SAS 1&2 Odyssey Plan - At the end of the session, I should be able to: 1. reflect on my plans for the PDF

Title SAS 1&2 Odyssey Plan - At the end of the session, I should be able to: 1. reflect on my plans for the
Course Accountancy
Institution Cagayan de Oro College
Pages 6
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At the end of the session, I should be able to:
1. reflect on my plans for the future.
2. identify my long-term goals based on what I value, believe in, and can do.
3. identify short-term goals and how they connect with my long-term goals....


  Subject: Student Success Program Student Activity Sheet  

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________

Class number: _______ Date: ________________

 Materials: S Lesson title: Odyssey Plan  AS Lesson Objectives: A  t the end of the session, I should be able to:  1. reflect on my plans for the future. References: B  urnett, W., & Evans, D. J. (2018). Designing your life: Build a 2. identify my long-term goals based on what I value, believe life that works for you. London: in, and can do. Vintage Books. 3. identify short-term goals and how they connect with my  long-term goals.   Have you reflected on your future already? If you have, what plans do you have for yourself in the next five years? If not, why haven’t you? What makes it difficult for you to make plans? An Odyssey  Plan is a graphic representation of three possible alternative lives you might live over the next five years.  Alternative Life Plan 1 ● ●

Life One—That Thing You Do "Your first plan is centered on what you've already got in mind—either your current life expanded forward or that big idea you've been playing around in your mind for some time”

Alternative Life Plan 2 ●

Life Two—That Thing You'd Do if Thing One Were Suddenly Gone "Imagine one thing in your life suddenly gone. What would you do?"

Alternative Life Plan 3 ●

Life Three—That Thing You'd Do If Money or Image Were No Object "If money wasn’t a problem and you knew no one would laugh at you or think less of you for doing it—what would you do?”


— DO & THINK — Duration: 50 mins Instructions: Imagine yourself having the chance to plan three different versions of your life/career/relationship that will unfold over the next five years. Think of these three alternatives: ● ● ●

Life Plan 1: What do the next five years look like for you at this point in time? Life Plan 2: What do the next five years look like if o  ne thing in your life is suddenly gone? Life Plan 3: What do the next five years look like if m  oney or image were not an issue?

With those in mind, start building your alternate life plans. 1. Write a six-word title for each of the life plans that will reflect the theme of your overall plan. 2. Rate your plan’s Resources based on what you have available now to carry out your plan.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION


  Subject: Student Success Program Student Activity Sheet  

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________

Class number: _______ Date: ________________

3. Rate your plan’s Confidence based on how  sure you are of yourself to carry out that plan. 4. Rate your plan’s Coherence based on h  ow your plan matches with your overall outlook in life. 5. Rate your plan’s Likeability based on how appealing the plan looks to you right now, at this point of your life. 6. Then, write three questions you have about the plan.  You’ll find the Odyssey Plan worksheets at the end of this handout, but see below for an example of how you can fill out your own worksheets.

      This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION


  Subject: Student Success Program Student Activity Sheet  

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________

Class number: _______ Date: ________________

— REFLECT— Duration: 10 mins  Go through the questions/instructions below. You may use the back of these pages if you need more space to answer.  1. Based on what you found out about yourself through this activity, identify your short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals          

Long-term goals 

 2. How will your short-term goals affect your long-term goals?  3. Based on what you learned about yourself today, complete the statements below: 

 I want to  _____________________________________________________________________________________________.  I know I can achieve my dream and meet my goals because I can  _____________________________________________________________________________________________.   I belong to a/an (adjective) _____________________________________________ community that   will _________________________________________________________________________________________  to help me achieve my goals.  This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION


  Subject: Student Success Program Student Activity Sheet  

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________

Class number: _______ Date: ________________

 This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION


  Subject: Student Success Program Student Activity Sheet  

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________

Class number: _______ Date: ________________

 This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION


  Subject: Student Success Program Student Activity Sheet  

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________

Class number: _______ Date: ________________

 This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION


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