SET Online Midterm TEST MKT243 Semester MAC 2021 PDF

Title SET Online Midterm TEST MKT243 Semester MAC 2021
Author Wafaa' Alia
Course Fundamental of Marketing
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 8
File Size 94.8 KB
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ONLINE MIDTERM TEST MKT243 SEMESTER MAC 2021TOTAL MARKS: 100 MARKS. ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS.PART A: TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS (25 QUESTIONS X 2 MARKS EACH = 50 MARKS)1. The marketing concept includes a goal orientation to remind managers to achieve long-term organizational goals. 2. Competitive advantage is...


Online Midterm Test MKT243/ Mac2021

Nurul Syaqirah, Z. FPP/ UiTMCK


PART A: TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS (25 QUESTIONS X 2 MARKS EACH = 50 MARKS) 1. The marketing concept includes a goal orientation to remind managers to achieve long-term organizational goals. 2. Competitive advantage is a core element in creating value in market orientation concept. 3. Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. 4. Customer’s evaluation for a good or service in terms of whether it has met their needs and expectations is known as customer satisfaction. 5. The way to achieve customer satisfaction and value is to offer the lowest price. 6. Production is defined as producing, promoting and selling products. 7. The fundamental problem with a sales orientation is a lack of understanding of the market place needs and wants. 8. Social factors include age, occupation, sex, races and birth rate. 9. A period of economy activity when income, production and employment tend to fall, reducing overall demand is called inflation. 10. The foundation for the pyramid of corporate social responsibility is philanthropic responsibility. 11. Social, demographic, economic and technological factors are examples of internal environmental factors. 12. An economic recession increase demand for product and service in the market. 13. A stimulus is a unit of input from either an external or internal source that can affect sight, smell, taste, touch or hearing.

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Online Midterm Test MKT243/ Mac2021

Nurul Syaqirah, Z. FPP/ UiTMCK

14. If consumer behavior is well understood, a marketer will easy to create an appropriate marketing mix. 15. A person’s buying decision is influenced by person characteristics such as gender, age, subculture, personality and self-concept. 16. Cognitive dissonance is a state of external tension felt when consumers are aware of a lack of consistency between their values on opinions and their behavior. 17. Internal information search is the process of recalling information stored in the memory. 18. The purpose of market segmentation is to enable the marketer to tailor marketing mixes to meet the needs of one or more specific groups. 19. The first step in segmenting a market is to choose bases for segmenting the markets. 20. Accessibility of a segment refers to a segment that is large enough to warrant developing and maintaining a special marketing mix. 21. Positioning is developing a specific marketing mix to influence potential customer’s overall perception on a brand, product line, or organization in general. 22. In undifferentiated targeting strategy, the firm ignores segments differences and goes after the whole market with single marketing mix. 23. The market segmentation which divides market by the amount of product consumed is known as usage rate segmentation. 24. The slogan used by GlaxoSmithKline, “Disease has no greater enemy” indicates the pharmaceutical company relies heavily on benefit segmentation variables. 25. Qu Puteh describes individual who buys lots of whitening beauty products as heavy users. This is an example of how companies used benefit segmentation.

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Online Midterm Test MKT243/ Mac2021

Nurul Syaqirah, Z. FPP/ UiTMCK

PART B: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (25 QUESTIONS X 2 MARKS EACH = 50 MARKS) 1. In which of the following situation a firm with a production orientation most likely to survive? a. There are many small competitors in the marketplace. b. Demand for the product it produces exceeds supply. c. Needs of the marketplace is shifting. d. Supply for the product it produces exceeds demand.

2. Four competing philosophies strongly influence the role of marketing activities within an organization. Which of the following is NOT a marketing management philosophy? a. Societal marketing orientation b. Profitability orientation c. Sales orientation d. Market orientation

3. A business is concerned with many day-to-day activities. Some of the most important of these activities are the planning and development of a product, its pricing policy, and the distribution strategy. These activities are all a part of: a. a control system b. Marketing c. Accounting d. Production

4. All of the following are viable methods to enable a firm to become more marketing oriented EXCEPT: a. training employees in the latest aggressive selling techniques. b. making sure all employees are customer-oriented. c. training employees to understand the company, its philosophy and procedures. d. implementing empowerment.

5. A company that sets its goals and strategies based on what its current equipment can produce, what products engineering can design and what the company itself can do best, has a(n) __________ orientation. a. sales

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Online Midterm Test MKT243/ Mac2021

Nurul Syaqirah, Z. FPP/ UiTMCK

b. market c. societal d. production

6. Malaysian logging companies harvest the rainforest for timber and assume that a market exists for their products. The typical Malaysian logging company has a (an) __________ orientation. a. Sales orientation b. Societal marketing orientation c. Market orientation d. Production orientation

7. Which of the following is NOT an element of marketing mix? a. Product b. Positioning c. Promotion d. Pricing

8. Which of the following are conditions that make an exchange process exists, EXCEPT: a. At least two parties involved b. Something of value being offered c. Desire to deal with other party d. Must accept that offer

9. The external environment __________. a. can be controlled in much the same manner as the internal marketing mix b. cannot be influence by marketing managers c. does not change overtime d. must be continually monitored by marketing managers

10. The most difficult external variable for marketing managers to forecast or influence would be __________. a. demographic factors b. social factors

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Online Midterm Test MKT243/ Mac2021

Nurul Syaqirah, Z. FPP/ UiTMCK

c. economic factors d. political factors

11. The study of people’s vital statistics, such as ages, births, deaths and locations is known as: a. sociology b. ecology c. ethnography d. demography

12. according to the pyramid of corporate social responsibility, the foundation of such social responsibility of a firm comes from __________. a. philanthropic responsibilities b. ethical responsibilities c. legal responsibilities d. economic responsibilities

13. A period of economic activity when income, production, and employment tend to fail reducing overall demand, is called: a. stagnation b. inflation c. recession d. depression

14. All the following are examples of individual factors that affect the decision making process for consumers EXCEPT: a. personality b. reference group c. perception d. learning

15. The three types of consumer buying decision in acquiring products or services are determine by: a. involvement, time, experience and information search. b. involvement, time, interest, cost and number of alternatives.

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Online Midterm Test MKT243/ Mac2021

Nurul Syaqirah, Z. FPP/ UiTMCK

c. involvement, time, cost, information search and number of alternatives. d. involvement, time, cost, knowledge and number of alternatives.

16. __________ describe how consumer make purchase decision and how they use and dispose of the purchased goods and services. a. Psychographics b. Marketing c. Consumerism d. Consumer behavior

17. After Farhana saw a documentary on Korea, she scheduled a visit there for this coming winter. The documentary acted as a(n): a. affective state b. internal stimulus c. external stimulus d. state of cognitive dissonance

18. When Addy goes to the grocery store every other week, he buys the same brands of coffee, milk, cereal, and cat food. This type of buying behavior is called: a. motivational response b. situation convenience c. routine response behavior d. limited decision making

19. Market segmentation can assist marketers to do all of the following EXCEPT: a. Develop more precise definition of customer needs and wants. b. Identify which variable based should be used for segmenting. c. More accurately define marketing objectives. d. Improve resource allocation.

20. Which type of segmentation divides a market by the amount of product bought or consumed? a. Benefit segmentation b. Usage-rate segmentation

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Online Midterm Test MKT243/ Mac2021

Nurul Syaqirah, Z. FPP/ UiTMCK

c. Demographic segmentation d. Psychographic segmentation

21. The geodemographic segmentation combines: a. age, gender and income variables. b. location, market size and climate variables. c. activities, interest and opinion variables. d. all the above variables. 22. The purpose of market segmentation is to: a. reduce the market down to a specific size that the firm can handle. b. divide the market into equal size and profit regions for sales territories. c. group a large number of market together enabling a company to serve them simultaneously. d. enable the marketer to tailor marketing mixes to meet the needs of one or more specific group.

23. Which are the following statements best describes the typical target market? a. A target market will remain stable over time, with the same group of consumers. b. Target markets change over time as consumers drop in or out of the market, and as taste change. c. Target markets are not strongly affected by changes in the external environment. d. Target markets only change when the features and benefits of the product offering changes.

24. A market is people or organizations that have: a. the ability, willingness, and the power to buy b. a medium of exchange and products they desire c. needs and wants and an ability and willingness to buy d. unmet needs and wants and products or services that satisfy those unmet needs or wants

25. All the following are examples of positioning bases that can be used by marketers EXCEPT: a. Price and quality b. Product class

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Online Midterm Test MKT243/ Mac2021

Nurul Syaqirah, Z. FPP/ UiTMCK

c. Emotions d. Substantiality

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