Slip of tongue DOCX

Title Slip of tongue
Author Syafia Hidayah
Pages 10
File Size 251.6 KB
File Type DOCX
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A. INTRODUCTION Everyday speech is full of different kinds of speech errors, which are commonly referred to as slip of the tongue. A slip of the tongue can be defined as a type of speech error or speech disfluency in which sound, syllables or whole words change their location between two or more wor...


A. INTRODUCTION Everyday speech is full of different kinds of speech errors, which are commonly referred to as slip of the tongue. A slip of the tongue can be defined as a type of speech error or speech disfluency in which sound, syllables or whole words change their location between two or more words in an utterance. In a slip of tongue, a speaker wants to say something but unintentionally say something else. There are many different definition of a slip of the tongue in literature. The first, according to Aitchison (2007: 20) everybody's tongue slips now and again most often when the tongue's owner is tired, a bit drunk or rather nervous. Such slip of tongue then is considered normal or common to people. Slip of tongue also defined as "unintended, non-habitual deviation from a speech plan" (Dell in Poulise, 1999: 1). Baars (in Poulisse, 1999: 1) has characterized slip of tongue as "inadvertent errors which are beyond the speakers control, which are not representative of their ordinary language use and which can be corrected by them are asked to do so." It is the result of problems in controlling the speech production process. Slip of tongue is one type of speech error which appears to be more complex compared with the mentioned above common speech errors. Therefore, this will be discussed further in a separate section. B. DISCUSSION This section will be focus to discusses separate section the slip of tongue which classify into two major categories "selection errors" and "Assemblage Error" (Aitchison, 1989: 248) 1. Selection Errors A speaker may slip his tongue in sound, words part, words, and sentence structure. Several types of tongue slips occur in word selection. Errors in words selection illustrate the speakers' awareness of part of speech classes and how they fit into sentences frames. The erroneous selection will always fit the appropriate syntactic slots because they come from the same part of speech class. Selection errors are errors in which a wrong item is chosen, where something has gone wrong with the selection process. (Aitchison, 1989: 248) the selection errors may...

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