SET 5 - Mariam Harkas PDF

Title SET 5 - Mariam Harkas
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Nova Southeastern University
Pages 10
File Size 65.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 92
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Mariam Harkas...



Angi/o blood vessel

Aort/o aorta (largest artery)

Arteri/o arteries

Ather/o plaque, fatty substance

Brady/o slow

Cardi/o heart

Coron/o coronary

-emia blood condition

Erythr/o red

Hem/o blood

Leuk/o white

Phleb/o veins, vein

Tachy/o Fast

Thromb/o clot

Ven/o vein, veins

Aneurysm a cardiovascular disease characterized by a sac-like widening of an artery resulting from weakening of the artery wall

Aneurysmectomy surgical removal of an aneurysm

Aneurysmorrhaphy the surgical suturing of an aneurysm

Angiitis inflammation of a blood vessel

Angina a heart condition marked by paroxysms of chest pain due to reduced oxygen to the heart

Angiocardiography The process of recording the heart and vessels after an intravenous injection of a radiopaque solution

Angiography X-ray imaging of blood vessels after injection of contrast material

Angionecrosis death of the walls of the blood vessels

Angiostenosis narrowing of a blood vessel

Antiarrhythmic a drug used to treat an abnormal heart rhythm

Anticoagulant medicine that prevents or retards the clotting of blood

Antihypertensive a drug that reduces high blood pressure

Aplastic anemia

failure of blood cell production in the bone marrow

Arrhythmia an abnormal rate of muscle contractions in the heart

Arteriectomy Surgical removal of part of an artery

Arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteries

Arteritis inflammation of an artery

Atherectomy surgical removal of plaque buildup from the interior of an artery

Atheroma fatty deposit or plaque within the arterial wall

Atherosclerosis condition in which fatty deposits called plaque build up on the inner walls of the arteries

Basophils a type of WBC that promotes inflammation and participates in allergic responses.

Bradycardia abnormally slow heartbeat

Cardiac catheterization procedure where a catheter is inserted into an artery and guided into the heart; may be used for diagnosis of blockages or treatment

Cholesterol a type of fat made by the body from saturated fat; a minor part of fat in foods

Defibrillation treatment by stopping fibrillation of heart muscles (usually by electric shock delivered by a defibrillator)

Diastolic the blood pressure during that part of the heartbeat when the hearts venticles are relaxing

Dyscrasia abnormal or pathologic condition of the blood

Echocardiography a noninvasive diagnostic procedure that uses ultrasound to study to structure and motions of the heart

Electrocardiogram a record of the electrical activity of the heart that, if abnormal, may indicate heart disease

Embolism occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus (a loose clot or air bubble or other particle)


an abnormal particle (e.g. an air bubble or part of a clot) circulating in the blood

Endarterectomy surgical removal of the inner lining of an artery that is clogged with atherosclerosis

Endocarditis inflammation of the lining of the heart

Eosinphils type of granulocytes ,large numbers often present in the presence of a parasitic infection

Erythrocytes Red blood cells

Fibrillation extremely rapid contractions of the heart that lack the power needed to pump blood around the body

Hemangioma benign angioma consisting of a mass of blood vessels

Hemochromatosis pathology in which iron accumulates in the tissues

Hemoglobin An iron-containing protein in red blood cells that reversibly binds oxygen

Hemolytic anemia anemia resulting from destruction of erythrocytes

Hemostasis surgical procedure of stopping the flow of blood (as with a hemostat)

Homocysteine an amino acid normally found in the blood and used by the body to build and maintain tissues

Hypoperfusion a deficiency of blood passing through an organ or body part

Ischemia insufficient blood flow to an area

Leukemia cancer of white blood cells

Leukocytes White blood cells

Leukopenia an abnormal lowering of the white blood cell count

Lymphocytes Make antibodies to destroy foreign pathogens

Megaloblastic anemia a blood disorder characterized by anemia in which the red blood cells are larger than normal

Monocytes largest white blood cell

Myocardial infarction heart attack

Myocarditis Inflammation of the heart muscle

Neutrophils A type of white blood cell that engulfs invading microbes and contributes to the nonspecific defenses of the body against disease.

Palpitation a rapid and irregular heart beat

Pericarditis inflammation of the pericardium

Pernicious anemia lack of mature erythrocytes caused by inability to absorb vitamin B12 into the body

Phlebitis inflammation of a vein

Phlebography X-ray of the veins after injecting a contrast medium


A deposit of fatty material on the inner lining of an arterial wall

Polyarteritis inflammation of several arteries

Raynaud's Disease: recurrent vasospasm in extremities, Phenomenon: 2* to underlying disease (SLE or scleroderma)

Septicemia invasion of the bloodstream by virulent microorganisms from a focus of infection

Systolic measurement of blood pressure taken when the heart is contracting and forcing blood into the arteries

Tachycardia Abnormally rapid heartbeat

Thrombocytes platelets

Thrombocytopenia a blood disease characterized by an abnormally small number of platelets in the blood

Thrombolytic a kind of pharmaceutical that can break up clots blocking the flow of blood to the heart muscle


blood clot

Thrombus blood clot

Triglycerides Large fat molecules composed of three parts fatty acid and one part glycerol...

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