Script the opposite of amnesia PDF

Title Script the opposite of amnesia
Author Ana Aragon
Course Advanced Screenwriting
Institution Middlesex University London
Pages 7
File Size 38.6 KB
File Type PDF
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BLACK SCREEN VOICEMAIL The number you're trying to contact is currently unavailable please record your message after the tone. Loud voicemail beeping tone. ALEX (V.O) Hey, hi, yeah, hm it's me. Long time no see. INT. UBER CAR - DAY Alex, 22, wearing all black and still with a jacket on. She is sitting in the back seat, keeps alternating between looking out the window and looking at her phone. Her surroundings outside are very green, a lot of trees and sun. ALEX (V.O) I'm calling just to say I'm on my way, to the retreat and everything. I accepted your Facebook invite or whatever but, Anyway hope that's okay. The car stops. The Uber driver gets out of the car and opens the truck. Alex takes a deep breath and opens the car door. ALEX (V.O) Maddy is taking me to the airport so, guess I'll see you soon. Bye mum. EXT. MAIN GARDEN - DAY Alex gets out of the car and takes her bag out of the truck. ALEX Thanks a lot. The Uber driver nods, gets inside the car and drives away. Alex looks around her, she sees only women, all of them wearing all white summery clothes. Alex looks behind her, there's a big river, some of the women have their feet inside it while sitting on the grass. Although standing right in front of Alex there's a tiny woman, Ella, 58, curly grey hair, a long white dress and so many necklaces with feathers of different colours.

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2. ELLA Hello, dear. Ella hands a printed program to Alex and keeps smiling even while speaking. ELLA Would you like some lemonade? We did manage to find you a room at the end, vey lucky, lucky, lucky. Hm, should thank the universe really. Ella starts walking fast towards the house. Alex follows her confused. ALEX Thank, thank you! I appreciate that. I'm feeling kinda lost not gonna lie. Ella stops all of a sudden, making Alex almost bump into her. ELLA I can feel it in your aura. You'll soon find your place, child. ALEX Right. Ella keeps smiling big, too big. She starts walking even faster towards the house again. Alex waits a couple of seconds but then follows Ella again. ELLA Lemonade? ALEX No I think I'm okay. Can I ask, wait, wait for me. Would you happen to know where my mum is? I kinda need to s... (speak to her). ELLA Mum? ALEX Right, Alexis? ELLA Oh.

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3. EXT. HOUSE OUTSIDE PATIO - DAY Ella stops and turns around to analyse Alex's face, then she looks her up and down. Alex takes a step back. ALEX The Master is meditating, she needs to collect as much information as possible before we start. ALEX Right. The house has two floors and is completely made out of stone on the outside. It's no more than 5 minutes walking form the river. Ella walks inside the house without hesitating. Alex stops, looks around her, bites one of her nails for a second and then walks in. INT. HOUSE ENTRANCE - DAY The house has almost no furniture besides a wood altar with different candles and pictures of Alexis and of all the members of the group together in other events. Above it a big sign saying "Welcome to the Female Energy Retreat". Alex looks at the printed program Ella gave her and sees the same exact title. The program has different hours and activities, some have the word "obligatory" in front of the activity. ALEX What's your name again? ELLA Ella. ALEX Are you in charge of this? ELLA No, no one's in charge, we are a family. We help the master. Alex tries not to laugh as she sees it all. She puts her bag down on the floor. ALEX Right. Anything I can help with? ELLA No, no. Ah, actually, what's your power animal in your totem dear? Need Created using Celtx

4. to know for todays dinner game. ALEX My? Power what? I don't, I don't think I know. ELLA Well that's strange. ALEX Is it? Right, it is strange. I'm sorry. Ella gets a glass of lemonade and hands it to Alex. ELLA Lemonade. I'm sure the Master will find a solution. Go now, catch some sun. Alex takes the lemonade glass and smiles back at Ella. She kneels near her backpack and takes her camera out. Alex puts the camera around her neck and leaves the house. EXT. RIVER EDGE - DAY Alex sits down near the river and puts her lemonade glass on the grass. She takes some pictures of her surroundings. She stops, lays on the grass and looks through her pictures. She zooms in one of the pictures and sees there's a dead bird near the river, the more she zooms the clearer the wound gets, it is like someone ripped his chest in half. Alex sits back up. She takes a deep breathe and walks towards the bird. As soon as she's close enough to see it the bird makes noise and flies away. Getting very confused, Alex still manages to take a picture of it while it's flying. Alex's phone rings. It's Maddy, her fiancé. She answers the phone and starts walking back to where she was sitting before. ALEX Hey there, baby.

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5. MADDY (V.O.) Hi sugar cake, did you arrive? You said you'd call. Alex lays back down on the grass in the exact same spot. ALEX I know, I only just got here. Everything is weird already tho, like so weird. MADDY (V.O.) I'm sorry baby, I'm sure it'll become easier. ALEX Right I know, but like listen to this, I was given a retreat program, and it's mad, she's literally micromanaging when I eat, sleep, what I do, soon enough when I bloody poop too. MADDY (V.O.) Ah I'm sorry for that honey. I'm sure you don't HAVE TO follow it. Alex tries to put her hands behind her head but in the process turns her lemonade all over herself, the grass and the camera. ALEX Fucking hell. MADDY (V.O.) What? Alex tries to clean the camera with her hands and clothing. ALEX Just turned lemonade all over my camera but I think it's fine. Fuck. (Cont') And, right yeah, but, I don't know, some of the activities say "Obligatory". It feels like I'm 3 again and my mummy is telling what to do. I swear I was right tho. MADDY (V.O.) Oh I hope the camera is fine I'm Created using Celtx

6. sorry. Nah, I don't believe you. Is it really? ALEX I'm telling you, it's a cult, the cultist cult ever. Maddy laughs it off, Alex rolls her eyes but starts laughing too. MADDY (V.O.) Nah, come on at least try. ALEX Right, listen to me, they are all wearing like all white, asking me about my power animals or whatever, there's an altar with her pictures all over and candles and shit. MADDY (V.O.) Sounds like a book club to me. ALEX Oh yeah right right, bet it does. Ohhh and I saw a dead bird come back to life. Explain that miss. Maddy burst into laughter. ALEX Yeah, yeah, you laugh now, but if your fiancé, your dear fiancé, comes back as a zombie and eats your brain, you'll see, you won't laugh then. MADDY (V.O.) We could be zombies together babe, could be fun, kinda hot, raw. (Cont') Please, I'm sorry but Just talk to your mum! I need to send the wedding invites and all that jazz. Alex gets up, tries to clean the lemonade some more of her jeans and t-shirt. ALEX Right, fuck, fine, I'll try my best. I love you more than letters, words and sentences. Created using Celtx


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