Sample/practice exam January 2015, questions PDF

Title Sample/practice exam January 2015, questions
Course User Interface Design And Usability
Institution Monash University
Pages 3
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FIT5152 Sample Exam Summer Semester, 2015 Note: The following questions provide examples of the type of questions you will be asked on the final exam. Instructions: This exam is out of 80 and is worth 50% of your final mark. There are three sections. Section A is a short answer section worth 35 marks. Section B is a short case study worth 25 marks. Section C is a long answer section and worth 20 marks. SECTION A ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS Short answer questions: You must answer ALL the questions in this section 1) Norman talks about knowledge in the world and knowledge in the head. What do these concepts mean? Discuss how they should be considered when designing systems. (4 marks) 2) What is participatory design? Discuss briefly what it involves. (4 marks) 3) One of the measures of usability is ‘Retention over time’. What does this mean by this? Why is it important? (3 marks) 4) Describe two of the limitations of using voice as an input to an information system. (3 marks) 5) Describe two differences between user’s and designer’s mental model of an interactive system. (2 marks) 6) How does ‘think aloud’ technique help the designer design a good interface? (4 marks) 7) What does ‘natural mapping’ refer to? Why is it important to consider in interface design? (3 marks) 8) What do you understand by universal usability? Why is it important? (4 marks) 9) State differences between long and short term memory. (4 marks) 10) List four different ways in which an interface designer can help the user manage their attention. (4 marks)

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SECTION B Case study: Read the following case study and answer ALL the questions in this section. The case study is worth 25 marks in total.

The Music Box is a very small business in regional Victoria offering customers the opportunity to search through a range of music online and order a juke box with the music of their choice. The business employs two staff including the owner. The business wants to expand their business so that they can conduct all their business online which currently is not possible. Many customers currently find the music they want from the website but then telephone business to order. The business owner decided to establish the Website because no one else had a Website offering a collection of music with Juke box hire. The Music Box website provides a list of different types of music available and categorised according to the decade when the music was recorded. Also information is provided on the conditions of hiring. The Website is very simple in design. The owner believes the Website is successful because the business offers a good list and choice of music. The owner has had anecdotal evidence that users like the variety of music and find the Website easy to use. You are part of a team asked to help expand their web presence and build a new Website with e-commerce functionality which would enable users to order a juke box and selected music online, order other party equipment, provide more detailed information on the music, equipment available, etc. and improve its usability. Answer the following questions in relation to how you would manage this task. 1) Describe how you will begin the process of gathering data (apart from potential customers), who from, why and how? (6 marks) 2) Two of Shneiderman’s 8 golden rules are to ‘permit easy reversal of actions’ and ‘offer informative feedback’. What does each of these mean? Identify the parts of the system both will apply to. Explain with justification how you will address each. (6 marks) 3) What prototyping technique might you use in the early stages of design? Justify your choice. (Marks 6) 4) How will you ensure accessibility for the website? Justify your answer (7 marks)

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SECTION C Long answer questions: You must select and answer TWO of the following questions in this section. Each question is worth 10 marks. Please start each question on a new page. Please indicate clearly which question you are answering and make sure you answer only TWO. If you answer more only the first TWO will be marked.

1) Many of the principles of good interface design apply to the design of websites. There are however other considerations that need to be taken into account when designing for the Web. Discuss the issues relating to interface design that are particularly important to consider when designing a website, provide examples. 2) You have been asked to design a system for a hand held device to be used by travelling sales people. From a Human Computer interaction design perspective, discuss the design issues that arise when designing for small screen devices and where relevant how these might be overcome. 3) Discuss the different types of online help provided by user interfaces, along with their advantages and disadvantages. Provide examples for each of the types.

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