SIX TIPS TO HELP YOU Write AN Effective Research Paper PDF

Title SIX TIPS TO HELP YOU Write AN Effective Research Paper
Course Macro economics
Institution Cape Breton University
Pages 4
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Download SIX TIPS TO HELP YOU Write AN Effective Research Paper PDF


SIX TIPS TO HELP YOU WRITE AN EFFECTIVE RESEARCH PAPER 1. First - Read all of the assignment instructions and information very carefully. The essay choices, expectations, requirements and late policy are all on the Syllabus; be sure to know what is expected of you for this assignment. 2. If you have not started your research and planning, do so this week. Spending enough time doing the necessary research and pinpointing relevant sources is critical to developing a coherent foundation on which to write a thoughtful and cohesive paper. To put this another way, you want to get to know your sources well enough to determine their value to your essay; you will likely need to review sources that will not end up being used as resources for your paper. This process takes time. Starting early will also help to prevent unnecessary stress by not being rushed the week the essay is due. (November 23 is not far away). **Remember, there are you tube videos posted in the announcements, which explain how to do research in the U of S library; this training is also designed for this class and assignment. **need help locating or finding a journal article you searched for online? Often journal articles you find online will not be available without a fee; however, many can then be accessed through our library or via the help of the Indigenous Studies Librarian: [email protected] 3. It is important for you to feel confident about recognizing the elements of a good thesis statement. As you review your sources/material and make notes of key ideas and arguments, it will be easier to develop your own thesis statement if you already know what constitutes a thesis. Your thesis is the centerpiece of your paper and if you do not have a solid position, it will be difficult for you to develop an argument in your paper. (1) I strongly recommend the recorded workshop put on by Student Learning Services on how to write a thesis Statement: (2) Also, see attached document below for a quick overview of thesis statements. (3) WANT SOME FEEDBACK ON YOUR PROPOSED THESIS STATEMENT? – submit your first paragraph to your Teaching Assistant for some feedback about the merits of your thesis statement. These will be accepted only to November 19th by 11:55 pm to allow enough response time. {use the canvas inbox to email} 4. Prepare for correct use of Chicago Style of Referencing (1) If you have not used Chicago Style before, consult the recommended Style Guide or online site recommended on the Syllabus.

See online link here: (2) the above link demonstrates how footnotes/bibliography should be formatted; however, to see this format in practice, check out the sample graded paper provided on the class site {see ‘Assignments’ then ‘research paper’}. (3) I strongly recommend the following recorded workshop on how to use Chicago Style (for example, how to actually ‘insert’ a footnote etc.): 5. Need help with the essay writing process overall? Take advantage of the services offered by the University of Saskatchewan Student Learning Services and the Writing Centre. (1) There is tutoring help available and you can ask (submit) questions about your paper at any stage of the writing process. For more info on the kinds of help available, click on the following link: (2) I also recommend the recorded workshop on how to write a university paper: (3) for a complete list of writing workshops please see the following link (example: how to write an effective paragraph etc): 6. Begin your assignment with a clear understanding of how you are to be graded. (1) Again, this comes from a clear understanding of what the requirements are (reviewing assignment info on the Syllabus very carefully). (2) Review the sample graded paper provided on class site to get an idea of grading comments and feedback provided there (see ‘Assignments, then “research paper”). (3) Be sure to review the Grading Rubric also, which provides the assessment criteria and the marks associated with each category (also attached on the research paper assignment).

Some Tips on How to Write a Thesis Statement 1. How to construct a thesis: A thesis needs to make an “assertion” of some type. It should not simply be a re-statement of self-evident facts, a summary or a self-evident observation. A simple way to consider the quality of your thesis statement is to consider whether or not another person is able to potentially disagree with or possibly challenge your position. “If your thesis simply states facts that someone couldn’t disagree with, you may simply be summarizing an issue rather than presenting a clear point of view.”1 A thesis statement also needs to be specific. A strong thesis statement is focused and specific. The reader should know exactly what you’re going to argue and why. “Online education is a great choice for students” is a weak thesis because it’s not specific or focused enough. A stronger thesis would be, “Online classes are a better choice than traditional classroom learning because they’re more flexible for students and teachers, they're less expensive and they let students works at their own pace.”2 2. See the additional examples below to help you get a clearer indication of how to construct a persuasive thesis statement. Example of poor thesis statement: This paper will discuss the roles that First Nations played in the fur trade. It will examine their involvement in trapping, trading and subsistence activities. Tip: Do not simply re-state a well-known position. You can make a well-known position your own simply by adding your own perspective to it. (in other words, you could add your own “agreement” or an additional perspective to another thesis statement and make it your own). For example, if you are writing on the role of women in the fur trade, you will find ample resources indicating they played important roles. Therefore, you may come up with a thesis statement like the one below. Example of strong thesis statement: While it has been more recently acknowledged that Indigenous women played important roles in the fur trade, an examination of the full scope of their involvement suggests that these roles may 1 Ann Mahoney, “How to Create a Thesis Statement for a Persuasive Essay,” Pen & the Pad, July 21, 2017,

2 Ibid.

even be considered crucial to the trade, thereby indicating the level of success attributed to their involvement remains underestimated. Finally, another way of developing an appropriate thesis statement is to answer a question that has been posed. Example: How important were women’s roles in the fur trade? Thesis: the sample thesis statement above answers this question....

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