SNHU 107 Notes for the class modules. PDF

Title SNHU 107 Notes for the class modules.
Author AshLeigh Dover
Course Success Strategies for Online Learning
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 17
File Size 161.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 21
Total Views 138


SNHU 107 Notes for the class modules. hope you enjoy the notes for this year from my experience....


SNHU 107: Success Strat Online Assignments Week 1:  

Warmup Quiz Review navigation videos and syllabus

Discussion Board

SNHU 107 learning community webinars

Module One Learning Objectives By the end of this module, you will meet these learning objectives:  Navigate course resources  Review course documentation  Define what it means to “take ownership” of personal success

Module Overview Starting any journey can be a difficult task. As you begin this first week here at SNHU, you may feel nervous, unsure, or even a bit of dread. On the other hand, some of you may feel excited, proud, or jubilant to begin this journey. Regardless of your feelings, we all start at Day One! It is this shared element that allows us to connect with one another, collaborate about our experiences, and grow together as learners. Do not be afraid to lean on your fellow classmates, your instructor, your advisor, and others in your life to help build your confidence, determination, and motivation as you get underway. This first module is designed to help you learn about the basics of course navigation in the online environment, locate and review course documents, and review the guidelines and rubric for your project. You’ll also get a chance to introduce yourself and begin exploring the concept of taking ownership. As you get started, you’ll be exploring resources that will help you create your own definition of academic ownership. By the end of this module, you will be able to identify the importance of academic ownership and how applying it to your decision making will help make you successful in college. These concepts will be very important in this module, the course, and your academic career. Without a strong sense of ownership, you may struggle with goal setting, time management, and the use of academic resources. That is why, over the next few weeks, you will be building a personal academic success plan, which will be due in Module Seven. Each activity you complete will directly align to the course project, so please make sure you hold on to all your completed assignments!

Part of taking ownership is knowing the university’s policies. SNHU’s important academic policies are described in the course syllabus. Truly think about what ownership means to you, and how taking ownership will propel you toward a higher level of success. Begin to develop relationships with your fellow classmates by discussing your first step into a new academic life and how you can take ownership of your own success in college. Module at a Glance This is the recommended plan for completing the reading assignments and activities within the module. Additional information can be found in the module Resources section and on the module table of contents page. 1. Review all module resources. 2. Complete the Module One warm-up. 3. Participate in the Module One discussion. 4. Review your project information. 5. Post any questions you may need answered to the General Questions discussion board.

Required Resources  Video: Owning Your Education at SNHU opens in new window (6:13) Watch this video from SNHU’s president to become familiar with some of the basics of success and learn about the value of taking ownership while on your academic journey. What are some of the benefits of taking this course that he discusses? What does taking ownership look like to you as a student at SNHU?  Textbook: P.O.W.E.R. Learning: Online Success, Chapter 1 Click here for instructions on accessing your textbook opens in new window. Read this chapter to explore the benefits of college, go over goal setting, and review some of the keys to success. You’ll also identify the P.O.W.E.R. strategy and the basics of applying it, and you will uncover a little about learning styles. What are the social and personal benefits of going to college? How can your personal learning style impact the resources you use to be successful?  Video: mySNHU Overview opens in new window (2:35) Watch this short video on how to use mySNHU and some of what can be found there. You will be directed toward more of what this resource has to offer in future modules. What sections of mySNHU will be the most useful to you as a student? Can you locate information that will assist you in learning more about your courses?

 Reading: Five Habits of Successful SNHU Students opens in new window Review this infographic to become familiar with the habits you can adopt to be successful in the online learning environment. Can you summarize these habits in your own words? A text-only version is available: Five Habits of Successful SNHU Students Text-Only Version opens in new window  Video: What Are Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics opens in new window? (1:23) This video will help you better understand how your submissions will be graded. How do these documents assist you in understanding your assignments? Where can you find them? Video: Discussion Boards opens in new window (2:10) Watch this short video on the basics of writing quality discussion posts and responses. How might you make your response posts more meaningful?

Additional Support (Optional)  Video: Organizing Your Assignment With a Few Ideas opens in new window (3:23) Watch this short video with some valuable tips on how to organize and manage the requirements for assignments within your documents. How might you include these techniques in your work? Would you modify these tips based on your own personal style of completing assignments?  Video: A Few Ways to Organize Your Computer opens in new window (3:47) Review this video to get some helpful ideas on how to organize materials on your computer. This will help you keep track of all the digital documents and materials needed for your classes and assignments. Which computer organization strategy presented here might benefit you the most? How might you include these strategies to be more successful in the online learning environment?  Reading: Academic Integrity opens in new window This library guide covers academic integrity expectations at SNHU. Although you are not required to read this resource as part of your assignments this week, you are expected to know and follow the policies throughout all your coursework.

Module Two Welcome to Module Two. This module covers how to create a schedule, how to schedule interruptions, and other important aspects of managing your time successfully.

Learning Objectives By the end of this module, you will meet these learning objectives:  Create a simple schedule  Identify scheduling interruptions  Identify scheduling conflicts

Module Overview

Now that you’ve defined taking ownership, you will start considering how you can apply specific strategies and resources to help you become an expert learner. Time management is one of the most-discussed concepts for student success but is often something new students struggle with the most. You will likely have competing priorities each day but, by focusing on the right activities and behaviors at the right time, you can achieve success in all aspects of your life. Aligning our priorities with our goals is just one way to focus on those activities. This week will help you identify interruptions in your current time management system, because becoming aware of these interruptions can lead to adjustments in your behaviors for future success. When you plan your time, it can be easy to focus on the large activities, engagements, and interruptions and forget about the many smaller time wasters that also take up much of your day. Spending time on social media, talking on the phone, or watching television may seem like small activities, but when put together, they can take up a lot of time. Taking a fifteen-minute phone call while in the middle of doing homework might not seem like that big of an interruption, but over the course of an entire week, can add up to a loss of concentration, time, and motivation. The activities in this week's module will help you begin to identify these time wasters and how acknowledging their presence in your life can help you make necessary changes. This is another example of taking ownership of your academic journey. As you begin to spot these time wasters in your life, start reflecting on these activities and how they may not necessarily align with the academic goals you may set for yourself.

Module at a Glance This is the recommended plan for completing the reading assignments and activities within the module. Additional information can be found in the module Resources section and on the module table of contents page. 1. Review all module resources. 2. Participate in the Module Two discussion. 3. Complete the Module Two activity.

Introduction Explore the following resources to get a better understanding of time management and how you can get the most out of your schedule. Please note that each of these resources offers value to this week’s learning experiences. Review them all and consider how each may contribute to the work you do in this module.

Required Resources  Textbook: P.O.W.E.R. Learning: Online Success, Chapters 2 and 9 Click here for instructions on accessing your textbook opens in new window. Read these short chapters to learn about time management strategies, prioritize competing personal interests, and gain insights into positive decision making. This information will greatly assist you in this week’s scheduling and time management assignments.  What strategies for managing your time apply best to your life?  What strategies for decision making will assist you most when applying them?

 Video: Unwavering Focus opens in new window (17:02) View this video to gain some valuable insights into concentration, focus, and how you can apply these concepts to your life.  How can you limit your distractions to help improve your focus?  Are there specific ways you can practice focus and concentration to meet the needs of your life?

 Video: Rubrics opens in new window(3:43)

Watch this video to gain a better understanding of rubrics, how to read them, the information they provide, and where to find instructor feedback.  How can you determine exactly what you will be graded on?  What should you do with the feedback you get?  Video: Using a Template opens in new window (1:40) Watch this video to learn about templates and how to use them. The video will help you use assignment templates this week and throughout the course.  How do you get a template from Brightspace?  How do you submit your assignment file?

Module Three Introduction Learning Objectives By the end of this module, you will meet these learning objectives:  Differentiate between social supports and SNHU resources  Navigate SNHU support and service resources  Identify specific resources and supports for time management  Identify personal motivation Module Overview It can be hard to admit that you need help with something. Many of us probably thought, at one point or another, that we do not need any help completing a difficult task. Then, we found out that help would have made the task quicker, easier, and more efficient. Even though you may have begun to take ownership of your academic growth and understand the importance of time management, there is still more to being successful in college. Many resources, supports, and motivational factors need to come together in order to help you maintain academic success. These resources and supports will help you determine the level of ownership you have taken both in and outside the classroom. As you work on this module, you will identify social support structures in your life, various SNHU resources and supports, and motivational behaviors that you can use to ensure long-term success in college. These services, resources, and motivational factors can be leveraged to help students of all ages, experiences, and backgrounds. The intent is for you to use all of these during times of need, confusion, or struggle. It is important that you identify these resources early in your academic career

so that you may begin using them right away to support your development and growth as a learner. What works for you may not work for others. Figuring out what resources you need now can help you in the future. For example, waiting to explore how the Shapiro Library works until you have a large paper due will likely not help you get what you need in time or integrate it into an assignment. Consider the importance of using support services, resources, and motivational strategies in relation to your own understanding of academic ownership as you work through this week’s assignments. Learning to use all these together will help you better achieve success in college. SNHU-specific resources and supports can be found in the following locations:  The Academic Support Module in your course  The SNHU Career Module in your course  The Resources page, under the Academics section of your mySNHU  The Support page, under the Academics section of your mySNHU  The top menu bar of options in Brightspace (Online Student Services) Module at a Glance This is the recommended plan for completing the reading assignments and activities within the module. Additional information can be found in the module Resources section and on the module table of contents page. 1. Review all module resources. 2. Complete the Module Three warm-up. 3. Complete the Module Three activity.

4. Post any questions you may need answered to the General Questions discussion board.

Resources: Resources and Supports for Time Management Introduction Explore the following to get a better understanding of how to use SNHU resources and supports, social supports, and motivational factors to manage your time. These readings and videos will have information that can and should be used in this module’s assignments. Consider how each will contribute to your work this week.

Required Resources Video: Using Resources and Support Systems opens in new window (3:52) Watch this video to learn more about using the resources and supports that are available to you as a student at SNHU.  Why is it important to reach out for assistance and get the resources and supports you need? Textbook: P.O.W.E.R. Learning: Online Success, Chapter 11 Click here for instructions on accessing your textbook opens in new window. Read this chapter to explore balancing family, work, and educational commitments. The chapter includes a discussion of dealing with all of these and the stress that they can cause, along with several options for handling it all as well.  Which of these strategies are applicable to your situation?  How might the resources and supports available to you make these strategies more realistic? Webpage: mySNHU Resources Page opens in new window Explore the resources available to you through this page of mySNHU. Information on academic integrity, forms, and program evaluations are just some of what’s offered here.

 Which of these would benefit you most?

Webpage: mySNHU Support Page opens in new window Navigate through the supports that can be found on your mySNHU Support page. Information on drop-in study halls and an email address for getting additional assistance with your writing can be found here as well.  Which of these are you more likely to use?  How will you utilize these supports? Resource: Academic Support Brightspace Module opens in new window Navigate through the links in this module to find the following: 1. Written Feedback: Explore this SNHU resource to learn more about where and how you can get assistance with your writing. 2. Shapiro Library: Explore what the library has that can support you. The library offers many more ways to assist you than you may think. 3. You can also find information on getting help with English for speakers of other languages as well as disability and accessibility resources. Resource: SNHU Career Brightspace Module opens in new window Navigate through the links in this module to find information on the benefits of using SNHU Career services to benefit your academic and professional careers.  How would this SNHU resource be most beneficial for you in the short term and long term? Reading: Time Management Strategies: Tips for Balancing College and Life opens in new window Read this blog post to get some tips and insights about time management from various members of the SNHU community.  How can you relate to the individuals in the blog?  Which tip for managing time would be the most effective in your situation? Video: Breaking Old Habits and Forming New Ones opens in new window (2:40) Watch from 4:22–7:02 of this video to get some perspectives and tips on how to form new, positive habits that may help you adjust to a busy routine.

 What can you do when forming new habits?

Additional Support (Optional) Textbook: P.O.W.E.R. Learning: Online Success, Chapter 2 For review only. You already read this chapter in Module Two. Review as necessary as you work through this module....

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