Short-Answer Quiz 4 - SOC-100 Week 4, Quiz 4 PDF

Title Short-Answer Quiz 4 - SOC-100 Week 4, Quiz 4
Course Everyday Sociology
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 2
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SOC-100 Week 4, Quiz 4...


SOC-100 Short-Answer Quiz 4 Complete the quiz in a Word document. This is an open book quiz. The answer to each question must be 100-125 words. Topic 4 1. How do property, power, and prestige affect your personal social class? According to Marx’s conflict perspective in what social class do you belong and why? Property, power and prestige all have a hand in a person’ personal social class because it affects how you and others are seen in a social class in general. People are looked upon as reasonable, smart and knows how to manage money well if they own property, which then can turn into prestige. The social class that I think I belong to according to the Marx’s conflict perspective would be the proletariat class because well I am not wealthy. I am within the working class, I work for a living and so does my husband. While we do hope to not be in the position we are currently in, one day we will be above it all for us and live comfortably.

2. From your perspective, what are the current shifts in global stratification? How does this affect the economic and political power of the United States?

I think the change in global stratifications are constantly changing, as we are all changing as a society constantly. From my perspective the current global stratification shifts have seemingly been worse in the sense that higher class look more down on lower and middle-class citizens. I think because of the divide between the classes it causes a huge rift going all the way up to powerful leaders in politics. That they will look out for their fellow ‘classmates’. While there are good people in politics trying to make a good difference there is some bad apples who do try to help the wealthy stay wealthy, which includes themselves. And it is the same way for those involved in the economical side of the country. At the end of the day money can get you anything especially in politics and economics. 3. In the current economic situation in the United States what do you project will happen to social mobility and the American Dream?

I believe that the social mobility will continue to not do as well considering the pandemic has caused severe job losses and unemployment. According to Chetty’s research, the “American dream” is two times easier to achieve in Canada than in the United States, (huduser). Depending on the standard of a person’s American dream © 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

could also vary on being able to achieve it faster than let’s say, to become a millionaire. However, none of that changes the current economic struggles our country and even the world faces right now. Until society can come back from the damage that has been caused from the pandemic, it can continue to decline. But I do think that once we can overcome the pandemic that our society can be better with our social mobility and make the economy great. Once people can get their jobs back or new ones the economy will begin to see a rise due to the influx of everyone having steady income again. 4. Describe the Horatio Alger myth. Based on your own experience discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the myth for both men and women. The Alger myth in my opinion can be true for some but for the vast majority I cannot agree that only working hard can mean you can achieve great goals because at the end of the day life is not perfect, we won’t get all that we want and rejection is a very real thing. As I mentioned above, the American dream is easier to achieve in Canada versus the United States. I feel that this can be attributed to where people may be born into poverty. No matter how hard someone may try to get out of poverty that they were born into, sometimes it is not enough and they will stay where they are to either help their family stay afloat, or pay back any loans. My hometown is not the richest and I see so many people from my high school who never left, they got comfortable and are paying debts, in prison, or living with their parents still but because they are helping them with debts and bills. They are working hard but not achieving greatness. The only strength, in my opinion, that may come from this is the motivation that it can give a person that there is always that possibility to achieve greatness, however it is slim. But it is still there and still matters, it’s that little sliver of hope all parents tell their children, that they could be president one day.

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