibility [1] Max 4 Indien daar ‘n ernstige teenstrydigheid is moet die aanklaer die aandag daarop vestig [1] Indien die verdediging nie reeds in besit van die verklaring is nie moet die verklaring aan die verdediging beskikbaar gestel word [1] Die regsverteenwoordiger sal die teenstrydigheid met die getuie opneem [1] Die verklaring moet ook aan die hof beskikbaar gemaak word [1] Ing S v Stinchcombe (SCC) mag die staat nie op sy eie oor die geloofwaardigheid van die getuie besluit nie [1] Maks 4 Question/Vraag 3 Yes, [1] in Le Grange and Others v S 2010(6) BCLR 547 (SCA) [1] the manner and conduct of the presiding officer in the questioning of a witness compelled the conclusion that the presiding officer was not objective and impartial. [1] Irregularity in the questioning of a witness does not necessarily mean that the presiding officer is biased [1] David 1991 [1] SACR 375 (Nm). [1] Max 4 Ja, [1] in Le Grange and Others v S 2010(6) BCLR 547 (HHA) [1] het die manier en optrede van die voorsittende beampte in die ondervraging van ‘n getuie, die konklusie dat die voorsittende beampte nie objektief en onpartydig was nie, afgedwing [1]. ‘n Onreematigheid in die ondervraging van die getuie meen nie noodwendig dat die voorsittende beampte bevooroordeel was nie. [1] David 1991 [1] SASV 375 (Nm). [1]. Maks 4 Question/Vraag 4.1 Where the matter is withdrawn by the prosecutor [1]

If the prosecutor decides the criminal capacity of the child is unlikely to be proved [1] Waar die aangeleentheid deur die aanklaer teruggetrek word [1] Indien die aanklaer besluit dat dit onwaarskynlik is dat die strafregtelike aanspreeklikheid van die kind bewys sal word [1] Question/Vraag 4.2 Matter may be diverted Child may be referred to the Child Justice Court Child may be referred to the Children’s Court

[1] [1] [1]

Aangeleentheid mag afgewentel word Kind mag na die Child Justice Court verwys word Kind mag na die Kinderhof verwys word

[1] [1] [1]

Vraag/Question 5 Indien ‘n vredesbeampte [1] op redelike gronde dink dat ‘n landdroshof by veroordeling van ‘n person weens ‘n misdaad [1] ‘n boete sal oplê wat nie meer is as die bedrag wat die Minister van tyd tot tyd in die Staatskoerant bepaal/R5000,00 [1] kan hy ‘n skriftelike kennisgewing aan die beskuldigde oorhandig. If a peace officer [1] on reasonable grounds believe that a magistrate’s court, on convicting the accused of an offence, [1] will not impose a fine exceeding the amount determined by the minister from time to time in the Government Gazette/R5000,00, [1] he may hand to the accused a written notice. Question/Vraag 6.1 A security guard is not a peace officer. It must therefore be investigated whether the security guard had the authority to effect the arrest as a private person [1] Ito s 42 of the CPA a private person may arrest any person who commits a Schedule 1 offence in his presence [1]. Malicious injury to property is a Schedule 1 offence [1] The security guard therefore had the authority to arrest her [1] ‘n Sekuriteitsbeampte is nie ‘n vredesbeampte nie. Dit moet vervolgens vasgestel word of die sekuriteitsbeampte magting gehad het om as ‘n privaatpersoon te arresteer. [1] Ing art 42 van die SPW mag ‘n privaatpersoon enigiemand wat ‘n Bylae 1 misdryf in sy teenwoordigheid pleeg arresteer. [1] Opsetlike saakbeskadeging is ‘n Bylae 1 misdryf [1] Die sekuriteitsbeampte was gevolglik gemagtig om haar te arresteer [1] Question/Vraag 6.2 Monday [1] before 4pm [1] Or The next court day [1] before 4pm [1] Maandag [1] voor 4nm [1] Of

Die volgende hofdag [1] voor 4nm [1]...

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