Sm2 answer - sách PDF

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Student’s Book Answer Key Note: In communicative exercises where several answers are possible, this answer key contains some examples of correct answers, not all possible answers. Any valid answer in this type of exercise should be considered acceptable.

UNIT 1 PREVIEW C Activate vocabulary Answers will vary but may include the following: employment: the condition of having a job or work contact information: a phone number or an email at which a person can be reached position: job start date: the month and day when something begins training: skills a person has for a particular job employment history: a list of previous positions and job responsibilities D Pair work Answers will vary but may include the following: Do’s: Be honest; Be complete. Don’ts: Don’t write information that is not true; Don’t make factual errors in dates and places. F Understand idioms and expressions 1. I’ve done all I can do. Now I just have to wait for the answer. 2. That might be doing too much. 3. I wanted to be sure. 4. I really want . . . OR My first choice is . . . 5. Aren’t they all the same? 6. ordinary 7. Generally, . . . OR My conclusion is . . . 8. I hope you get what you want. G Think and explain Answers will vary but may include the following: 1. So she would be accepted to at least one school. 2. You are guaranteed an interview with all top restaurants if you attend the Culinary Center. The ultimate goal is to get a job. 3. She hopes that Anne gets into the school she wants and gets a good job. LESSON 1: Ask about someone’s background D Understand the grammar 1. b 2. a 3. b

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E Grammar practice 1. had already won 2. had gone 3. had been standing 4. had practiced 5. had already seen LESSON 2: Discuss career and study plans B Listen to activate vocabulary Answers will vary but may include the following: 1. been accepted to 2. decided on 3. taken up 4. been rejected by 5. switched to 6. applied for C Vocabulary practice Answers will vary but may include the following: 1. been accepted to 2. switch to 3. enroll in 4. applied to 5. applied to 6. signing up for 7. sign up for 8. taken up E Grammar practice 1. enrolled in 2. haven’t received 3. has seen 4. haven’t signed up 5. started 6. been getting F Grammar practice Answers will vary but may include the following: Where did you go to high school? When did you decide to take up architecture? Have you chosen a school yet? Have you ever considered studying abroad? Have you enrolled in online courses before?

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LESSON 3: Compare your dreams and goals in life B Activate the vocabulary 1. share responsibilities 2. unachievable 3. fulfilled a dream 4. Ambitious 5. put off 6. set a goal C Listen for main ideas 1. wants to stay home 2. breadwinner 3. a surgeon 4. fathers 5. nontraditional D Listen to confirm content ✓ the definition of a stay-at-home dad ✓ the number of stay-at-home dads in the U.S. ✗ the kind of work Dan did before the children were born ✗ the ages of Dan and Sarah’s children ✓ the sexes of Dan and Sarah’s children ✗ the number of years it took for Sarah to complete her degree E Listen for supporting details 1. He’s happy because he’s doing what he always wanted to do. 2. Because they reflect a double standard 3. He thinks everyone should be able to set their own goals. 4. He wants them to pursue their individual dreams and not have their dreams limited because of their sex. 5. Traditionally, men have been the breadwinners, and he probably thinks being a stay-athome dad is not acceptable. 6. These words don’t cover the complexity of the job of staying at home to raise your children. 7. He hopes that the next generation won’t think it’s strange for a man to stay home and a woman to be the sole breadwinner. LESSON 4: Describe job qualifications B Reading Answers will vary but may include the following: In my opinion, the most important suggestion is not to be overly informal or too familiar during an interview. C Confirm information ✓ 1. Employers expect employees to be punctual on the job. 2. Asking questions during the interview shows that you are really interested in the company. ✓ 3. It’s important for job candidates to express interest in the company offering the job. 4. Job candidates should dress nicely when they have an interview. 5. You should offer a good explanation about why you are late for an interview. Summit 2, Third Edition Copyright © 2017 by Pearson Education, Inc. Duplication for classroom use is permitted.

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D Apply ideas 1. Yes. Ms. Bates followed Watson’s suggestions. She is being modest yet positive about herself. 2. No. Ms. Bates did not follow Watson’s suggestions. She’s being too familiar. 3. No. She’s criticizing her current employer and she seems too desperate to get the job. 4. No. She is bragging about herself. 5. Yes. She’s asking questions about the company. 6. No. She’s talking too much. E Discussion Answers will vary but may include the following: If you arrive on time, your potential employer will see you are punctual. If you are too familiar, the interviewer might think you don’t know appropriate manners in the workplace. If you ask questions, the interviewer will see you are serious about the job. If you brag about yourself, the interviewer might not believe everything you say. WRITING B Practice Answers will vary but may include the following: Dear Mr. Ramsay, I am writing to let you know that I am interested in the copywriter job I saw advertised in the [add name of publication]. I think I would be a very good candidate for the position. I am 26 years old and graduated from Meecham College with a major in English. I have been working at Poco Cola in the advertising department for five years. I have really enjoyed my time there but am now ready to try something new. My résumé is attached for your review. Please contact me at my e-mail address. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Jon Roberts REVIEW A What is his or her dream in life? 1. To have the biggest collection of stamps in the world 2. To buy a house

Is he or she confident about achieving his or her goal? ✓ ■ yes ■ no ✓ no ■ yes ■

3. To start her own business 4. To become a flight attendant

✓ yes ■ ✓ ■ yes

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■ no ■ no

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B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

up . . . in for . . . in on . . . to with . . . in by . . . to to . . . for

C 1. a D 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

2. e

3. b

4. d

5. f

6. c

How long had you been working on Where had they been studying Which program had she been applying for What professor had you been studying with How long had they been looking

UNIT 2 PREVIEW F Understanding idioms and expressions 1 letting things get out of hand got carried away G Understanding idioms and expressions 2 1. d 2. e 3. f 4. b 5. a 6. c H Discussion Answers will vary but may include the following: 1. It was Jason and Joey’s responsibility to treat their classmate nicely. It was Mr. Rogg’s responsibility not to leave the class unattended. 2. Jason could have stopped Joey from making fun of the drawing, or at least not joined in. The girl could have been less sensitive and not run out of the room. LESSON 1: Describe the consequences of lying B Apply ideas Answers will vary but may include the following: A person blames a co-worker or the computer for a mistake to avoid getting in trouble. A person lies about skills on a résumé to ensure getting a job. A guest lies that a meal is delicious when in fact it isn’t to avoid hurting the host’s feelings. C Express and support an opinion Answer will vary but may include the following: I think lying is good for us socially. If we always spoke our mind about everything, there would be a lot of unhappy people. There is no harm in telling your friend her hair looks nice, even if you don’t like it. Often it’s a matter of opinion.

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G Understand the grammar 1. possession: whose professions require the most social contacts location: where we are often punished for telling the truth and rewarded for lying time: when you’re ready 2. objects of preposition: with whom they interacted; in which we often tell lies; with whom we interact Rewritten in informal English Participants told lies to about 30 percent of the people they interacted with. Here’s another common situation which we often tell lies in. Some researchers argue that lying may in fact be good for us socially because it protects the feelings of the people we interact with. H Grammar practice 1. where 2. whose 3. whom 4. who 5. which 6. when 7. whom . . . who 8. when . . . when 9. which 10. whose LESSON 2: Express regret and take responsibility A Listen to infer information 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b

6. a

D Grammar practice 1. Lena insists on paying for the tickets I gave her, which is just unnecessary. 2. Mona never returned the book I lent her, which really bothers me. 3. Apparently, replacing Nancy’s ring would cost an arm and a leg, which is just ridiculous. 4. I offered to pay for dinner, which was the right thing to do, in my opinion. 5. Gerry crossed the street in the middle of the block, which is against the law and dangerous. LESSON 3: Explore where values come from B Reading Answers will vary but may include the following: In my opinion, the most important influence in our lives are our parents or guardians. We learn some of the most important life lessons when we are young. The way we are corrected or not as children influences how we will act the rest of our lives.

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D Classify vocabulary using context 1. events 2. celebrities 3. a situation 4. priorities 5. self-centered E Critical thinking Answers will vary but may include the following: 1. Children usually have a deep respect for their first role-models—their parents. When they see their parents do something, they believe it must be right and mimic it. 2. A financial loss could force a person to re-evaluate one’s life. Suddenly things that were taken for granted—for example, a regular paycheck or a house, may no longer be available. A person can be forced to look at and appreciate life differently than before. 3. Examples of ethical dilemmas could be taking credit for something at work when we didn’t earn it, keeping cash from a wallet we find on the street, or stealing ideas or words from a source when writing a research paper. LESSON 4: Discuss how to best help others B Activate the vocabulary 1. Graça Machel is a humanitarian whose work is focused on children’s health. 2. Li Ka-shing has made many donations to universities. 3. Helen Caldicott is an activist who works against the spread of nuclear power. C Listening warm-up Answers will vary but may include the following: In my opinion, it’s not necessarily a responsibility, but it is honorable when celebrities do share their wealth and make a difference in the world. By acting kindly towards others they also can inspire people who admire them to do the same. D Listen for main ideas 2 E Listen to classify 1. J 2. B 3. J

4. B

5. B

6. J

F Listen to confirm content Cross out 2, 5 G Listen for point of view 2 H Listen to summarize Answers will vary but may include the following: Celebrity philanthropists can be self-centered and demanding. They can spread a false impression that nothing can be done about a problem without international celebrity help. Huge donations raised by celebrities often provide increased opportunities for corruption. Some celebrity philanthropists can be motivated by their own fame. They see philanthropy as an opportunity for photo ops.

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I Support an opinion Answers will vary but may include the following: I think that celebrities can make good philanthropists as long as their involvement is honorable and honest. The work of people like Angelina Jolie has changed lives and has inspired others to do the same. WRITING B Practice Answers will vary but may include the following. Corrections are underlined. What I Learned from My First Job While working at my first job, which was at a clothing store, I had a co-worker who got me into a lot of trouble. When the manager counted the money in the cash register, it had come up short. The co-worker had taken some of the money, so she shifted the blame to me. I insisted that I wasn’t responsible, but the manager, who didn’t know me, fired me immediately. Ten years later, I got a phone call that really surprised me. It was from the woman who had blamed me for taking the money. She called me to apologize for what she had done. Apparently it had been bothering her for a long time. This incident taught me an important lesson. Sometimes when people tell a lie, they hurt themselves more than the other person. While I had completely forgotten about the incident, it was my former co-worker who felt badly about it for all those years. C Practice 1. Correct 2. My cousin, who was always truthful about everything, told my aunt she was wrong. 3. Correct 4. Her favorite vase, which her mother had given her, had been broken. 5. We found out that Megan was going to join us, which was great. REVIEW A 1. c

2. b

3. c

B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

shift the blame make up an excuse admit making a mistake take responsibility tell the truth

C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

whom who when which which which which who where

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UNIT 3 PREVIEW E Understand idioms and expressions 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. b 11. a 12. b

7. b

8. a

9. a 10. a

LESSON 1: Express frustration, empathy, and encouragement B Listen to predict 1. a 2. b 3. b

4. b

5. a

D Grammar practice 2. Eric couldn’t find his folder, no matter how hard he looked. 3. Correct 4. They were unable to find a gas station, no matter how many people they asked. 5. Correct 6. No matter when I go to bed, I always get up tired. LESSON 2: Describe how fear affects you physically D Grammar practice 2. There are usually so many accidents that we don’t travel on holiday weekends 3. The games end so late that we prefer to watch them on TV. 4. The insects are so awful after dark that most people prefer to stay inside in the evening. 5. Traffic in this region has become such a bad problem that lots of people are taking public transportation. 6. It was such a stormy day that we postponed our picnic. E Grammar practice 1. many 2. much 3. few 4. few 5. little G Activate the vocabulary Kenji Yaegachi had sweaty palms and his hands shook. Isil Farat got a jumpy feeling in her stomach, and she thought she would throw up. LESSON 3: Discuss overcoming handicaps and hardships B Reading Answers will vary but may include the following: An adjective that could describe Marlee Matlin is inspirational.

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C Understand meaning from context 1. spokesperson 2. sign language 3. handicap 4. mentor 5. conflicts D Summarize Ways in which they helped Matlin enrolled her in a school with both hearing and deaf children; sent her to a camp to learn sign language Her school taught her sign language and encouraged her to speak, too Her brother helped her not to be embarrassed when people asked why she pronounced words differently Her summer camp helped her discover the love of performing Henry Winkler told her she could do whatever she wanted; helped her with her acting career Whoopi Goldberg told Matlin stories about when she was criticized; told Matlin just to be herself and not listen to criticism Her parents

E Discussion Answers will vary but may include the following: 1. A deaf person might rely on watching lips and feeling the throat of a speaker to understand how the muscles move when a word is formed. 2. I think it is perseverance, hard work, and a positive attitude that contribute to success of people faced with handicaps and other problems. LESSON 4: Examine the nature of heroism B Listen to activate parts of speech 1. courageous 2. bravely 3. willingness 4. heroic 5. courage C Listen for details 1. b 2. b 3. b

4. b

5. a

D Listen to retell a story Answers will vary but may include the following: The news report is about a courageous young man Seol Ik Soo. He survived a plane crash, but rather than just save his own life, he bravely put himself in danger to save other people’s lives. He fearlessly returned to the sight of the crash and carried people to safety. He was willing to risk his life to help others. Although described by his friends as an ordinary man, he proved to be a hero.

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WRITING B Practice May 5 – (1) While camping yesterday, the Evans family was surprised by some frightening neighbors: a bear cub and its mother. Twin 5-year-olds Paul and Marcy were delighted because the young animal reminded them of the cute creatures in their picture books and on TV. Their father, on the other hand, wasn’t as charmed because he knew that approaching a bear cub was dangerous since an adult bear is usually nearby. Luckily for the family, Mr. Evans was already awake and getting breakfast ready when he heard the bear. As he posted later on Facebook: (2) “While getting the milk out of our camping bag, I heard a rustling noise behind me. I turned around and saw a bear cub trying to open the garbage can. I knew I had to think fast.” (3) Hearing his kids coming out of the tent, Mr. Evans quickly pushed them back inside to prevent them from approaching the bear to play with it. At that moment, a large adult female, probably the cub’s mother, came by and led the cub away. The Evanses’ camping day continued peacefully after that. Phrases changed to clauses 1. While the Evans family was camping yesterday, they were surprised by some frightening neighbors: a bear cub and its mother. 2. While I was getting milk out of our camping bag, I heard a rustling noise behind me. 3. When Mr. Evans heard his kids coming out of the tent, he quickly pushed them back inside to prevent them from approaching the bear to play with it. C Practice 1. Waking up, Alicia Sorohan heard a scream. 2. Clause can’t be reduced. The subjects of the adverbial clause and the independent clause are different. 3. Refusing to move to the back seats, Rosa Parks was arrested. 4. Before going to the drama program, Marlin Matlin hadn’t ever performed in a play. 5. After having exited from the plane several times, Seol realized that he was covered in blood. REVIEW A Felix Tan: No matter how many times Felix tells his boss he needs more time to finish the project, his boss ignores him. Robert Reston: No matter what he tries to do to lower his blood pressure, it stays high. Eva Garcia: No matter how many stores she goes to, she can’t find the perfect gift for her husband’s 30th birthday. B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

no matter what OR what time OR when no matter how No matter what No matter how no matter wh...

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