SET 3 - Mariam Harkas PDF

Title SET 3 - Mariam Harkas
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Nova Southeastern University
Pages 8
File Size 58.8 KB
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Mariam Harkas...


SET 3 ankyl(o)crooked, bent or stiff





-desis surgical fixation of bone or joint


lord(o)bent backward

-lysis loosening or setting free

myel(o)bone marrow

oss(e)- / oss(i)- / ost(o)- / oste(o)bone



synovi(o)- / synov(o)synovial membrane

-um noun ending

skeletal system (8 parts) consists of the bones, bone marrow, cartilage, joints, ligaments, synovial membrane, synovial fluid and bursa

periosteum 60 tough, fibrous tissue that forms the outermost covering of bone

compact bone dense, hard, and very strong bone that forms protective outer layer of bones

spongy bone 60

found in ends and inner portions of long bones - red bone marrow here

medullary (MED-you-lehr-ee) cavity 60 located in the shaft of a long bone and is surrounded by compact bone

endosteum 61 tissue that lines the medullary cavity

red bone marrow located in spongy bone - hemopoietic tissue that manufactures red blood cells, hemoglobin, white blood cells, and thrombocytes

hemopoietic pertaining to formation of blood cells

yellow bone marrow 61 functions as a fat storage area - located in the medullary cavity

cartilage smooth, rubbery, blue-white connective tissue that acts as a shock absorber between bones

articular cartilage covers the surfaces of bones where they come together to form joints - makes smooth movement possible and protects bones from rubbing against each other

meniscus 61 curved fibrous cartilage found in some joints (knee and temporomandibular joint)

diaphysis (dye-AF-ih-sis) 61

shaft of a long bone

epiphysis (eh-PIF-ih-sis) 61 covered with articular cartilage - wide end of a long bone

foramen 61 opening in a bone trough which blood vessels, nerves, and ligaments pass

process normal projection on surface of a bone that serves as an attachment for muscles and tendons

joints place of union between two or more bones - articulations

name the 3 types of joints fibrous, cartilaginous, and synovial

fibrous joint 61 inflexible layers of dense connective tissue

fontanelles 61 flexible soft spots that facilitate passage of infant through birth canal and allow for growth of skull during first year - soft spots

cartilaginous joints 62 allow only slight movement and consist of bones connected entirely by cartilage (ribs to sternum)

pubic symphysis

cartilaginous joint located between the pubic bones in the anterior of the pelvis to facilitate childbirth

synovial joint 62 created where two bones articulate to permit a variety of motions - ball and socket joints and hinge joints

name the components of a synovial joint (5) synovial capsule, synovial membrane, synovial fluid, ligaments, and bursa

synovial capsule 62 outermost layer of strong fibrous tissue that resembles a sleeve as it surrounds joint

synovial membrane 62 lines synovial capsule - secretes synovial fluid

synovial fluid 62 acts as a lubricant to make smooth movement of joint possible

ligaments 62 bands of fibrous tissue that form joints by connecting one bone to another, or joining a bone to cartilage

bursa 62 fibrous sac that acts as a cushion to ease movement in areas that are subject to friction such as in the shoulder, elbow, and knee joints where a tendon passes over a bone

axial skeleton 63 protects major organs of the nervous, respiratory, and circulatory systems

appendicular skeleton 126 bones that are organized into the upper extremities (shoulders, arms, forearms, wrists, and hands) and the lower extremities (hips, thighs, legs, ankles, and feet)

skull 63 consists of the eight bones that form the cranium, 14 bones that form the face, and six bones in the middle ear

major parts of the skull cranium (8 bones), face (14 bones), middle ear (6 bones)

cranium 63 portion of skull that encloses brain

bones of the cranium (8) frontal, parietal (2), occipital, temporal (2), sphenoid, ethmoid

frontal bone 63 forms the forehead

parietal bones 63 form most of the roof and upper sides of cranium

occipital bone 63 forms posterior floor and walls of cranium

temporal bones 65 for sides and base of cranium

sphenoid bone 65 forms part of base of skull and parts of floor and sides of orbit

ethmoid bone 65 forms part of posterior portion of nose, orbit, and floor of cranium

auditory ossicles six (6) tiny bones of middle ear

external auditory meatus (mee-AY-tus) 65 located in temporal bone - opening of external auditory canal of outer ear

facial bones (14) nasal (2), zygomatic (2), maxillary (2), palatine (2), lacrimal (2), inferior conchae (2), vomer, mandible

nasal bones 65 two bones that form upper part of the bridge of nose

zygomatic bones 65 articulate with the frontal bone (forehead) - cheekbones

maxillary bones 65 form most of upper jaw

palatine bones 65 form part of the hard palate of the mouth and the floor of the nose

lacrimal bones 66

make up part of the orbit at the inner angle of eye...

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