Sexuality exam #1 study PDF

Title Sexuality exam #1 study
Course Psych of woman
Institution California State University Chico
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Human Sexuality Midterm Study Guide Chapter 1-8. Instructor: Virginia Thompson Study online at 1.




According to conditioning and social learning theory, our sexual expression is formed by 1. sexual instincts that are channeled into socially acceptable forms. 2. interaction of the libido with unconscious processes. 3. patterns of reinforcement, generalization, and discrimination as well as by social learning through observation and identification. 4. integration of gender identity, sexual response, and the ability to form intimate relationships.

patterns of reinforcement, generalization, and discrimination as well as by social learning through observation and identification.

According to Erik Erikson, what important psychosocial task must be faced and accomplished during adolescence and early adulthood? 1. Discriminating between socially acceptable and unacceptable sexual stimuli 2. Developing an individual sexual script 3. Identifying with significant childhood models 4. Achieving a sense of intimacy with others

Achieving a sense of intimacy with others

According to Piaget and Kohlberg, when children are 8 to 10 years old, they typically progress from obeying rules in order to satisfy their own needs to following moral codes in order to 1. be perceived as good people. 2. contribute to the betterment of society. 3. avoid punishment. 4. live up to their own standards.

be perceived as good people

According to Richard von KrafftEbing, the cause of all sexual deviations is ______.



According to Sigmund Freud, psychosexual development is based on 1. patterns learned through the positive and negative consequences of particular behaviors. 2. the libido and unconscious processes. 3. the triumph of natural sexual behaviors over unnatural sexual behaviors. 4. successful solutions to various psychosocial tasks all through life.

the libido and unconscious processes.


Alfred Kinsey contributed greatly to our understanding of sexual behavior by _______

interviewing thousands of Americans about their sexual behavior and attitudes


All of the following represent some prevaling attitudes about old age and sexuality EXCEPT 1. loving and sexual feelings are experienced only during youth. 2. sex is primarily for reproduction and thus not important for older people. 3. older men and women are not sexually active. 4. many widowed individuals seek remarriage and are encouraged to do so.

many widowed individuals seek remarriage and are encouraged to do so.


Although he lives a fairly conventional masculine lifestyle, Louis feels he was born into the wrongly sexed body. He is seeking hormonal treatment and surgery in order to live as a woman. Louis would be considered a 1. cross-dresser. 2. transvestite. 3. transsexual. 4. homosexual.



Among the factors contributing to changes in sexual attitudes and behavior in the United States in previous decades were?

All of these


Analysis of the National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS) found that almost half of the population believed that sex should be part of a loving relationship and did not condemn premarital sex. This group was labeled 1. libertarian. 2. recreational. 3. relational. 4. traditional.



Asceticism emphasizes discipline and self-denial. 1. pursuit of physical pleasure. 2. discipline and self-denial. 3. pursuit of emotional wellbeing. 4. analysis of context.


Assessments of programs designed to prevent teenage pregnancies have found that 1. these programs have contributed to a recent increase in abortion rates. 2. adolescent males have developed increasingly positive attitudes toward abortion. 3. these programs have had no measurable impact. 4. those programs that provide access to contraception are most effective in decreasing the proportion of adolescents who become pregnant.

those programs that provide access to contraception are most effective in decreasing the proportion of adolescents who become pregnant.


At birth, people are usually categorized on the basis of 1. body sex. 2. brain sex. 3. genetic sex. 4. social sex.

body sex.


At birth, the testes are normally contained in the 1. scrotum. 2. inguinal canal. 3. epididymis. 4. abdominal cavity.


Both the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland _____ 1. are important in producing and maintaining erections. 2. produce secretions that provide lubrication. 3. secrete alkalis to neutralize the acids in the urethra. 4. contribute much of the fluid that makes up semen.

contribute much of the fluid that makes up semen.

The cervix is part of the _____ 1. uterus. 2. fimbriae. 3. ovary. 4. vagina.





The contemporary consensus in medicine and psychology holds that masturbation is a(n) 1. marginally acceptable alternative to normal sexual expression. 2. major cause of sexual dysfunctions and deviations. 3. immature way of obtaining sexual pleasure and gratification. 4. widespread and generally harmless form of sexual expression.


During intercourse, men probably reach of the kind of orgasm more quickly than women because stimulation and 1. the vasocongestion that men experience past learning. is more concentrated in the genital area. 2. men have higher levels of sexual desire. 3. their greater muscular development leads to faster orgasmic release of muscle tension. 4. of the kind of stimulation and past learning.


During lovemaking, Rick typically reaches a point when he feels he cannot keep orgasm from occurring. This point is called _____ 1. ejaculatory inevitability. 2. ejaculatory refraction. 3. retrograde ejaculation. 4. pubococcygeal ejaculation.

ejaculatory inevitability.


Emma believes that any sexual activity between two consenting adults is acceptable as long as both individuals enjoy it. Her sexual attitude is classified as ______.



The external female sex organs are collectively called the ____ 1. glans. 2. vulva. 3. clitoris. 4. ovaries.



For young people, the primary sources of information about sex are 1. parents. 2. television and movies. 3. sex education courses. 4. friends of the same sex and independent research.

friends of the same sex and independent research.

widespread and generally harmless form of sexual expression.






Gagnon and Simon's script theory 1. holds that sexual preferences and behaviors are learned through the pairing of stimuli with sexual responses. 2. attempts to explain how sexual behavior is socially constructed. 3. emphasizes the effects of childhood sexual patterns on later development. 4. supports the importance of our internal sex drive.

attempts to explain how sexual behavior is socially constructed.

The general conclusion of researchers studying male and female responses to sexually oriented material is that 1. the central arousal system of females is simply less responsive to visual imagery. 2. males have learned not to respond to pornographic images. 3. females have been socialized not to respond positively to such materials. 4. controlled processes are weaker than automatic processes among females.

females have been socialized not to respond positively to such materials.

How does the phrase "use it or lose it" apply to the relationship between aging and sexuality? 1. The loss of sexual responsiveness over the years often results in inappropriate or even dangerous sexual behavior among the aging. 2. Those who remain sexually active appear to retain their sexual capacity and responsiveness. 3. Little sexual responsiveness and interest are lost over the lifespan. 4. Aging individuals envy younger people and their greater sexual responsiveness.

Those who remain sexually active appear to retain their sexual capacity and responsiveness.

How frequently adults masturbate is related to 1. whether they have a regular sex partner. 2. their age. 3. their exposure to erotic materials. 4. social factors such as education and ethnicity.

social factors such as education and ethnicity.

How has HIV changed American sexual behavior?

Awareness of the need to make sexual decisions with care has increased.


The idea that sexuality is at the core of personality development and affects adult life and mental health is most associated with _______

Sigmund Freud


If Nick is typical, he is probably most aroused by very gentle stimulation to the ______ 1. corpora cavernosa. 2. shaft of the penis. 3. epididymis. 4. glans



If you decide that masturbation or oralgenital sex is normal because a vast majority of the population engages in the behavior, you are judging normality in terms of 1. normalcy by expert opinion. 2. statistical normalcy. 3. moral normalcy. 4. legal normalcy.

statistical normalcy.


In conducting sex research, the best type of sample is a _____ sample.



In male circumcision, 1. the glans is exposed by surgically removing the foreskin. 2. a minor surgical technique makes the penis appear fatter. 3. phimosis occurs and the foreskin retracts. 4. a small surgical incision is made in the frenulum.

the glans is exposed by surgically removing the foreskin.


In which of these sexual organs are sperm actually formed? 1. The inguinal canal 2. Seminiferous tubules 3. Interstitial cells 4. The epididymis

Seminiferous tubules


It can be seen that prenatal factors set the stage for the development of later 1. gender identity and sexual orientation 2. sexual identity and sexual orientation 3. gender roles and gender identity 4. gender roles and sexual identity

gender roles and gender identity


It is customary for governments, ours included, to subsidize artists - even if their art is offensive to some individuals. True or False?



Judging a sexual behavior as right or wrong depending on its motivations and consequences is characteristic of which approach to sexual morality? 1. Situation ethics 2. Recreational 3. Asceticism 4. Hedonism

Situation ethics


Kaplan's model of human sexual response has been especially useful in 1. determining why some individuals do not experience orgasm. 2. understanding sexual dysfunctions. 3. understanding the brain systems that underlie all sexual response. 4. distinguishing male and female sexual response cycles.

understanding sexual dysfunctions.

The labels applied by scientists to sexual behavior 1. are simply names free of value judgments. 2. may reflect the values of their own societies. 3. are attempts to shape human behavior. 4. have no effect beyond aiding communication.

may reflect the values of their own societies.




The layer of the uterine wall that plays an endometrium important role in the menstrual cycle is the ____ 1. perimetrium. 2. isthmus. 3. myometrium. 4. endometrium Lisa is a teenager who sees the magazine ads for "women's hygiene" products and wants to know if she should douche regularly. What do sexological and medical experts advise? 1. Yes, she should douche after each menstrual period to clean out the vagina. 2. No, douching is associated with increased risk of cancer. 3. No, douching is associated with increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease. 4. Yes, she should douche weekly in order to reduce the likelihood of vaginal infection.


includes the A major difference between the Kaplan model of sexual response and the Masters psychological factor of desire. and Johnson model is that the former model 1. includes the psychological factor of desire. 2. gives equal emphasis to male and female sexual patterns. 3. is based on a more demographically balanced sample. 4. relies on laboratory observation rather than verbal reports.


Many sexual development researchers suggest that a suitable form of sexual education for very young children is 1. teaching them proper names for all parts of the body. 2. explaining how "babies are made." 3. showing them pictures of nude children and adults. 4. allowing them to observe nude adults.

teaching them proper names for all parts of the body


Many women tend to reach orgasm most quickly through 1. heterosexual intercourse. 2. lesbian sexual activity. 3. oral-genital stimulation. 4. masturbation.



More than any other medium in American society today, advertising uses and exploits sex, and the evidence suggests that is is a powerful sales tool. True or False?



The most accurate information regarding how the body responds during sexual stimulation has been provided by 1. Margaret Mead. 2. Sigmund Freud. 3. William Masters and Virginia Johnson. 4. Alfred Kinsey.

William Masters and Virginia Johnson.


The NHSLS research indicated that 1. few Americans accept premarital sex within a loving relationship. 2. a majority of the American public are libertarians. 3. there is no clear-cut system of American attitudes toward sexuality. 4. more men than women hold traditional attitudes.

there is no clear-cut system of American attitudes toward sexuality.

No, douching is associated with increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease.


One limitation of sexuality education in the U. S. is that 1. many educators are not adequately prepared to provide such instruction. 2. it promotes sexual experimentation at earlier ages. 3. most teenagers already possess more knowledge than these classes offer. 4. a majority of Americans are opposed to such efforts.

many educators are not adequately prepared to provide such instruction.


A paraphilia is a 1. dependence on sexual behaviors or sexual fantasies involving stimuli that are considered unusual or unacceptable. 2. love of sexual activity. 3. person who is addicted to sexual activities. 4. person who pursues pleasure relentlessly.

dependence on sexual behaviors or sexual fantasies involving stimuli that are considered unusual or unacceptable.

People's perceptions of their sexual arousal 1. mirror physiological conditions such as heart rate. 2. do not always coincide with the ways their sex organs are responding. 3. are determined by the peripheral arousal system. 4. determine their physiological responses.

do not always coincide with the ways their sex organs are responding.



The predominant social attitude nonexistent. relating to human sexuality is ______.


Processes such as observation, Social learning theory imitation, and lifelong learning are important concepts in which theory of gender role development? 1. Gender schema theory 2. Social learning theory 3. Cognitive-developmental theory 4. Psychodynamic theory


The process of forming our own psychosexual conceptions and expressions of development sexuality is called 1. psychosexual development. 2. sociocultural development. 3. sexual differentiation. 4. sexual orientation.


Regarding masturbation, the general pattern is that 1. both boys and girls masturbate less when they become sexually active. 2. more girls than boys masturbate, but they are very secretive about it. 3. boys begin masturbation earlier and that it is more widespread and frequent than among girls. 4. girls who masturbate do so more frequently than boys who masturbate, although fewer girls than boys masturbate.

boys begin masturbation earlier and that it is more widespread and frequent than among girls.


Research indicates that social networks 1. are extremely significant in shaping sexual attitudes and behaviors. 2. influence sexual attitudes but not sexual behavior. 3. influence the sexual attitudes and behavior of adolescents but not the attitudes or behavior of adults. 4. have some influence on sexual behavior, but the influence is not likely to be profound.

are extremely significant in shaping sexual attitudes and behaviors.


Research on sexual behavior in the United States indicates that since World War II

very significant changes in attitudes and behaviors have occurred.


Robin feels deep inside herself that she is female. In other words, she has a clear sense of her 1. gender role. 2. gender identity. 3. brain sex. 4. secondary sex characteristics.

gender identity.


The rounded pad of fatty tissue located over the female pubic bone is called the _____ 1. shaft. 2. mons. 3. hymen. 4. urethra.



The sense of oneself as a boy or girl constitutes one's 1. sexual orientation. 2. gender identity. 3. sex role. 4. sexual script.

gender identity.

The sequence of phases in Masters and Johnson's model of sexual response is 1. excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution. 2. excitement, orgasm, plateau, resolution. 3. plateau, orgasm, excitement, resolution. 4. plateau, excitement, orgasm, resolution.

excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

Sexual differentiation is determined 1. at puberty by hormones secreted by the gonads. 2. at birth by external genital structures. 3. by an interaction of biological, sociocultural, and psychological factors. 4. before birth by the chromosomes.

by an interaction of biological, sociocultural, and psychological factors.


Sexual literary themes have included everything except homoerotic writings. True or False?



A strength of the case study approach in sex research is that case studies

provide an in-depth look at individual circumstances.


Teenagers who choose not to have sexual intercourse typically cite the following reason/s 1. all of these. 2. fear of STDs 3. religious values. 4. fear of pregnancy.

all of these.

The term deviation is 1. widely used by sexologists to refer to unusual sexual behaviors. 2. widely used by scientists to refer to sexual behaviors that are considered politically incorrect. 3. no longer used because the term refers to conditions that no longer exist. 4. no longer widely used by sexologists because the term took on negative connotations.

no longer widely used by sexologists because the term took on negative connotations.





The term "refractory period" refers to the 1. result of resisting ejaculatory inevitability. 2. relaxation and drowsiness that follow orgasm in men and often lead to sleep. 3. urethra's returning to its normal diameter. 4. period of time during which men cannot be re-stimulated to ejaculatio...

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