Sintesi DT - jhkjhk PDF

Title Sintesi DT - jhkjhk
Author Stefano Arrè
Course Digital Technology
Institution Politecnico di Milano
Pages 19
File Size 1.6 MB
File Type PDF
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Digital technologies: role, main components and enterprise architectures The role of information system is related to the growing interdependence between the ability to use information technology and the ability to implement corporate strategies. Companies have to achieve 6 strategic business objectives: 1. Operational excellence 2. New products, services and business models 3. Custoemr and supplier intimancy 4. Improved decision making 5. Competitive advantage 6. Survival The IT is pervasive, and it has an impact on OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT, MIDDLE MANAGEMENT AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT. From a business perspective, information systems are part of a serires of value adding activities for acquiring, transforming, and distributing information. -

Talk about the interdependence between organization and information tech (requirement pull and tech push) The 3 dimensions (organization, technology, management) glued by information systems The capability of removing layer in the organization The capability to evolve continuously

What is AKA ANTHONY’S PYRAMID? What is the IT infrastructure? The IT infrastructure is the set of physical devices and software required to operate enterprise. It include: - Computing platforms - Telecom services - Data management - Applciation services - Physical facilities management services - IT management, education and other services Why the architecture is so important? The architecture is important because it organize components, it bridge between technology and organization, increase the interaction and create a network internally, it coordinates the components. The difference between the ICT Infrastructure and ICT architecture is that the first is a set of hardaware and software and network technologies that can support enterprise operations, enabling the use of resources and services. The ICT Architecture is a group of static and dynamic components granting alignment between enterprise strategy and operational activities. What is the Zachman framework?

In order to approach a change management, it is fundamental: - develop a coherent rappresentation of the system. - You have to separate concerns - You have to define the classification (aspects) and the level of abstraction/ perspective - For each representation you have to represent the aspect from a given perspective. An example of Aspect are data, function, network, people time An example of Perspectives there is Contextual, conceptual, system, technology

Data sources, database technology and data formats What are the problems of managing data resources in a traditional file environment? The traditional File processing is composed by different users of different application programs according to the functions of the company. This kind of structure is not integrated and for this reason it could be possible the raising of different problems: - Files maintained separately by different deparments - Data redundancy - Data inconsistency - Program-data dependence - Lack of flexibility - Poor security - Lack of data sharing and availability What are the major capabilities of database management systems (DBMS) and why is a relational DBMS so powerful? The main capability of a DB is that it centralizes the data and it controls the redundant data. DBMS Interfaces between applications and physical data files, it separates logical and physical views of data and it solves problems of traditional file environment ( redundancy, inconsistency, uncouples programs and data, enables organization to centrally manage data and adata security) The relational DBMS: data are two dimensional tables and each table contains entities and attributes. There are the touples, the columns, the key filed, primary key, foreign key. Commands (Select, projet, join). Non relational databases “no-sql”: are more flexible data model, easier to scale, handle large volumes of unstructured and structured data. There are different document formats: - Text - Csv - Xml - Json In all cases the schema is really important and data are structured according to the schema.

What are the principal tools and technologies for accessing information from databases to improve business performance and decision making? What are the technological elements for managing and processing big data? What is the difference between Structured and Unstructured data? The difference is that the structured data have a regular structure common to alla available information of the same type. The unstructured data are text irregular structures and images.

Big Data IOT What is the definition of big data? Massive sets of unstructured/semi-structured data from web traffic, social media, sensors, and so on Big data are defined with 3Vs: - Volume: too grate for typical DBMS (conversion text, photo, audio, sensors, internet of things data, web custoemer data.) - Variety: many soruces - Velocity Another - Veracity: some dara are not trusted information, faulty image recognition etc… The big problems of big data are the computation speed vs storing data and the large amount of data that includes also information which are not useful.

What is the DIKW Pyramid?

What is IoT? It is the network of physical object, devices, vehicles, buildings, and any item embedded with electronics, software sensors and network connectivity. Case study SOLAR LIGHT POST Every light is equipped with its own sim card in order to communicate wirelessly over the internet. Simply add features like wifi, usb or sensors.

There are three layers in service oriented IoT.

The lower one is composed by the devices with the sensors and is focused to the infrastructure. The middle one is focused on the application and the cloud. In this layer you understand the role of the network and the virtualization of Light sensors. According to this network you can understand a lot of thing about the geography and gain information about light. The upper level is the level that describe the process and the business application.

The data used is the Open Data Format similar to XML. The Iot is basically allowed thanks to sensors-> SDK API-> IoT GW-> Cloud and analytics.

What is fog computing? It is the newt architecture for IoT, 5G etc… It is basically composed by Fog nodes which interact with end users and object and Fog Data services. The fog data services reduces, control and virtualize the data which are updated in the cloud.

Case study LIBELIUM: smart agriculture. AGRIMES APP.

Object identification and mobile computing One of the important thing is that you have to associate an id to an object and to that object the information related to the owner the state of device and so on. The problems are: - How can I identify the object? - Automatic identification (transmitters and receivers)

The main technology used is the RFID (Radio frequency identification), it works with 3 component (transceiver/ tag reader, transponder, RFID tag, antennas. There are tags with and without batteries and the range of activation is different according to the type.

One of the main application is on e-passport. What is the NFC (near field communication?) It is a RFID that works on 10 cm or less, it is electromagnetic induction, it can emulate a card, it could be reader or writer and enables peer to peer communication. What are the technoly to localize a car? - Outdoors : GPS (global positioning system)


Indoors: Beacons (BLE bluetooth low energy). Beacons are small battery powered always on devices that use BLE. BLE are 1 way hardware transmitters aimed at detecting nearby devices in ordre to send them messages. The difference between the Bluetooth is that it cover short distances, it consumes low energy and it is cheaper. The application are useful

for small periodic transfers of data. (example museum application)

What is mobile computing? It is a driver which is enabled by two distinct technology developments: - Devekioment of mobile computing devices

Development of wireless network


Social media as data source

CASE STUDY E2MC EUROPEAN PROJECT It is used twitter and the crowdsourcing of information. The goal is extracting information from social media to support rapid mappingincase of emergencies. The people are sensors and social media the analysis. -> SELECTION OF DATA, ML, IMAGE DETECTION, GEOLOCALIZATION, SELECTION OF TWEET.

This project is useful to reach the sustainable development goals

Also text analytics is userful an example of use is ROSETTE. Other example of crowshourcing is Open street map.

Ethical and social issues in Information Systems One of the main problem is the monitoring of people and behavior. Like google, Fb etc…

The problems are on the security of data.

Another problem is the increasing of the data analysi technoques. The profiling and Nonobvious relationship awareness NORA.

Case of Cambridge analytica.

Security and privacy

The common principles for cybersecurity: - Cross layer ?????


Monitoring and control Managed service Often security considere a quality property

What is the difference between security and privacy? Security = protect data from: - Destruction - Theft - Esp[inage - Accidental damage Privacy = protect data from others such as: - Salary - Medical info - Opinions - Financial info...

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