Serial Killers - Lecture notes Unit 3 PDF

Title Serial Killers - Lecture notes Unit 3
Course Forensic Science
Institution Kirkwood Community College
Pages 3
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This chapter covers the characteristics and psychological background of serial murderers. ...


Forensic Science

Serial Killers

• Serial murder- a series of murders (at least two) perpetrated usually by one offender that appears to have no motive. Separated by time.#

- Normally doesn’t target any serious relationships# - Nearly always male prompted# • Mass murder- killing of many at once (example: school shooting)# • Spree killings- two or more victims in a short time in multiple locations with almost no time break#

The Psychology#

- A serial murderer is a mix of genetics, past abuse history, brain structure, psychopathy, antisocial personality disorder, and narcissism# • Narcissism- extreme selfishness with a grandiose view of one’s own talents and a craving for admiration# • Antisocial personality disorder (sociopathy)- a person who shows no regard for right/wrong and shows no guilt or remorse# • Psychopathy- person may appear normal and charming. Underneath, they lack conscience and empathy making them manipulative, volatile, and often criminal# • Sadism- person derives pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation#

- Psychopaths have a smaller frontal cortex which is the emotional center of the brain where compassion, empathy, and emotional bonding occur# • Modus Operandi (MO)- a characteristic pattern of behavior repeated in a series of offenses assisting in the perpetration of the crime (time of day, point of entry, tool kits, story to gain entry)# • Signature or trademark- unusual behavior repeated; not required to perpetrate the crime (torture, raping, biting, taking trophies) #


Forensic Science

Organized killers:#

- Plan murders for months/years # - Are usually thought to be a productive member of society# - “Murder tool kit” (gloves, duct tape, etc)# - Highly intelligent and knowledgeable about forensic science and law enforcement# Disorganized killers:#

- Commit crimes spontaneously# - Often unemployed without transportation# - Often low intelligence or psychotic#

Most common types of serial killers# • Power-oriented- narcissistic sociopaths and sadistic. Show no empathy for their victims. Obtains pleasure from complete power and control over victims. (Ted Bundy)# • Mission-oriented- feel like they are improving the world by getting rid of undesirable people. (Gary Ridgway) # • Visionary- those who are directed by hallucinations to kill. (David Berkowitz) # • Hedonistic- gain sexual satisfaction from raping, killing, and mutilating victims. (Jeffrey Dahmer)# • Comfort- killing for financial gain, such as insurance benefits. (Golay and Rutterschmidt) # • Disciple- killing under the direction of a charismatic killer. (Charles Manson) #

- Psychological profiles are compiled from social and behavioral views, they utilize signature and trademark behaviors.#


Forensic Science

• McDonald Triad- a series of events that show early signs of serial killer tendencies. (bedwetting for no known physical cause, starting fires, and animal cruelty)#


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