Seminar assignments - course outline general information PDF

Title Seminar assignments - course outline general information
Author San Bh
Course Total Quality Project Management
Institution Concordia University
Pages 3
File Size 166 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 63
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course outline general information...


INSE 623 6230 0

Total Quality Project M Management anagement

(4 credits)

1. General Information      

INSE 6230: Total Quality Project Management (4 credits) Mondays: 5:45 p.m. – 8:15 p.m., FG FG-C080 -C080 Instructor: Ayda Basyouni, Ph.D., Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering, ENCS. Office: EV 7.648, extension 5621, [email protected] Office hours: Monday from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. or by appointment Course website: Moodle Website

2. Course Description 

This course teaches basic concepts and tools in project management, while emphasizing quality as an essential part in project management. Key project management processes will be discussed. Case studies will be performed.

3. Learning Outcomes 

By the end of this course, students should be able to: 1. Understand the main concepts and processes in project management 2. Perform project management analyses and produce related documents 3. Use Microsoft Project for project management

4. Course Contents The following topics will be covered (if time allowed):  Introduction to Project Management  Project Integration Management  Project Scope Management  Project Time Management  Project Cost Management  Project Quality Management  Project Human Resource Management, Project  Project Risk Management  Project Procurement Management  Project Communication Management  Project Stakeholder Management

5. Course Materials  

Textbook: o Kathy Schwalbe. Information Technology Project Management (Seventh Edition). Thomson Course Technology, 2013. ISBN: 978-1-285-84709-2. Optional references references:: o “Project Management for Construction" by Chris Hendrickson, 2003 (e-book available on-line at

________________________________________________________________________________________ INSE 6230 – Winter 2014 1



"A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)“, by the Project Management Institute, Inc. ( ) James R. Evans, William M. Lindsay. Management and Control of Quality. South-Western College Pub. 6th edition. ISBN: 0324202237.

6. Assignments and Grading 

Grading:    

Assignment(s) Mid-term Project Final Exam

10 % 20% 25% 45 %

Late Assignments: All assignments/projects will be due in class (unless otherwise specified). See the assignment for late policy. Midterm Makeup: There will be NO makeup for the midterm. In the case of a serious illness or emergency, the weight of the midterm will be moved towards the final exam. Be prepared to provide written documentation (e.g., a medical excuse from your doctor) to verify the emergency and its seriousness.

7. Academic Code of Conduct Academic Integrity Any form of cheating, plagiarism, personation, falsification of a document as well as any other form of dishonest behaviour related to the obtention of academic gain or the avoidance of evaluative exercises committed by a student is an academic offence under the Academic Code of Conduct and may lead to severe penalties up to and including suspension and expulsion. As examples only, you are not permitted to:  Copy from anywhere without indicating where it came from  Let another student copy your work and then submit it as his/her own  Hand in the same assignment in more than one class  Have unauthorized material or devices in an exam. Note that you do not have to be caught using them – just having them is an offence  Copy from someone’s else exam  Communicate with another student during an exam  Add or remove pages from an examination booklet or take the booklet out of an exam room  Acquire exam or assignment answers or questions  Write an exam for someone else or have someone write an exam for you  Submit false documents such as medical notes or student records  Falsify data or research results ________________________________________________________________________________________ INSE 6230 – Winter 2014 2

You are subject to the Academic Code of Conduct. Take the time to learn more at

8. Policies  

There is NO standard mapping between your numerical percentage grades and your final letter grades for the course Final Exam will take place during the examination period. Students should not make any specific arrangements to leave the city until the final exam date is posted.

9. Student’s Responsibilities   

Students are expected to attend every class. Some material may only be covered in class and not made available on the course website. Students are expected to read the assigned material and to actively participate in class discussions. Students are expected to be respectful of other people’s opinions and to express their own views in a calm and reasonable way. Disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated. Students are expected to be familiar with the Code of Rights and Responsibilities:

10. Student Services 

     

Concordia Counselling and Development offers career services, psychological services, student learning services, etc. The Concordia Library Citation and Cycle Guides: Advocacy and Support Services: Student Transition Centre: New Student Program: Office for Students with Disabilities: The Academic Integrity Website:

________________________________________________________________________________________ INSE 6230 – Winter 2014 3...

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