Seminar assignments - Black Lives Matter Speech Outline PDF

Title Seminar assignments - Black Lives Matter Speech Outline
Course Public Oral Communication
Institution Indiana University Bloomington
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Black Lives Matter Speech Outline...


Anna Radway September 24, 2015 Instructor Greenwood Introduction I.

Black Lives Matter. Trans Lives Matter. Hispanic Lives Matter. We all matter. We are all brothers and sisters, but our siblings are dying. II. The “Black Lives Matter” movement is an important revolution that is taking place in history today. III. The inherent issues: a. African Americans are being targeted and murdered by police officers. b. African Americans are asking to be killed by provoking the cops and making them act in self-defense. c. This is not just a matter of black lives matter, but all lives matter. [Many people would like to turn a blind eye and pretend this isn’t happening, but it is. Many people are dying and the Black Lives Matter movement is demanding that something be done about it.] Body I.

Racism in America still exists a. African Americans being targeted by police officers b. Countless amounts of deaths by cops c. Justice for no one [Racism cannot be ignored]. II. Ignoring racism is racist a. Charleston shooting b. Dylann Roof’s website c. The confederate flag [Names of people killed by police officers.] III. We shouldn’t know their names a. Take away power from police b. De-militarize c. No more army surplus [Another angle of this movement, otherwise known as We Support Our Police, is in defense of the cops saying that they are innocent.]


Cops are acting in self-defense. a. No clear story has ever been proven b. Often times, there are no tapes to prove otherwise than the cops’ word. c. No indictment of certain police officers – they are innocent.

[White police officers are being forced to respond violently to African Americans not only because of the things they are saying, but also because of the things they are doing.] II. The protests done by African Americans are violent. a. Pushing police officers to respond violently b. Setting things on fire, destroying their cities c. Fox News Article [An issue that these protests and riots cause is that the citizens of the United States are losing respect for the ones that serve and protect them.] III.

Cops are portrayed badly in the media. a. The situation is getting worse because people are reacting badly to cops. b. Only the bad is shown c. Don’t receive any credit for the good things they do. [Somewhere in-between these two extreme viewpoints, there is middle ground. In this movement, there is also a group that is focused not on African-American lives, not on the lives of police officers, but on the lives of everyone.] I.

Hispanic Lives Matter a. 2016 Presidential campaign – Donald Trump b. Homeless man being beat up c. Trump says he has passionate followers quote [Those we wouldn’t typically consider POC] II. Asian Lives Matter a. Racist towards Asians in Language b. Acts of terrorism c. Racism in the media [They have been discriminated against since the very beginning] III. In the Civil Rights Movement a. Being forced to sit in the back of the bus b. Separate doors and lunch counters c. Asians and Hispanics considered POC and discriminated against Conclusion I. Summary: a. African Americans are being targeted by police officers b. Police officers are not the bad guys c. All lives matter II. This movement is an important topic because of the racial tension it has created and continues to create in America, and because of the change that will come from it.

Works Cited

Na p ol i t a no, J udg eAn dr e wP . " Ba l t i mo r eRi ot s :WhoWi l lPr ot e c tRi ght s , Li v e sa ndPr o pe r t yo fCi t y' sRe s i d e nt s ?| Fo xNe ws . "FoxNe ws . FOXNe ws Ne t wor k, 28Apr . 20 15. We b . 24Se pt . 20 15. Fe r r i gno , Lor e nz o. " Cops :I n v oki n gTr ump, 2Me nBe a tupHo me l e s sMa nCNNPol i t i c s . c o m. "CNN. Ca bl eNe wsNe t wor k , 2 1Aug . 20 15. We b. 24 Se pt . 2 015 . But l e r , Ant he a . " Sh oot e r so fCo l orAr eCa l l e d' t e r r o r i s t s ' a nd' t h ug s . ' Wh y Ar eWh i t eShoo t e r sCa l l e d' me nt a l l yI l l ' ? "Was hi ng t onPos t . Th eWa s hi n gt on Pos t , 1 8J une201 5. We b . 24Se pt . 20 15....

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