SET 3 - Katie Crump PDF

Title SET 3 - Katie Crump
Course Genetics/Lab
Institution Nova Southeastern University
Pages 6
File Size 64.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Katie Crump...


SET 3 Gene(s) Inheritance is governed by information stored in discrete factors called _____

Chromosome(s) Genes are transmitted from generation to generation on vehicles called _____

Diploid/Biparental Chromosomes, which exist in pairs in _____organisms, provide the basis of _____ inheritance

Gregor Mendel/Garden Pea(s) During gamete formation, chromosomes are distributed according to postulates first described by _____, based on his 19th century research with _____

Gamete Formation Mendelian postulates prescribe that homologous chromosomes segregate from one another and assort independently with other segregating homologs during _____

Probabilities Genetic ratios, expressed as _____, are subject to chance deviation and may be evaluated statistically

Pedigree(s) The analysis of _____ allows predictions concerning the genetic nature of human traits

Transmission Genetic(s) The study of how genes are transmitted from parents to offspring


Visible features

Monohybrid Cross This is made by mating true-breeding individuals from two parent strains, each exhibiting one of the two contrasting forms of the character under study

Selfing Self fertilization of individuals from the first generation of a cross

Original Parent(s)/Parental Generation The _____ constitute the P₁ or _____

Offspring/First Filial Generation _____ of the parental generation are the F₁, or _____

Second Filial Generation Individuals resulting from the selfed F₁ generation are the F₂, or _____

Reciprocal Crosses A pair of matings in one of which a female of genotype A mates with a male of genotype B and in the other of which a female of genotype B mates with a male of genotype A

Unit Factors in Pairs/Dominance-Recessiveness/Segregation Mendel's first three postulates...

Unit Factors in Pairs Mendel's postulate: genetic characters are controlled by unit factors received from parents (each diploid individual receives one factor from each parent)

Dominance/Recessiveness Mendel's postulate: when two unlike unit factors responsible for a single character are present in a single individual, either expressed or not expressed

Segregation Mendel's postulate: during the formation of gametes, the paired unit factors separate randomly so that each gamete receives one or the other with equal likelihood

Phenotype The physical expression of a trait

Gene(s) Mendel's unit factors (which represent units of inheritance) care called _____ by modern geneticists

Allele(s) Alternate forms of a single gene

Genotype Designates the genetic makeup of an individual for the trait or traits it describes, whether the individual is haploid or diploid

Phenotype By reading the genotype, we can determine the _____ of the individual

Homozygous/Homozygote When both alleles are the same (i.e. DD or dd), the individual is _____ for the trait, or a _____

Heterozygous/Heterozygote When alleles are different (i.e. Dd or dD), the individual is _____ for the trait, or a _____

Punnett Square(s) Genotypes and phenotypes resulting from combining gametes during fertilization can be visualized by constructing a diagram called a _____

Female Vertical columns in a punnett square represent those of the _____ parent

Male Horizontal rows in a punnett square represent those of the _____ parent

Testcross Method used to discover the genotype of plants and animals by crossing an organisms expressing the dominant phenotype and unknown genotype with a known homozygous recessive individual

Consanguineous In pedigree convention, _____ (related) parents are connected by a double line

Sibs (Siblings)/Sibship In a pedigree convention, offspring are called _____ and are connected by a horizontal _____ line

Left/Right/Arabic In a pedigree convention, siblings are placed in birth order from _____ to _____ and are labeled with _____ numbers

Roman Numeral Each generation in a pedigree convention is indicated by a _____

Shaded/Expressed/Unshaded/Not Expressed

When a pedigree traces only a single trait, the circles, squares, and diamonds are _____ if the phenotype being considered is _____ and _____ if _______

Twin(s) In a pedigree convention, _____ are indicated by diagonal lines stemming from a vertical line connected to the sibship line.

Monozygotic Identical twins

Dizygotic Fraternal twins

Identical (Twins) For _____ twins, the diagonal lines stemming from the vertical sibship line are linked by a horizontal line

Proband/p The individual whose phenotype first brought attention to the family is called the ____ and is indicated by an arrow connected to the designation _____ (applies to either male or female)

Female In a pedigree convention, the circle represents a _____

Male In a pedigree convention, the square represents a _____

Sex Unknown In a pedigree convention, the diamond means _____

Albinism Autosomal recessive inheritance where synthesis of the pigment melanin is obstructed

Dominant Huntington disease is caused by an autosomal _____ allele

Dominant The key to identifying a pedigree that reflect a _____ trait is that all affected offspring will have a parent that also expresses the trait

Recessive _____ traits are not necessarily expressed in the parent, but in the offspring, and may skip a generation...

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