SAP-CO-Internal Order Configuration Guide SAP-CO-Internal Order Configuration Guide SAP-CO-Internal Order Configuration Guide PDF

Title SAP-CO-Internal Order Configuration Guide SAP-CO-Internal Order Configuration Guide SAP-CO-Internal Order Configuration Guide
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SAP-CO-Int ernal Order Configurat ion Guide SAP-CO-Internal Order Configuration Guide Prepared By - Jayanth Maydipalle W ord Press W ebsite- http:/ / sapfidocz.w LinkedIn - Copy Right 2012@SAPFICODOCZ http:/ ...


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SAP-CO-Internal Order Configuration Guide SAP-COInternal Order Configuration Guide SAP-CO-Internal Order Config... C Cab

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SAP-CO-Int ernal Order Configurat ion Guide

SAP-CO-Internal Order Configuration Guide Prepared By -

Jayanth Maydipalle

W ord Press W ebsite- http:/ / sapfidocz.w LinkedIn -

Copy Right 2012@SAPFICODOCZ

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SAP-CO-Int ernal Order Configurat ion Guide

Content: A. Internal Order Overview


A.1 Activate Order M anagement in Controlling Area B.1 Order M aster Data    

⇒ (4-5)

B.1.1 Define Order types⇒ (6-7)

B.1.2 M aintain Number Ranges for Orders⇒ (8-9) B.1.3 Define Order Layouts⇒ 10

B.1.4 Define M odel Orders⇒ (11-15)

C.1 Creation of Internal Order Groups ⇒ 16  C.1.1 Change Internal Order Groups⇒ 17  C.1.2 Display Internal Order Groups⇒ 17

⇒ (17-20) D.1 Creation of Internal Orders  D.1.1 Change Int ernal Orders⇒ 20  D.1.2 Display Internal Orders⇒ 20

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SAP-CO-Int ernal Order Configurat ion Guide

Internal Orders:

Int ernal orders are used t o monit or overhead cost s incurred for a specific event , project or act ivit y. It can be used for a rest rict ed period w hen execut ing a job, or for long-t erm monit oring of port ions of overhead cost s. Int ernal Orders are company code dependent . Int ernal order groups can be creat ed for cross-company report ing. Overhead cost orders w ill be used t o collect act ual cost s incurred. This allow s cost s to be monit ored cont inuously. The overhead cost s assigned t o t he overhead cost orders are set tled (in full) as cost s t o ot her cost collect ors. This is generally on t he periodic basis, at mont h-end.Int ernal orders plan and monit or t he cost s of a specific job. Internal orders are 4 types 1. Over head orders 2. Profit abilit y orders 3. Invest ment orders 4. Product ion orders

How ever, int ernal order means overhead orders. It deals w it h management of overheads of a job or t ask. This component enables t he organizat ion t o capt ure t he overheads in a Syst emat ic manner relat ing t o a part icular job. There by w e can know t he overall cost of t he job and even profit abilit y of t he part icular job.

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SAP-CO-Int ernal Order Configurat ion Guide

A.1 Activate Order M anagement in Controlling Area: IM G⇒ Controlling⇒ Internal Orders⇒ Activate Order M anagement in Controlling Area

T-Code: OKKP

We need t o act ivat e Order M anagement in cont rolling area before w e st art configurat ion for int ernal order. This part icular configuration is t he same node w here w e maintain t he cont rolling area. Follow t he below ment ioned st eps

 

Select “ Controlling Area” (Here w e need t o select Init ial Cont rolling area” Double Click on “ Activate Components/ Control Indicators”

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SAP-CO-Int ernal Order Configurat ion Guide

    

 

Cost Cent ers: Select “ Component Active” Select AA. Activity Type Check box Order M anagement : Select “ Component Active” Commit M anagement : Select “ Component Active” Select check boxes of below ment ioned it ems  Profit Center Acctg  Projects  Sales Orders  Cost Objects  Real Estate M gmt  W .Coimmit.M gt Select “ Variances” Check box under Ot hers indicat ors Then click on “ SAVE”

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SAP-CO-Int ernal Order Configurat ion Guide

B.1 Order M aster Data: B.1.1 Define Order types:

An Int ernal order is creat ed under an Order t ype. An order t ype is used for st oring various cont rol paramet ers and various default s w hile creat ing an Int ernal Order. The order t ype is client -specific, w hich means t hat every order t ype can be used in all cont rolling areas. A number range is assigned t o t he internal order t ype. Int ernal order is a cost object t hat t racks t he cost of a specific event . IO has a short life compared t o a cost cent er. In SAP solut ions, you w ill find t w o t ypes of IO: (1) Real IO (2) Statistical IO. Through real IO, you can t rack t he cost of a part icular event , and at t he end you can set t le t he IO cost to t he respect ive cost cent er. In st at ist ical IO, you can only collect cost ; you can’t set t le st at ist ical IO t o any ot her cost object .

IM G ⇒Controlling ⇒nternal Orders ⇒Order M aster Data ⇒Define Order Types

T-Code: KOT2_OPA

Click on

Select “ 01” – (Internal Order-controlling) from t he popup Press “Enter”

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SAP-CO-Int ernal Order Configurat ion Guide

       

Order Type: Define Order Type Budget Profile: Select -00001 (General Budget/ Plan Profile) Object Class: Select “Overhead Costs” CO Part ner Updat e: Select “Active” Select check boxes-“Commit M anagement, Revenue Posting, Integrated Planning” Configure Archiving Residence Time as show n above If u w ant t o release of t he int ernal order immediat ely aft er creat ion, t hen configure as below 1. St at us Profile : Select “00000002”(Internal Order) 2. Act ivat e “Release Immediately” Check box. Click on “SAVE”

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SAP-CO-Int ernal Order Configurat ion Guide

Click on Here you can hide t he various fields or make it as required ent ry or only display or available for input . Thus w hile creat ing internal order only t hose fields are displayed and available for input .

B.1.2 M aintain Number Ranges for Orders

IM G ⇒Controlling ⇒Internal Orders ⇒Order M aster Data ⇒M aintain Number Ranges for Orders T-Code: KONK

Click on “Groups” Then in t he next screen Click on “ Group M enu >Insert ”

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SAP-CO-Int ernal Order Configurat ion Guide

   

Text : Name the Number ranges Int ervals: Assign Number ranges for Internal Order type Press “Enter” Click on “SAVE”

 Find Int ernal Order t ype “  Double click on “

” ”, Then t he line it em become in Blue


 Act ivat e / Select check box“Trade Real Internal orders” “

 Then click on “ ”  The int ernal order t ype Z910 moves under t he group w hich can be seen as follow s:-

 Then Click on “SAVE” If you w ant check t he Number ranges assigned for internal orders t hen follow ing st eps,

 Select check box of “ Trade Real Internal orders type”  Then click on “M aintain”

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Click on

B.1.3 Define Order Layouts

IM G ⇒Controlling ⇒Internal Orders ⇒Order M aster Data ⇒Screen Layout ⇒Define Order Layouts

In t his w ork st ep you define t he layout for t he order mast er dat a. You can assign a layout t o each order t ype.

The syst em displays t he order mast er dat a as a t ab w it h a series of t ab pages. On t he t ab pages t here are group boxes w it h a series of fields for t he order master dat a. The group boxes are defined by t he syst em. You can specify,

Which t it le t he individual t ab cards should receive and

Which group boxes should be displayed in w hich position on t he t ab pages.

The t ab pages are numbered from left t o right w it h " Tab Page 01" t o " Tab Page xx" . On every t ab page t here are five posit ions, w hich you can assign individually t o a group box. One of t he group boxes can cont ain user-defined mast er fields (see work st ep “ Develop enhancement s for order mast er dat a" ). Standard settings

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SAP-CO-Int ernal Order Configurat ion Guide Layout SAP0 corresponds t o t he default set t ings. You can copy t his layout if you w ant t o make changes t o t he default set t ings. Activities

Check w het her you need your ow n layout s. If you only w ant t o make small changes to t he st andard delivery, you can copy layout SAP0 and use it as t he basis for your layout . If you w ant t o creat e a new layout , choose "New entries" . 1. Ent er a name and a descript ion for your layout . 2. Choose " Tab page t it le" and "New entries" , t o specify t he t it le for your t ab pages. a) Ent er t he number for each of t he t ab pages. b) Ent er for w hich language t he t it le is to be used. c) Ent er t he t it le of t he t ab page.

B.1.4 Define M odel Orders

You can define model orders in t his sect ion. M odel orders are not orders in t he commercial sense, but serve merely as references for creat ing " normal" orders. M odel orders cont ain default values for t he orders in an order type. You need t o ent er t he model order as t he reference order in t he order t ype. When you creat e a new order, all t he fields act ive in t he relevant order t ype are copied from t he model order t o t he new order. M odel orders make t he w ork of ent ering new orders considerably easier. The dat a t hat recurs in orders from a part icular order t ype is already defined. This reduces t he likelihood of errors. The order st at us is not copied from t he model order. The new order is given t he default st at us for t he relevant order t ype. The syst em checks t o see if t he ent ries exist in t he model order. When you create set t lement rules, it also checks t o see w het her t he set t lement receivers mat ch t he organizat ion unit s you ent ered. A model order does not cont ain any dependent object s such as asset s under const ruct ion, even if you ent ered an invest ment profile. Example

You w ant t o set t le all your market ing orders t o t he same sales cost cent er. St ipulat e t he cost cent er as t he default value in t he model order for market ing orders. When you creat e a new market ing order, t he syst em default s t his cost cent er. If you w ant t o set t le t he order t o a different cost center, you can overw rit e t he default cost cent er in t he orders.

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SAP-CO-Int ernal Order Configurat ion Guide

IM G ⇒Controlling ⇒Internal Orders ⇒Order M aster Data ⇒Screen Layout ⇒ Define M odel Orders

T-Code: KOM 1

Double click on “Create CO model order”

 Order Type: Select ”  Then click on “

” “03-Internal Order-M odel Order ”

The next screen appears,

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SAP-CO-Int ernal Order Configurat ion Guide

   

Order: Define Order, It should st art w it h $ Descr: Give Descript ion for t he Order Company Code: Select Company Code Object Class: Select “Overhead”

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SAP-CO-Int ernal Order Configurat ion Guide

 

Currency: INR Click on “SAVE”

Now , w e need t o assign this “M odel Order” to the “Order Type” Follow the path,

IM G ⇒Controlling ⇒Internal Orders ⇒Order M aster Data ⇒Define Order Types Click on “

 

Order Type: Select Order Type Click on “Enter”

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SAP-CO-Int ernal Order Configurat ion Guide

Double Click on ”1100 Line Item”

 

M odel Order: Assign “M odel Order” here Click On “SAVE”

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SAP-CO-Int ernal Order Configurat ion Guide

C.1 Creation of Internal Order Groups: SAP Easy Access⇒ Accounting⇒ Controlling⇒ Internal Orders⇒ M aster Data⇒ Special Functions⇒

Order Group⇒ KOH1- Create ( T-Code: KOH1)

Order Group: Assign Number for Internal Order Group

Press “Enter”

Writ e Descript ion for t he Internal Order Group

Click On “Save”

We need creat e Int ernal Order Groups at Client Level,

As ment ioned above w e need t o creat e Int ernal Order Groups

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SAP-CO-Int ernal Order Configurat ion Guide

C.1.1 Change Internal Order Groups: SAP Easy Access⇒ Accounting⇒ Controlling⇒ Internal Orders⇒ M aster Data ⇒ Special Functions>Order Group⇒

KOH2- Change

T-Code: KOH2

C.1.2 Display Internal Order Groups: SAP Easy Access⇒ Accounting⇒ Controlling⇒ Internal Orders⇒ M aster Data⇒ Special Functions⇒

Order Group⇒KOH3- Display

T-Code: KOH3

D.1 Creation of Internal Orders: SAP Easy Access⇒ Accounting⇒ Controlling⇒ Internal Orders⇒ M aster Data⇒ Special Functions⇒

Order ⇒ KO01- Create

T-Code: KO01

 

Order Type: Select Order Type Click On “M aster Data”

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SAP-CO-Int ernal Order Configurat ion Guide

  

Descript ion: Write Name of the Internal Order Object Class: Select Overhead Profit Cent er: Assign Respect ive Profit Center Request ing CO. Code: Select Company Code Click on “Control Data”

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 

Currency: Select Currency Act ivat e Statistical Order Check Box Click on “General Data”

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Then Click On “SAVE”

D.1.1 Chnage Internal Orders: SAP Easy Access⇒ Accounting⇒ Controlling⇒ Internal Orders⇒ M aster Data⇒ Special Functions⇒

Order ⇒ KO02- Change

T-Code: KO02

D.1.2 Display Internal Orders: SAP Easy Access⇒ Accounting⇒ Controlling⇒ Internal Orders⇒ M aster Data⇒ Special Functions⇒ Order ⇒ KO03- Display

T-Code: KO03

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