Samss Berhad - management PDF

Title Samss Berhad - management
Author Shahir Zulehsan
Course Management Accounting
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 15
File Size 611.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 22
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, we would like to thank ALLAH S.W.T and HIS messenger, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. It is because of HIS blessing, it is possible for us to finish this assignment. I had finally managed to finish up this group assignment with great enthusiasm and determination. All the time spent to search and discuss ideas as well as justifying theoretical clues to drive the output were worth our effort and time. Insya-Allah. Therefore we would like to acknowledge with thanks, the individual who guided us in making this project. Firstly, we would like to thanks our Fundamentals of Management’s lecturer, Sir Izwan Nazirin bin Ismail. He had guided us on how to complete this assignment. He always showed some effort to give us an alternative to finished this assignment perfectly. Then, we would like to thanks to all my friends who had helped and share ideas with us. They also gave us a support and advices. Lastly,I also want thanks our parents who always prayed well for us and giving their time to hear our problem. Thanks also to all unit in UiTM Perak. We hope our assignment is complete and will be receive. We had use our effort and knowledge to search information and ideas. Hope our effort was worth it.

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CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Management

CHAPTER 2: Planning

CHAPTER 3: The Nature of Decision Making

CHAPTER 4: Organizing

CHAPTER 5: Motivation

CHAPTER 6: Leading

CHAPTER 7: Controlling


INTRODUCTION Established in 2005, SAMSS Berhad is a multinationallevel tech company headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Our goal, in a nutshell, is to obtain stellar products and services within tight timeframes, at a cost that represents the best possible value to our customers and shareholders. “Think Different” is one of our most recognizable slogans of the 21st Century. The idea was first introduced in the 2010 TV commercial. “Think Different” is still on our product today, 10 years after the TV debut. Founded by Shahir Zulehsan, he started out his

Shahir Zulehsan CEO

career as a small video game designer at Nintendo Co. Followed by his dream and passion, and with little cash that he had, he established a small company, namely SAMSS Berhad. SAMSS is a combination of the names of other four co-founder of the company, which is Atheera, Muhaimin, Shuhaila and Syafiqah. Together, they brought to the new company a vision of changing the way people viewed computers. We wanted to make computers small enough for people to have them in their home or offices. One major reason for our success is its dynamic, constantly changing business plan. We intently studied the market and tried to ascertain the pulse of the audience. SAMSS Berhad originally started as just another computer company. But we always knew that it was meant for much bigger things. After fifteen years of our establishment, we have produced various products and services such as smartphone, smartwatch and our own operating system, just to name a few. Throughout the years, we have built many outlets across the globe, such as in USA, Australia and China. We continued to deliver our best for the society, mostly in technologies, so that we can live in a better world.

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• Before producing new products we will plan few strategies to help increase our sales. The plan will include on how we will attract customer to buy our product by listing few feedbacks from the customer. Before launching the product lots of teaser will be shown to gain customer attention on how good our products are.


• Organizing is one of the important traits to make sure all work done smoothly. There will be a few departments that will take responsibilities in each part of the company. By doing this, a lot of works can be done in a short time.


• After creating a few departments, each department will have one person that in charge in directing and influencing all organization members. The person in charge or the manager will be the one that guiding the pupil under their responsibilities. They will provide guidance, supervision and motivation to every workers.


• After all three traits in management function has been applied, the manager will monitor each performances on our products. During this process we can see the results of our plan. We will have a clear view to control our products, for example we can see any flaw in our product or management that we will improve in the future.

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Managerial levels, skills and roles Manager can be divided into two type which is Functional Manager and General Manager. Functional Manager is someone who responsible for managing a work unit that is grouped based on the function served meanwhile General Manger responsible for managing several different departments that are responsible for different tasks and ensure that they work together efficiently. Managerial Levels There are three level of management in our company which are Top Managers, Middle Managers and First-Line Managers. Top Managers are the one who responsible of overall things in the company. They are the one that will think the most to help the growth of the company. Next is Middle Manager, they are known for being responsible for the organizing. Middle Manager work and interact with most of the employees. They also the one that need to build a good relationship with others manager - Top and First-Line Manager Lastly, First-Line Manager or also known as supervisor. They are responsible to monitor employee performances and the one that will give guide to the employees. Supervisor will update every problem or any good performances to higher level manager. From this, the Top Managers and Middle Managers can come out with new idea to improve the company management. Managerial Skills Each level of manager needs to know three managerial skills which are Technical Skills, Human Skills and Conceptual Skills. Technical skill applies the most to First-Line Manager. They will be the one who do most of the job that need specific skills like the skill to use tools. They are also the one that will guide employees the most on how to get the works done. Human Skills has the ability to lead, motivate and communicate effectively. It is important to create a great bonding within all of the employees so the work can be done smoothly. Manager are the one who is responsible to create a peaceful surrounding to the employees. Conceptual Skills is an ability to analyse and diagnose situation. These skills are the most important for the top management level. This is because they are the one who always think and come out with new ideas and plans to help the development of the company. Managerial Roles One of the common way CEO’s serve as a spokesperson for the company is at annual meeting with company shareholder or boards of director. 6|P age

CHAPTER 2: PLANNING Mission This company mission is to give the best digital products and services to all person like students, educators, designers, scientists, engineers, businesspersons and consumers in all over country in the world.

Vision This company vision is to be the best digital products and services among all products in the world and want to be first nominees that success in digital field.

Types of planning Our company strategy is to compete with another digital company that also successful in this field like Samsung, Huawei, Vivo and Xiaomi. We want to show a new way to develop a digital knowledge in all society. We also made a broad difference with another competitors. Through this way we now where we are now and our strength that we can use as our weapons also our weakness that we must change. This strategy means that SAMSS Berhad always aim to set itself apart from competitors not by price but by competitive advantages based on product design that attracts customers. For the long term aims we used our customers as our experimental products that we looked at their reaction when used our products. We did not aim at the profit side but we take a look at the function and benefits society can get when they used our products.

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Types of operational plan 1. Long term plans. The early opening of the company starts with promotion on media social to make the world known about our company. We start on magazine, newspaper and advertising on radio. This action can improv the company image to be known widely. Looking out 10 years, the SAMSS Berhad of 2030 should continue to incrementally improve its technology products and even introduce some new ones that give more advantage. Rumour are that SAMSS Berhad is already working on another company that more well-known and famous among all digital company. 2. Directional plans ➢ Helping local communities and supporting the financially, so they can create more businesses and maximize our profit like giving them allowance and residence. ➢ Select and retain the professional people for the organization so they can provide our company be the international company. ➢ Continue and consistent to be an organization that providing the best quality products to the all customers than focus on the net price. 3. Specific plans ❖ To increase the revenues by 20% for another year other than this year and maximize total profit every closing year. ❖ To increase the total retail customers by around 10% for our company that more efficient to make sales. ❖ To increase the market share by 5% to the company and provide more advertising to all market team. ❖ To find new customers and consumers from another country at all age category.

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CHAPTER 3: THE NATURE OF DECISION MAKING Any person or organisation faced with a decision has a rather straightforward task at hand. Decision maker must select a course of action from a set of potential alternatives. Some decisions are critical and can have a major impact on personal and organisation lives. Decision making is the process through which managers and leaders identify and resolve problems and capitalise on opportunities.

Types of decision making Decision making varies in two types which is programmed and non-programmed. Programmed decision making is structured and repetitive or routine and can be solved through clear-cut mechanical procedures. From other point, it is just like company rules that has been stated in the policies. For example, the company has provided daily uniform for its employee at work. For non-programmed decision, it is made under crisis condition and deals with unusual or exceptional problems. The exceptional problems can be natural disaster such as flood, tsunami or deceased by fire. In this situation, manager must make non-programmed decision rely on judgement and creativity because it is a situation where manager should make right decision to save the company.

Types of condition under decision making While making decision, there are few conditions under decision making which is certainty, risk, uncertainty and ambiguity. Over all of the condition, the different condition of decision making shows the level of confident of organisation to make a decision.

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Decision making process SAMSS BERHAD follows the seven steps in the decision-making process. The first step is identifying opportunities and diagnosing problems. Manager must pay particular attention to ensure that problems and opportunities are assessed as accurately as possible and obtain reliable information. For example, manager know the problem of marketing the brand. The second step is identifying objectives. The objectives must be reflected to the result of the company wants to achieve which is being a top worldwide brand. The next step is generating alternatives. Alternatives are strategies that might be implemented in decision making situation. This step usually requiring creativity and imagination. After alternative has generated, all the alternative will be evaluated by the manager. Among the evaluation of decision, it must include quality, cost, benefits, uncertainties and risk of each alternative. After these alternative evaluated, the manager can reach decision with making a good decision involving examining the facts, determining whether sufficient information is available. After going all the process, then manager can select the best alternative that can give positive impact to the company. Next step is choosing implementation strategies. Planning process is a key to effective implementation. The final step is to monitoring and evaluating the decision has been made. For example, manager observe the impact of the decision to make corrective action. In addition, to know the decision made is effective or not, manager can monitor the feedback whether it’s positive or negative.

CHAPTER 4: ORGANISING The organizing process

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5 11 | P a g e

•SAMS BERHAD follows the golden 5 steps on the organising process. The first step, aligning with the company’s mission and vision. For example, the manager needs to consider the capabilities available at the factory so she/he can determine tasks and define job. For example, with the strategic placement of a factory in the city, the manager targeted a high produce of output in a month with the amount of manpower hired.

•The operation manager needs to determine tasks, duties, and responsibilities. She/he needs to decide effectively through the art of delegation of authority and empowerment.

•The company does a grouping of 2 which is one logical unit and the other one is subunits. The major task is divided into subtask to be done. Manager focuses on processes such as grouping of organisational members according to their expertise or specialisation.

•The manager coordinates its resources and determine who will do the subtasks. This is to ensure that resources are affectively utilised. For example, the manager delegates on who will be assigned to each sub-department to ensure that our productivity reach its maximum.

•Their manger will monitor by gathering all the feedback on how well the strategy is working and takes correction when necessary. Such as the Manager will find the appropriate action to take upon each staff if there are any issue surmising.

Self-actualization needs We have successfully motivated our workers by creating more opportunities for employees to participate in education and development program

Esteem needs As an example of assuring the esteem need , we rewarded our executives by giving them a recognition bonus of salary from 3 to 5 percent . This method indicate the approval of SAMSS Berhad to its employees who has effectively finished their works Social needs Our report illustrates the improvement in our research to provide employee a better workplace that includes support of social networks , work group and enhance worker-supervisor relationships. Safety needs SAMSS Berhad also provides a widely range of application to protect the safety need of workers such as the development of health and safety standard, training more employees to identify hazards or providing safety equipment Physiological needs In SAMSS Berhad position, we have fulfilled our employee needs of physiological by setting an average salary of $108,483, which basically can ensure their survival

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CHAPTER 6: LEADING Power Position Power Position power is the power that is derived from opportunities inherent in a position in an organization. There are four types of position power which are legitimate power, coercive power, reward power and information power We applied Coercive Power where we will discipline and punish the workers that didn’t follow the instruction clearly. For example, if the workers are slacking of making a mistake that can cause a damage to the company, they will receive a verbal warning from the manager. If they repeat the mistake again, they will get another verbal letter and warning letter. Warning letter will give the employees a hard time to get bonus or get any raise. They also cannot be promoted and there is a higher can of them to get fired. Reward Power is also one of the position power that will help the workers to do their works better. Every month we will hold an assembly and announce the best employees of the month. The best employees will get rewards from the company. This will help others employees to work harder in the future and get a better treatment in the company.

Personal Power Personal Power is power derived from the interpersonal relationship between a leader and his followers. In our management, Expert Power is one of the strategies to influence the workers to work efficiently. Every new employee will have a training from the manager and also attend class to help them to understand better about their jobs. The manager always encourages their workers to ask for help or any question from them because they are always ready to help the workers. The managers are all friendly and have a good leadership which make the workers to trust them. This will create a bond between the manager and the workers so that they can work together in a team. This shows that we also applied the Referent Power in our management in order to build a strong company with the best workers.

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Setting Standards for Performances As for every subdepartment, the QAA (Quality Assurance Audit) department has set a minimum 85% out of 100% standard for sub-department to achieve. A standard is a target against which performance can be compared. It is must be in line with the organization’s strategic plan.

Measuring Actual Performance The QAA department has arranged to conduct an audit at least every 3 months to each subdepartment. During the audit they will measure on each section that is consist of safety, quality and technicality they use.

Pre-Action Control/Prevention Control (Feed Forward Control) •SAMS BERHAD has made a specification that their input factors and capital will only come from a few factorizations as their primary input. This is to prevent anticipated problems before going through the transformation process.

Screening Control (Yes, No Control) •The specific product will need to pass through the QAA department before the gadget is launched. This is so that the product must be approved or meet specific conditions.

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Responding to Deviations / Take Corrective Actions This step involves determining if actual performance compared to standards falls within acceptable limits. Performance that achieved or exceed standard will receive a bonus outlet and for those that that achieved lower standard their bonus will be forfeit.

Comparing Actual Performance with Standards For those outlets that has failed the audit, they are accountable to do a corrective action, their leader will have to take a photo of the employees correcting their action as a proof. Then the leader will have to proceed to fill up the corrective action form that is signed by their operation manager. Lastly the photos attached with form will have to be emailed to the QAA department. (Mei, 2020)

Steering Control (Concurrent control) •The R&D department has created all the technology and presentation with multiple different SOP’s to ensure that the overall product making process is functioning properly. The primary goal is to spot pro...

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