SCD200-Nutrition 101-film Project PDF

Title SCD200-Nutrition 101-film Project
Course Introductory Nutrition
Institution LaGuardia Community College
Pages 3
File Size 59.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Film Project for SCD200


SCD 200 Prof. Corinne Gress Weight of the Nation Film Project

1a. According to the 2016 National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH), the current rates of obesity in children and teens are from low 19.2 percent to high 37.7 percent. The rates of the obesity in adults are varied to high and low in the united states. Five states have obesity rates up to 35% and high 30% in 25 states with Virginia having the highest at 37.7% and Colorado having the lowest at 22.3%. 1b. The rates are currently continuing the upward climb due to many states such as Colorado, Minnesota, Washington, and West Virginia having increased adult obesity rates. But there are also some states that have decreased and stable obesity rates. 2a. Before viewing this film, the factors that I thought contributed overeating and obesity were over-advertised unhealthy food, low priced junk food that attracts poor family and increase in Fast Food restaurant near living areas. 2b. The film did change my view on obesity and I happen to find that genes, nature and nurture happen to play a key role that lead to the increase in obesity. 3a. The causes of death that are connected to obesity mostly fall in to Cardiovascular disease, leading to high blood pressure, high cholesterol and hyper tension. 3b. The knowledge of obesity's strong connection to several leading causes of death makes me view obesity in more of a major serious health issue that needs to be addressed through out countries. Also, obesity needs to be overlooked carefully for children who have high chances of developing overweigh diseases, otherwise the consequences can be critical during their adulthood.

4a. I think the obesity epidemic has increased over the last three decades because of less attention toward their weight, decision on overeating rather than exercising and rise in low income family that choose cheap fast food as their main food source. 4b. The changes in our communities that contribute to increase in obesity are the increase in establishment of fast food companies and openings of the restaurant almost everywhere for the companies to make profit with no regard and concern of obesity toward their customer. 5a. What I found interesting about the statistics that represent the people and places most affected by obesity is that Non-Hispanic blacks and Hispanics have the highest obesity rates and based on where I live, I do see lot of overweigh Hispanics and Non-Hispanics black. The statistics completely makes sense to me from how it matches to my observation. 5b. The changes I will propose to reduce the weight of the State is by promoting more physical activities on obese children and adult by creating more park and playground, allowing schools to distribute healthy food during breakfast and lunch, convincing parents to focus more on their children health and weight condition, add health class in public school that educates students about consequences of being obese and P.E class as a major requirement which will flow positive health condition.

Reference Sheet Obesity Rates & Trends. (n.d.). Retrieved September 23, 2017, from

Overweight & Obesity. (2017, August 29). Retrieved September 23, 2017, from

H. (2012, May 14). Retrieved September 23, 2017, from

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