SNHU 107 Final Project II Academic Success Plan PDF

Title SNHU 107 Final Project II Academic Success Plan
Author Nikki Stinger
Course Success Strategies for Online Learning
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 5
File Size 262.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 115
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Final Project II...


SNHU 107 Final Project II: Academic Success Plan Template Name: Nicole Stinger Student ID: 1804517 Program(s) of Study (Major): Psychology Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2023

Section I: Time Management. Sample Time Schedule MONDAY







5:00–6:00 a.m. 6:00–7:00 a.m. 7:00–8:00 a.m.


Sleep Wake up coffee Watch news

Sleep Wake up coffee Watch news

Sleep Wake up coffee Watch news

Sleep Wake up coffee Watch news

Sleep Wake up coffee Watch news

Sleep Wake up coffee Watch news

8:00–9:00 a.m.

Cook breakfast

Sleep Wake up coffee Watch news Check email get on SNHU

Eat/call mom

Sch work/ shower

Phone /TV


Sch work

Walked Diezel


9:00–10:00 a.m. 10:00–11:00 a.m. 11:00–12:00 p.m. 12:00–1:00 p.m. 1:00–2:00 p.m. 2:00–3:00 p.m.


Relax and feed Diezel Sign in Anthony’s sch work

Sch work

Sch work

Went to Dunkin for Coffee

Sch work

Take Diezel out

Sch work

Start this week’s sch work Lunch Get back to sch work

3:00–4:00 p.m.

Ran to Walmart

4:00–5:00 p.m.

Pet food @nemos

Talked to Savy & Teagan Watch Wendy Williams

Watch Wendy


Work out/shower


Sch work/help Anthony with his sch work News /call Savy and Teagan lunch

Therapy /Sch work

Clean/call DJ


Sch with Anthony

Sch work

Ran to Walmart

Talk to Teagan/ help Anthony with his homework

Relax / help Anthony with his sch work

Call Natalie/ help Anthony with his homework

Sch with Anthony


Gas/another coffee

Prep dinner still on phone

Mom call found out a family member died


Clean some more

News/walk Diezel



Sch work Anthonys schoolwork Took nap

Response post & finish assignments

Sch work

Sch work


Eat lunch


Hang out with ant

Take Diezel for walk Lunch

5:00–6:00 p.m. 6:00–7:00 p.m. 7:00–8:00 p.m. 8:00–9:00 p.m. 9:00–10:00 p.m.

Get gas and dunkin for coffee Prepare dinner, Eat dinner Take Diezel out Watch TV Feed the fish, shower Get on my computer 4sch work

Cook/ Watch News


Watch news/cook

News/prep cook

News prep dinner

Eat/Feed Dog

Dinner /feed Diezel

Eat dinner

Eat dinner/ clean up


Fold wash

Fold wash/online seminar

Watch Webinars

Masked Singer

Spend time with family/TV

Family time

10:00–11:00 p.m.

Watch TV

11:00–12:00 a.m. 12:00–1:00 a.m.


Mess around on computer Shower Tv/take meds

1:00–2:00 a.m.



2:00–3:00 a.m. 3:00–4:00 a.m. 4:00–5:00 a.m.

““ “ “

““ “ “

Feed Diezel and Fish Family/1st time zoom call

Prepare dinner/news Watch tv while cooking We eat / feed Diezel /relax Take Diezel for walk

Sch work

Board game

Sch work

Clean up/dishes

Clean up/sch work

Clean up/walk Diezel

Sch work

Feed fish/lock up/dishes

News /TV

Sch work


Sch work

Take meds/sleep

TV/phone Shower/meds Mess around on computer ““ “ “

shower Sleep

Sleep Sleep

Sleep Sleep

Sleep Sleep





““ “ “

““ “ “

““ “ “

““ “ “

Time Management Plan: Identify Black Hole Black Holes Reflection: #1- Distraction from my son, fiancé, dog, TV. These distraction’s impact my schedule because it takes me away from time that I could be spending on schoolwork. When I come in my room where my desk is, I shut the door, turn my computer on, and get in the groove of working. I forget to turn off the TV a lot, and I will admit that, so my plan is to come in and turn the TV off, give the remote to my son or fiancé to take and hold until I am done. I also need to put a sign on my door when I am coming in to do work because it seems every time I come in here, they come in and ask questions like “what’s for dinner?” I also can add a lock to my door, but a sign is still going up, so I do not keep getting knocks at my door. Maybe I can hang a hat on the doorknob, so they can see from the end of the hallway that I am doing schoolwork, so please do not knock! I have noticed I check my emails to often and that is a distraction that I have been working on eliminating. Checking it is important, but I am learning how to do it at a proper time. To reduce this distraction, I will plan out 15-20 minutes to just checking emails each day. I think once in the morning and once in the evening will be best that way, I do not miss any important messages I might need to reply to that day. #2- From the data collected from the time log, it shows that every day from 3pm-5pm, I am either going to Walmart, relaxing, or talking on the phone. Having them 2 hours each day can be used for more beneficial activities, like schoolwork or exercising. I can help to reduce time on unnecessary things by making a list of items’ I need and might need for the week. I can plan a shopping trip for once a week instead of going multiple times a week. Due to the virus, it is not smart to go out so planning your trip wisely is vital. To help reduce phone call distractions, I can put my phone on silent and leave it in another room while working. When I am not at my desk doing schoolwork, I could take the dog for a walk and talk on the phone then. I will be getting exercise for me and my dog while doing

it, so it is a win! This project has helped me in realizing my flaws in time management. Everyday I am making changes so I can reduce the amount of distractions and disruptions that occur and stop me from using my time wisely. Taking time for myself is always important but knowing when to and when not to, is just as important.

Section II: Academic Mission Statement and Goals My Academic mission is to successfully complete a bachelor’s degree in psychology by May 2023 and own my own practice. Using the communication skills, I have learned will help me to become and established psychologist. I want to be an asset to my community and help those suffering from addiction and mental health issues. I want to help them become productive, strong, and healthy members of society. Having addiction and mental health issues myself, I know how crucial it is to be there for others suffering from this illness. I want to be a part of someone's support system and possibly be their voice of reason especially when it is a matter of life and death. I want to be able to supply stability for patient’s as well as my own family. I will strive to have my family be proud of who I have become. I want to be a role model for my son and show him you can do anything you put your mind to with hard work and dedication.

My Goal is to use the online writing center to help me write my assignments correctly. Starting this Monday, I will start meeting with a writing coach weekly. It will provide me with the knowledge I need to submit my assignments with confidence and knowing I wrote to the best of my ability. This relates to my mission statement because I must obtain the writing skills needed to submit my assignments correctly and on time. By the grade I receive, I will know I succeeded in my goal. Getting an A will show me I did the best I could and receiving a B or below will let me know I have more work to do to reach my full potential.

My goal is to use SNHU Career found in the online student service to learn skills I will be using in my profession. Every week, starting this Monday, a tool I will be using is the network with professionals. Getting advice and hearing from SNHU graduates will help me get insight on what to expect in my degree and what tools they used and suggest for me to as well. In the next month I want to create my resume. This section has instructions on how to create one, a template that I can use and advice if needed. This relates to my mission statement because I will be learning tools that are necessary in obtaining my degree. I will know that I am getting closer to my goal each week by the feedback that the mentors give me. I will revise any material I submit until I master that task. My goal is to get an entry level position in the medical field while attending SNHU. After this term around May 1 st, I can get my certification as a Peer Specialist and get some experience to add to my resume. I did research on it and they are holding a class to obtain the certification within the next three months. Gaining hands-on knowledge will help me in achieving my goal because I will get the skills needed to become a successful psychologist.

Section III: Social, Motivational, and Academic Support Strategies Name of Strategy or Amenity One: Peer tutors How it aligns with your mission statement, academic goals, time management plan, or SmarterMeasure results: I will be using a peer tutor to help me get through challenges that I will face throughout my degree program. Why it is important to your academic success in an online environment: It is important to my online success because I will need someone who knows the program to help me when I get stuck or need advice. Since I am not on campus, I cannot use certain support but with having a Peer Tutor online, I will have still had that support and connection

Name of Strategy or Amenity Three: SNHU Career How it aligns with your mission statement, academic goals, time management plan, or SmarterMeasure results: It will help me when making a resume and network with professional’s so I can be prepared when I do graduate. Why it is important to your academic success in an online environment: It is important to my academic success because creating a proper resume and cover letter is always important for it is the first thing a potential employer will see. Also, it provides a way to help build up to my career buy offering information on how to volunteer, training and certification in programs to help gain experience for entry level positions and links to webinars for more information. Name of Strategy or Amenity Two: Workshops How it aligns with your mission statement, academic goals, time management plan, or SmarterMeasure results: Attending workshops helped me when I needed more information on a subject. They are a great resource; I like how the instructor and other students can talk to each other. Why it is important to your academic success in an online environment: Being able to have a resource that can be tailored to your specific skill is important. It can eliminate distraction’s that an open subject session could have when your only there for a specific question. It gives you an opportunity to interact with the instructor or peer tutor and other students. Also, I can submit a paper if I want and have oral feedback, then I can revise my paper and even learn from the experience.

Section IV: Ownership of Online Success Ownership of Online Success: Ownership and Measurement Name of Strategy or Amenity One: Peer Tutor A. How will your ownership of this strategy or amenity support your success in an online environment? Explain: I am going to make one on one appointments or use drop in tutoring for every assignment unless I am confident that I did it correctly and it needs no assessment. B. How will you measure your own success in using this strategy? Explain: I will measure my success by checking my writing mechanics against the rubric, and by how I am graded. I will pay attention to feedback I receive and act accordingly Name of Strategy or Amenity Two: SNHU Career A. How will your ownership of this strategy or amenity support your success in an online environment? Explain: I am going to create a resume and to help put some experience on it I am going to use the career center to obtain information on getting my certification to be a peer specialist. I will be taking advantage of this amenity every year that I attend SNHU B. How will you measure your own success in using this strategy? Explain: I will start my resume and every month if it is not finished, I will continue to work on it and my cover letter. I will know I had succeeded when I complete it, and have it checked my advisor. Also, I will be able to measure my success when I complete the certification class. I will also volunteer to add experience on my resume. Name of Strategy or Amenity Three: Workshops A. How will your ownership of this strategy or amenity support your success in an online environment? Explain: I will be getting added help through attending workshops and seeing how other students are doing their work and get tips from them will help me in succeeding. Also being able to do the

workshops where we can talk to each other and engage with the instructor will be beneficial because I can get multiple views and recommendations on assignments I am working on. B. How will you measure your own success in using this strategy? Explain: I will submit my assignments until I get it correct. The less I must ask for help and continue to receive A’s will be how I know I am grasping the concept of the assignments. I will be attending workshops just to obtain additional information and my grades will reflect that I am succeeding and when I mark off each time I attended a workshop I will be able to see how often I am utilizing it....

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