They Say I Say Templates PDF

Title They Say I Say Templates
Course English 102
Institution Montgomery College
Pages 4
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Prof. Wilson Engl 102 4 Pages of Templates Pg.2 Many Americans assume that the US is the best country in the world. Others are more complicated. On the one hand, many believe that guns should be banned, on the other hand, some believe that gun ownership should be allowed. Author X contradicts herself. At the same time that she argues that guns should be she also implies that the rate of killing would decrease by doing so. I agree that guns should be banned. This is not to say that we should undermine all the rights granted to American citizens through the constitution. Pg.8 She argues that guns should be banned, and I agree because it is proven by facts and statistics that it will have a positive impact on society. Her argument that banning guns will reduce the killings that occur is supported by new research showing that countries who ban gun ownership have a lower rate of deaths due to gun violence than ones who allow it. He claims that the capital punishment should be allowed, and I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I agree that killing a person justifies that killing is acceptable in that society and can have a negative sociological impact. On the other hand, I still insist that people with serious crimes and whom can be a remaining threat to the rest of society should be separated, however not necessarily killed.

Pg.23 Templates for Introducing What “THE SAY” A number of sociologists have recently suggested that X’s work has several fundamental problems. It has become common today to dismiss the effects of food ingredients on general health. In their recent work, Y and Z have offered harsh critiques of incomplete information on their nutritional facts label for increasing their sale. Pg.23-24 Introducing “Standard Views” Americans tend to believe that there is not much wrong with fast foods and processed foods. Conventional wisdom has it that processed food is not good for you. Common sense seems to dictate that the government should regulate the company's food labels. The standard way of thinking about Topic X has it that benefits of food labeling on public health. It is often said that food labeling has no effects on public health. My whole life I have heard it said that Nutella can be the best breakfast for people however it does not contain any nutrients that your body needs for breakfast at all. You would think that food labeling cannot be very helpful to public health. Many people assumed that food labeling can help to fix malnutrition. Pg.24-25 “THEY SAY” SOMETHING YOU SAY I’ve always believed that food labeling can significantly decrease obesity in our society. When I was a child, I used to think that Nutella is good for your body. Although I should know better by now, I cannot help thinking that Nutella can really damage your body.

At the same time that I believe Nutella is not a good choice for breakfast meal, I also believe having Nutella twice a week for a breakfast meal is not harmful to your body. Pg.25 Introducing Something Implied or Assumed Although none of them has ever said so directly, my teachers have often given me the impression that I should participate more in class discussions. One implication of X’s treatment of his disagreeing with my topic is that he does not pay attention to my presentation. Although X does not say so directly, she apparently assumes that more regulations on food labeling cannot help public health. Pg. 64-66 AGREEING AND DISAGREEING SIMULTANEOUSLY Although I agree with X up to a point, I cannot accept his overall conclusion that food labeling has not helped general health. Although I disagree with much that X says, I fully endorse his final conclusion that more regulation on food labeling can be effective on general health. Though I concede that there are some issues in food labeling, I still insist that the nutritional facts label is very beneficial for public health. Whereas X provides ample evidence that some companies have cheated on food labeling, Y and Z’s research on the majority of companies have done food labeling without cheating and the nutritional facts are absolutely correct convinces me that we should rely on food labels instead. Pg. 61-64 Agreeing--With a Difference I agree that using the nutritional facts label can make you a more healthy person because my experience in weight loss confirms it.

X surely is right about the effects of food labeling on lowering obesity because, as she may not be aware, recent studies have shown that after a significant regulation on food labeling in 2015, the obesity has decreased. X’s theory of lowering the obesity by using food labeling is extremely useful because it sheds insight on the difficult problem of obesity issue in current U.S society. I agree that there should be more regulation on new food labels, a point that needs emphasizing since so many people believe current food labels does not need any newer regulations. If group X is right that there should be more regulation on food labeling, as I think they are, then we need to reassess the popular assumption that we should completely rely on food labels. Pg. 46-47 EXPLAINING QUOTATIONS Basically, X is saying recent legislation on food labeling has helped consumers a lot. In other words, X believes these regulations were made to help society and increase general awareness about food’s nutritional facts....

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