Self-marketing plan s504398 Nguyen PDF

Title Self-marketing plan s504398 Nguyen
Author Chi Nguyen
Course Digital and Social Media Marketing
Institution Griffith University
Pages 7
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SELF-MARKETING PLAN Assignment 2: Self Marketing 3029MKT

Chi Nguyen S5043984

Executive Summary This report is about my career path analysis. I am on my last year of completing my Bachelor of Commerce major in accounting from Griffith University. This report first discusses the observations regarding job advertisements by noting the skills companies focus on. then the report presents a career path based on short and long-term goals. For this, I have presented my short-term goal to complete my degree on time and secure a parttime in the industry. In the long-term, I hope to become a successful public accountant in five years and work at a good scale firm. It is for this reason that I have developed SMART objectives which are specific measurable, achievable, relevant, and time oriented. The Second task in my career plan is self-positioning by focusing on the abilities, characteristics, and experience. Association, flexibility, great correspondence, and basic reasoning are my highest aptitudes. My characteristics incorporate sincerely and uprightness. My experience is that I have worked before as a bookkeeper in a low maintenance position, I can communicate in two dialects, and a qualify MYOB certificate. A SWOT examination has distinguished my work insight, bilingual information, and capabilities as my qualities. Then again, my shortcomings incorporate the way that I lack self-confidence. However, opportunities exist such as expanding position requests. The main threat identified is a vulnerability in the market. For self-design, I have use methodologies for individual situating, including the 4 Ps of prowess, physical cues, persona, and preferences. I have recognized LinkedIn as the web-based media foundation of decision to feature my abilities and present myself to expected managers. The thing might not go accordingly, created assessment and possibilities methodologies to guarantee that I stay on course. One of my contingencies is that I keep track of my progress. Also, record meeting with the business that I apply for and those not. I will develop those regions that I feel are blocking my advancement, regardless of whether it is updating my resume or e-portfolio. Thusly, I am idealistic that I will land the position I need inside a sensible time.

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Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 3 Career Path Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 3 Career Goals ................................................................................................................................................ 3 Self – Positioning ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Self-Design ................................................................................................................................................... 5 Self-Promotion ............................................................................................................................................ 6 Evaluation and Contingencies .................................................................................................................. 6 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 6 References .................................................................................................................................................... 6

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Introduction Due to the general rapidly growing and unpredictable marketplace, it has become imperative to build skills that the industry needs. This is the reason it is fundamental for one to consider oneself an item. Consequently, we need to establish an individual promotion strategy by pursuing explicit advances. This article is about my own showcasing strategy as I build a professional way to become a successful public accountant in Australia. This sort of an account handles an organization's inward records and collects data of economic consequences could be generated by corporation actions made to increase substantially and expand sales volumes. I have sketched out my career path and goals using my SWOT analysis, strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats that present me in my undertaking for a successful career. In specific, I will use web-based media resources such as YouTube and LinkedIn to build up my expert profile which will introduce me to my dream jo and prospective employers. At last, I have put possibility methodologies and assessment techniques to screen my progression.

Career Path Analysis As I have mention above in my introduction my chosen professional is to be a public accountant. According to (Austin, 1974), career path is the board intends to assist a worker with understanding self-improvement and self-acknowledgment and accomplish the profession objectives on the fundamental of social and market climate. As for me accounting is my dream jobs. For this job ads look at people that can undertake industry professional roles and responsibilities such as reviewing, reconciling business transaction, reports, and records statements. What this means is that adds target individuals with education, experience, hard and soft skill (personality traits). At this point, apply for an internship relate to my field since I am still yet to graduate with no earlier work insight. Then I will work toward become a public accountant in Australia in the next five year for me this is a feeling of satisfaction and achievement. After I graduate from university with my degree, my immediate plan is to starts my career looking for work at an entry level in little and medium-scale firms. Thereafter, I will also enrol into some online course to further my studies on taxation to see how to do a tax return. Getting a job will help me gaining proficiency by the fourth year is vital for me because by the fifth year I will be able to become professional public accountant. My strengths are that I can adapt myself to new environment quickly, work ethics and technology skills. As English is my second languages, I’m lack of confident when speaking in front of the audience but I taught myself that I can improve this by fight against my fear. Opportunities is that accountant will be in demand and as there are numerous passage level alumni accountant occupations. Along with this, there are threats such as artificial intelligence (robotics), recession is uncertainty and low salary.

Career Goals Plan a short-term goal and long-term goals efficiency for me to work more clearly toward my career goal. Using the SMART by Peter Drucker (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time oriented) to perform an analysis using these examinations and tactics can assist me with Page | 3

turning into a superb public accountant. My short-term goal is to graduate from University by the end of the year and secure a part time job at a company. From this part time job, it would assist me with seeing how to manage customers on a going premise and put my theory to action by apply aptitudes that I have acquired at college. Able to perform reconciliation for the company and provide transaction statement, reports are exceptionally critical skill as it ensures the company keeps track of their daily expense and revenue and no fraudulent within the organisation. Thus, it is significant important for me to build up these would help me as a person to provide the right data. My long-term goal is be a successful public accountant this is firmly connected to my shortterm goal. To achieve my long-term goal, I will attend the company's training session or online session to better familiarise myself with substantial professional growth. Furthermore, I will need to study how to use technology systems such as MYOB or ZERO as it plays an essential role in accounting practices. Hence, I will update my skill in database management so that within two or three years I will familiarize with technology software.

Self – Positioning I am an imminent alumnus from Griffith University, pursuing a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in accounting degree. I am hoping to propel my career in the industry to build up my insight and critical thinking aptitudes in a real-world and interactive manner. As previously mention in my career goals, I wan to become a public accountant and work for a high scale organisation that is well known. It requires variety skilled of different areas to be a successful in the accounting profession and can complete tasks set in time limits. As I spend time studies at Griffith University it helps enhance my skill which has made me a highly qualified accountant. Furthermore, through my previous internship employment from an accounting firm I have grown my proficiency profession. I am certain I have the ability, or I believe I am better position for a successful accountant, as I have the vital characteristic that would add to my profession. Addition, I am bilingual can communicate in both English and Vietnamese is a competitive advantage for me in my profession. Especially I can stand out from my colleagues as I can work and communicate with people from different cultural and lead to increasing customers for the organisation. Other skill that I process is the capacity to tackle issues, this allow me to solve problems and provide decision making out of the box approach and handle task in productive manner and efficient. Secondly, formal communication skill is the key ingredient or skills in every career, but they are the defences of my profession. Working in retail as a sale assistant wherein I had to communicate with customers to buy the products have helped me develop and increasing my public confident skills. From my SWOT analysis I can get to know my position in the industry. My strength is that I am bilingual, previous work experience and proper degree and training from University. My weakness is lack of self confidence and I am yet to acquire profound mastery in the field. I can further my studies on taxation course which can expand my career this is opportunities. Threats could be low salaries pay and vulnerability on the market.

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Self-Design Personal branding is how to commercialize yourself with others by identify a set of 4 P’s of marketing which are product, promotion, place, and price. At another time, these 4 P’s can apply equally to marketing yourself as to marketing products and service. They are modified into power, physical cue, persona, and preferences (presentation). A. Prowess For my education I have completed my MST accounting course which mean I can work in an accounting field with this certificate. Also, I also done a Business diploma program from Griffith University and lastly my undergraduate accounting degree. My pears or manager said that I’m always efficient in my work, punctual and willing to learn with courageous attitude. Working in a retail industry require a lot of patient, which I learnt the excitement when able to sell or a sense of achievement when your customers are satisfy with the service. However, I know that I’m still at infancy for my professional level as an accountant, but I know that I would be able to become a successful public accountant. Hard and soft skills that I have is that I have a diploma of MYOB software, a certificate of ECOMAN from Commonwealth. B. Physical Cues I am 22-year-old female, my ethnicity Vietnamese. For last decade there is a lot of discrimination in workplace, I’m aware of this as in my case is my race. This can lead to diminished opportunities due to inequalities in the workplace and my gender can be a problem as well. I agree that healthy mind can deal with pressure easier in troublesome circumstances and to me I can accomplishes effectiveness at work. Moreover, professional appearance can make progress at interview and likewise I need to look respectable. I always make sure to dress professional, to top it up I have customized suit to be the top-notch applicant. I would use cosmetic like make-up and perfume to enhance my appearance. C. Persona I have a rich character in that I am benevolent hearted, idealistic, active, liberal, sure, autonomous, hilarious, straight, and valiant and youthful. My qualities and mentalities incorporate dignity, duty, and moral uprightness. I believe in equity and freedom. I likewise accept that solid hard-working attitudes should be all together in each perspective work as the executive's bookkeepers, whenever affected by helpless hard-working attitudes can prompt wrong advice and helpless business choices. D. Preferences- Presentation I have confidence in social equity and love for all mankind notwithstanding their strict affiliations. As far as I might be concerned, genuine religion is tied in with serving individuals and aiding those out of luck. I accept a head of any nation's essential objective ought to be to end destitution and shape the nation overall and ought not to be tied in Page | 5

with making the rich, more extravagant, and poor people, more unfortunate. My strict view is different as I accept an individual ought to be permitted to follow any religion of their decision.

Self-Promotion I would utilize the LinkedIn application for my self-advancement since this site where just about three in each fourth businesses see an ideal occupation up-and-comer's profile to assess them. Also, I could speak with others and see what my competitive are doing as this platform has a major viewer and it easy to see job advertisement from my profession. Thusly, I won't just make more companions, however I will likewise change myself to meet the market. Likewise, I desire to use the customary introductory letter, resume and meeting because of their capability to demonstrate my capacity, and show proof of my mastery. I update my resume which would show case my strengths and knowledge so potential employers can understand the candidate. Additionally, I would make my own site with an e-portfolio. This would grandstand my abilities and aptitudes in an exceptionally creative manner and to have my profile stick out while giving a serious edge over different applicants. I would have my social media account update to be more professional and delete contain that is not suitable to ensure I present a positive image. Lastly, I will make sire that my grammar is accurate and appropriate use of language.

Evaluation and Contingencies To achieve my long-term goal of become a public accountant, I will update my skills and knowledge during job-hunting for the first 2 years. I will enrol to a CPA course can be from university or from an organisation. I will list down all the company I have applied to and monitor the progress the performance of my job search. Then I will make a note of the company I have been call for an interview and not. I will figure out what is the hindrance approaching my finding a new line of work, I will have the option to correct it.

Conclusion Through this report, I have introduced an arrangement that diagrams my career path analysis, both short and long term, my strengths, shortcomings, opportunities, and threats. Having the promoting plan will successfully fabricate my own image to make me saw by scouts and bosses. A decent showcasing plan includes the 4 P's which are the item, spot, cost, and advancement. These have been very much clarified in the report introduced previously.

References Austin. (1974). Social Problems. The Social Bases of Welfare Stigma, 648–657. Retrieved from

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