Smoking ban - An essay PDF

Title Smoking ban - An essay
Author Young Friend
Course Freshman English
Institution Harvard University
Pages 6
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Smoking in Public Places

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2 Smoking in Public Places The health experts have been warning about the adverse impacts of smoking for a long time. A plethora of researches have proved that active and passive smoking is dangerous for humans. The burning of cigarettes releases a lot of small particles with a high concentration of pollutants. The same is inhaled and exhaled as smoke. The fine smoke particles collect on curtains, ceilings, walls, and other objects and pollute the ambient air as "cold smoke," even if there is no more smoking. With passive smoking, tobacco smoke is absorbed from the ambient air. This smoke contains the same toxic and carcinogenic substances as the smoke inhaled when smoking. Passive smoking is just as harmful as active smoking. Short-term passive smoking causes eye burning and irritates the respiratory tract. Prolonged passive smoking particularly damages the lungs and cardiovascular system. It increases the risk, among other things for lung cancer, breast cancer in women before menopause time of the last menstrual period in women. Smoking in public places should be banned because it causes lung diseases, heart disease, and cancer to active smokers as well as passive smokers; moreover, passive smoking is especially dangerous for children. The authorities should ban smoking in public places because it negatively affects the lungs of people inhaling in the smoke of cigarettes. It must be ensured that non-smokers do not have to expose themselves to smoke in public places. Doctors point out that passive smoking is extremely harmful to health. Accordingly, smoking should be strictly prohibited in public places. Such areas include all places where people come together, including places in the open air. The ban should also apply to enclosed spaces such as buses, trains, and other modes of transportation, where children and adults are inevitably exposed to passive smoking. Such a prohibition measure is about avoiding wrong role models and preventing lung damages by harmful cigarette filters.

3 Those who argue in favour of smoking in public places are taking a wrong stance because any loss to human health should not be allowed. No one would want to stab in the lungs of his or her fellows; however, the people who smoke in public are doing it, although unconsciously. It has been proved that passive smoking causes lung cancer, coughing, and other illnesses ("Passive Smoking," 2020). Non-smokers who are exposed to second-hand smoke at work or home escalate their risk of suffering from lung cancer by twenty to thirty percent ("Health Effects of Second-hand Smoke," 2020). Because of severe damage to the lungs, smoking at public places should be banned. Another reason to ban smoking in public places is the risk of developing heart disease. According to Centers for Diseases and Controls (CDC), non-smokers who are exposed to second-hand smoke increase their risk of developing heart disease by twenty-five to thirty percent ("Health Effects of Second-hand Smoke," 2020). Non-smoking protection should always be included in the priorities of the governments. Smoking should not be allowed in the private environment because it is difficult for many people to withdraw from the smoke. This is especially true for children - because unlike adults, they often have no influence on whether they are in a smoky environment. They also breathe faster, which means the toxins get into their bodies faster in high concentrations. Children who smoke passively regularly can quickly accumulate large amounts of harmful substances—the result: wide-ranging health problems, including heart diseases. Cigarette smoke causes blood vessels to narrow. This increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Those who argue in favour of smoking in public places should reconsider their stance because any damage to the heart should not be allowed. Researchers have proved that passive smoking causes cardiovascular disease, the lining of blood vessels, and increases the stickiness of blood platelets ("Health Effects of Second-hand Smoke," 2020). Non-

4 smokers should not be punished for the wrongdoing of smokers; therefore, smoking at all public places should be strictly banned. The list of dangers of passive smoking includes cancer. Smoking should not be allowed in public places because the smoke of the cigarettes contains carcinogenic. According to Centers for Diseases and Controls (CDC), non-smokers who are exposed to second-hand smoke increase their risk of developing lung cancer by twenty to thirty percent ("Health Effects of Second-hand Smoke," 2020). This is especially true for children because they have no control over the surrounding environment. The proponents of smoking in public places should consider the cost of treatment of cancer. Researchers have proved that passive smoking causes cancer ("Health Effects of Second-hand Smoke," 2020). Non-smokers should not bear the cost of smokers; therefore, smoking at all public places should be strictly banned. Passive smoking is particularly dangerous for unborn children. If an expectant mother smokes, the toxins are passed on to the unborn child via the umbilical cord. This can lead to premature birth or miscarriage. The child's lungs or other organs can also be permanently damaged. The toxins of cigarette smoke are also very harmful to children later. Studies show the extensive consequences that second-hand smoke can have in childhood ("Health Effects of Second-hand Smoke," 2020). The children of so-called balcony smokers are many times more exposed to tobacco pollutants. In addition to passive smoking, so-called third-hand smoking also plays a role here. This means smoke residues that remain on furniture, clothing, or even in the dust, which are especially damaging to small children that crawl through the apartment then breathe them in. The exact causes of sudden infant death are still not fully understood. However, it is clear that children from smoking households are affected more often as children of nonsmokers. After just one cigarette, the pollutants are concentrated in a similar way as in a smoking

5 bar - even when a window is open. Therefore, people should refrain from smoking in all public places, and the government should ban it. No one would voluntarily enter a room in which the amount of pollutants in the air exceeds the health hazard limit. Such high levels of particulate matter can occur in smokers' homes, smoking rooms, or in cars where people smoke. When smoking, the poisonous pollutant cocktail pollutes the surrounding air. Smokers, therefore, endanger not only themselves but also non-smokers. Active and passive, both types are dangerous for people. Smoking damages the lungs in a significant way. Smoking causes heart diseases by narrowing blood vessels. Similarly, smoking causes cancer. Smoking is particularly dangerous for children. Even if children are not present, pollutants can stick to wallpaper, surfaces, clothing, and hair. Organizations should make their offices a smoke-free place and keep windows and doors closed if, for example, people smoke on the balcony or in the garden. The best option is to ban smoking in all public places altogether.

6 References Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). Retrieved 13 July 2020, from s/index.htm. Passive smoking. (2020). Retrieved 13 July 2020, from %20Effects&text=In%20adults%3A%20passive%20smoking%20is,lead%20to%20new %20asthma%20cases....

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