Say Mean Matter Quotes PDF

Title Say Mean Matter Quotes
Course College Writing 2: Critical Thinking, Writing
Institution Irvine Valley College
Pages 15
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This is a mandatory assignment that has quotes and analysis which you will use as a part of your 20 page final
Professor Ozima...


Say Mean Matter Student Fear Factor Say



“Regardless of the path that had led each student to college, enrolling in college courses proved to be an immensely stressful transition” (21)

No matter how someone got to college (straight out of high school, returning) it is common to experience stress.

This matters to me and others because it makes us feel like we are not the only ones experiencing such emotions. It is important to acknowledge that so we can learn on how to manage our stress and not let it stop us from the reason why we are attending college.

“Students fresh from high school, for instance, indicated that the transition into college represented a crucial threshold to adulthood” (21)

This means that students that go to college straight from high school experience a fast shift into adulthood

This matters to me and others because it is important to understand personal adjustments that come with advancing to a higher education.

“Nearly every students viewed a college degree as essential to her future, they were all embarking on high-stakes ventures” (24)

This means that most students do not go to college for the benefit of learning or the experience but for the degree. They believe it is necessary for a successful future.

This matters to me and others because whether we are attending college for the certificate, knowledge, or degree we must respect each other's needs. It is important to understand this because there are a variety of goals present in a classroom but we must all work together to reach them.

“I felt like he was this so-smart guy that I’m going to look really stupid in his eyes if I ask him any questions at all. And I don’t feel comfortable asking him anything.” (26)

This means that oftentimes students feel like they are not on the same level as the professors which causes tension and interrupts their learning due to them not being able to find a common relationship.

This matters to me and others because all of us have professors or someone that is providing us with knowledge and it is only fair for us to be comfortable in our own learning environment. This is important because tension between professors and their students causes hesitation which results in them not feeling comfortable asking

questions, which is key to learning. Students talk about how they feel stressed, intimidated, and end up doubting their own abilities when attending college.

This text showed that for many students, it is uneasy to attend college due to the amount of stress and responsibility it can provide on an individual.

This matters to me and others because we are all attending college and acknowledging emotions such as stress, intimidation can help us manage them. It is important because if we do not learn how to properly deal with our emotions, we may limit our own abilities.

“Students who feared composition class did not necessarily perceive their high school preparation as adequate.” (28)

This means that the reason why some students may fear certain courses is they were not correctly prepared in high school.

This matters because we all come from a different background of education and it is highly important that when we come to college, we understand and acknowledge that we might have to work harder than others because of the way they were prepared in the past. Understanding that can help us acknowledge that we all have different values of success.

“Several students noted that taking classes at the community college had made them change their minds about transferring to a four-year college.” (30)

This means that for some students who went to college with a goal to continue their education after, decided not to because of the stress it brought to them.

This matters because all students have different goals for the future and it is important to learn to manage our stress and time to not let the struggles in assignments or courses stop us from pursuing our goals.

“Quitting is the ultimate fear management strategy, because it offers a means of eliminating the source of anxiety; however, students did not necessarily opt out of school altogether” (32)

For some students, when they are scared of failing, their “go to” was to quit the course in order to avoid the struggle rather than persevere through the class.

This matters to me and others because if we understand that quitting is not the only option to get rid of the fear, we will look for new ways to preserve through assignments.

“A fear management strategy

This means that students

This is important to me and

was to redefine success and failure. Some students, who described advantages that sprang from specific experiences of failure, exhibits remarkable resilience in the face of disappointment and derailed plans” (34)

automatically viewed their actions as failures or successes, rather than building from them. Everybody has their own definition of failure and success.

others because it helps us understand that it is unreasonable for students to compare each other because we are all aiming for different goals. Whether it is to receive an A in the class, to understand a subject, or to pass the class.

“For those who did pass the course, one of the most important lessons was that when they submitted the writing assignments, their deepest fears were disproved.” (40)

This means that most of the students' stress was relieved after they submitted an assignment. It shows how much stress a single assignment can be given to an individual.

This matters to me and others because although one single assignment can cause nervousness, it is not worth dropping the class if the fear of that assignment will be gone after it is submitted. It is important to understand that perseverance is key to success.

“They had been able to overcome their fears without resorting to passive strategies of disengagement or dropping out.” (40)

This means that the students who have persevered through the course found ways to manage their time instead of dropping the class in order to relieve their stress.

This is highly important to understand for me and others because after all the stress, students were able to push through their fears and overcome them which prepared them for the future. This is important because once again it proves, perseverance is key to success.

Say Mean Matter Challenge Personality Awareness September 18, 2020 Say



“People inevitably experience challenges when they are trying to grow and change” (O’Connor 1).

This means that challenges are completely normal especially if a person is working on bettering themselves.

This matters because since we are all people we will all experience challenges but it is important to make sure they are worth it.

“Challenges are important to stretch and cause people to grow” (O’Connor 1).

This means that without challenges, humans will not experience any self growth.

This matters because we must treasure our time and not waste our time on things that will not matter in the future.

“There are two distinct decision-making pathways in the brain: the rational, and the emotional” (O’Connor 2).

This means that our brain either responds with logic behind the decision, or strictly with the wants of an individual.

This matters because as people it is important to make decisions not just emotionally, but also rationally to have a better outcome.

“Humans over time have developed certain irrational fears like public speaking, fear of failure etc” (O’Connor 2).

This means that a challenge that many people face is talking in front of others which is crucial for communication.

This matters because public speaking is something that is crucial in order for someone to understand the thoughts behind your decisions, and without public speaking it will be difficult to convey our emotions.

“Positive self beliefs emanate from positive emotions, driven by neutral networks associated with positive feelings, which encourage the belief that one hast he ability, power and influence to succeed despite challenging situations” (O’Connor 3).

This means that positive thoughts often cause people to push through the challenges successfully and accomplish their goal.

This matters because if we all learn to persevere and focus on the overall goal, the challenges will not seem as difficult and we will be more willing to overcome them.

“Negative self beliefs emanate from negative emotions, driven by neutral networks associated with

This means that negative thoughts have been known to be discouraging when someone is trying to

This matters because we often put ourselves down whether something is too difficult, or not in our interest.

negative feelings, which cause people to doubt their abilities and influence over a situation” (O’Connor 3).

accomplish a task they had set.

However that mindset is exactly what stops us from reaching our goals.

“Although one's challenge personality can be different for different challenges, a person's response to a challenge that triggers the fear and the threat centers of the brain, directly correlated to their typical response to challenges that make them feel fearful, doubtful and/or threatened” (O’Connor 5).

This means that it is not the challenge that makes the person discouraged, it is the way they choose to handle it and the way they respond to it.

This matters because responding to challenges correctly does not only cause us to be more successful in the long run, but reduces the amount of stress we can receive.

“Is this challenge important to my future” (O’Connor 5)?

This means that asking this question can save the stress especially if the challenge is not worth the fight.

This matters because asking this question is what determines whether or not we will benefit from what is happening.

“Am I approaching this challenge with a champion persona” (O’Connor 5)?

This means that approaching the challenge with a champion persona can cause people to respond to challenges positively with logical thinking.

This matters because if we are not approaching a challenge with a champion persona, we will most likely not be able to push through it.

“Champion Challenge Personality response is generated from the pleasure and rewards centers of the brain, fueled by positive emotions and self belief, and follows the emotionally intelligent decision making path; combining logic and emotions effectively to create a desired outcome” (O’Connor 4).

This means that when thinking with a champion persona, one is most likely to succeed in what they had planned because of the way they chose to respond to a certain struggle.

This matters because having a champion persona helps people be confident within their choices and be smart about their actions.

Say Mean Matter Brainology September 24, 2020 Say



“Can a growth mindset be taught directly to kids? If it can be taught, will it enhance their motivation and grades” (S.Dweck 4)?

This means that there has been debate whether or not a growth mindset is something that one is born with, or something that is adapted later on.

This matters because understanding this topic avoids an individual from failing because they know that everything is in their hands and they are acquired to change, rather than thinking they were born with a certain mindset.

“Many students had seen school as a place where they performed and were judged, but now understand they understood that they had an active role to play in the development of their minds” (S.Dweck 4).

This means that many students viewed going to school as an assessment because of the way class is structured meaning they did not fully feel comfortable or themselves until they realized the development it could lead to.

This matters because if teachers understand what goes on through the mind of their students, they will have a better connection which helps convey information in a clearer format.

“The growth mindset, while not denying that performance differences might exist portrays abilities as acquirable and sends a particularly encouraging message to students who have been negatively stereotypes - one that they respond to with renewed motivation and engagement” (S.Dweck 4).

This means that a growth mindset is not only a positive way of thinking, but also tends to naturally encourage an individual.

This matters because if we shift our brains just into thinking happy thoughts, we will notice ourselves getting further in life.

“Teachers also reported changes in their students, saying that they had become more active and eager learners… offer to practice, study, take notes or pay attention to ensure that connections with be made”

This means that Brainology has changed the thinking of many students and their view on education causing them to perform better in school.

This matters because this program can be used to help many students with understanding and looking at education from a different point of view rather than their own.

(S.Dweck 5). “In six computer modules, students learn about the brain and how to make it work better. They follow two hip teens through their school day, learn how to confront and solve schoolwork problems, and create study plans. They visit a state-of-the-art virtual brain lab, do brain experiments, and find out such things as how the brain changes with learning — how it grows new connections every time students learn something new” (S.Dweck 5).

This means that the experiment that was conducted gave an insight to how students performed in different situations, which led to the students self improvement due to the fact that they were able to make personal connections while practicing this course.

This matters because this program allows students to better themselves as individuals and learners and has led to an increase of better performance in schools.

“They loved the idea that the growth of the brains was in their hands” (S.Dweck 4).

This means that a type of mindset an individual might have is a fluctuating factor of someone's brain meaning it can change throughout different parts of life.

This matters because this concept has been the reason why many people have succeeded in life.

“Even though they had learned many useful study skills, they did not have the motivation to put them into practice” (S.Dweck 4).

This means that no matter how much information might provide a teacher, or how much instruction they can give the students, without motivation the work of students will never be its best.

This matters because it is not enough just to complete tasks to progress, the correct mindset is just as important for success.

“Abilities as acquirable and send a particularly encouraging message to students who have been negatively stereotyped - one that they respond to with renewed motivation and engagement” (S.Dweck 4).

This means that abilities a person may have are not only considered talents, they can be adaptable and taught depending on the motivation of an individual.

This matters because understanding this concept can cause students to be more open minded with what they can and cannot do.

“I did change my mind about how the brain works… I will

This means that when trying to achieve something, it is

This matters because these concepts are the reasons

try harder because I know that the more you try, the more your brain works” (S.Dweck 5).

important to have motivation and dedication.

many individuals became successful.

“To do this, we have begun to develop a computer-based program called Brainology” (S.Dweck 5).

This means that brainology is a developed course which helps different students adapt to a growth mindset.

This matters because Brainology is just one of the courses that has led people to learn to shift their minds and to think broader.

Say Mean Matter The Brain Mindset Problems September 24, 2020 Say



“The notion of intelligence as something innate and fixed has been supplanted by the idea that intelligence is instead something malleable” (Hendrick 1).

This means that intelligence is known to be something that an individual can either approve on or worse, and is interchangeable.

This matters because understanding such a concept can cause success just with the mind.

Growth mindset theory is a relatively new – and wildly popular – iteration of this belief in the malleability of intelligence, but with a twist. (Hendrick 2)

This means that a growth mindset is part of having impressive intelligence.

This matters because understanding the importance of intelligence can inspire many different aspects of the minds.

“However a growth mindset is not really about motivation, but rather about the way in which individuals understand their own intelligence.” (Hendrick 2)

This means that having a growth mindset does not require one to be motivated to get it.

This matters because it shows how there's more to success than just motivation.

“Dweck’s work suggests that when people believe that failure is not a barometer of innate characteristics but rather view it as a step to success (a growth mindset), they are far more likely to put in the kinds of effort that will eventually lead to that success.” (Hendrick 3)

This means that when people are highly motivated for something, they are more likely to succeed in what they are doing.

This matters because motivation often can spark people to succeed in life.

“those who believe that success or failure is due to innate ability (a fixed mindset) can find that this leads to a fear of failure and a lack of effort.” (Hendrick 3)

This means that having a fixed mindset often leads people to failing from reaching their goals.

This matters because since mindsets are interchangeable, it is important we take that into our advantage.

“The key to encouraging this disposition is to praise the

This means that it is important to be proud of the

This matters because effort serves as inspiration for

effort and not the ability.” (Hendrick 4)

effort one is putting into their own work which will serve as motivation.

people to succeed.

“People with a growth mindset don’t cope any better with failure” (Hendrick 7)

This means that although there are two different mindsets, when people fail they tend to react similarly.

This matters because when putting all our differences aside, we are all the same underneath.

“Kids with the growth mindset aren’t getting better grades, either before or after our intervention study.” (Hendrick 7)

This means that although there are two different types of mindsets, it rarely impacts how students perform at school.

This matters because when putting all our differences aside, we are all the same underneath.

“ And it’s not just in the classroom where she feels that ...

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