Preparing for Academic Success PDF

Title Preparing for Academic Success
Author Corum-Orion Jensen
Course Foundations For University Success
Institution University of Phoenix
Pages 2
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Academic Success GEN/201 Version 5


University of Phoenix Material Academic Success Answer each question below in at least 75 words per question, reflecting on your current abilities, and identify resources to strengthen your skills. Refer to the videos, readings, and other weekly assignments to help you compose your answers. Question

Your reflection

How would you define academic readiness?

I would define academic readiness as being a student’s capability to effectively and efficiently engage in any sort of academic endeavor. A more comprehensive definition would incorporate principles such as; a student’s capability to study, their prerequisite knowledge, and their ability to access and utilize information. In contrast, a student that does not possess academic readiness would not have the necessary mental nor emotional aptitude to effectively pursue an academic endeavor. In essence, academic readiness is an full assessment of a student’s academic abilities.

What concerns, if any, do you have with academic writing and reading?

To be quite frank, I don’t believe that I have any legitimate concerns for my own personal approach to academic reading and writing. I know off hand that I can read just under eight hundred words per minute and have somewhat of a knack for writing and editing. My approach to writing is to drive right in, head first. Only to then revise repetitively until completion. In this respect I do not fret over my aptitude for academic reading and writing.

What two university resources will you use to strengthen your writing and reading skills (refer to your Student Resources Worksheet)?

For strengthening my writing skills, I would refer to the center for writing excellence. It is a very in depth tool available to UOPX students. Within this resource I will most probably find myself referring to both the tutorials and guides resource to provide clarification and guidance on a wide range of academic topics. As well as, write point. I will

What is your personal learning style (refer to the Ch. 1 Aplia homework)?

My personal learning style is more directed towards mode two. Indicating that I am a student who prefers and excels at knowing what ideas or techniques are most important. To relate this to what I already knew of my learning style, I most definitely like getting down to the nuts and bolts of things. I prefer to have information be logically organized, straight forward and concise. I am very systematic in wanting to not only know what is pertinent but what the deeper meaning behind the knowledge may be.

What are two obstacles you might need to overcome (refer to your Life Factors and personality assessments)?

It is to my understanding that what may present as my biggest obstacles would be the incorporation of work and school. In essence, time management. I have a full time job where I work forty to sixty hours a week and am now adding a full time student’s course work will only increase the burden. In addition to this, my other obstacle to overcome would by my focus. When I do finally dig in I can get a high amount of work done fairly efficiently but it’s getting to this point that is an issue for me. There just seems to be many external sources that are very distracting.

What strategies can you

As far as managing my time to be able to tackle both full time

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Academic Success GEN/201 Version 5


use to overcome these obstacles and be successful?

endeavors I would need to implement an effective schedule down to the hour daily to make sure that neither work nor school suffers due to attention given to the other. As far as limiting distractions I can, during dedicated school time, produce an environment conducive to studying and information retention. In other wise, unplug and power down sources that provide unnecessary stimulation.

How does knowing your personal learning style help you be successful?

By being truthful with yourself as a student and successfully identifying your learning style will allow you truly become a master student. As a student if you are able to identify your learning style you will be able to effectively interpret, retain, and utilize the information presented in the course. Not knowing this about yourself will present a multitude of issues that could potentially prevent you from being successful in the word of academia.

Do you feel you are ready for the academic and financial commitment of attending college?

In assessing my academic readiness, I feel very confident in my ability to perform not only efficiently but effectively. I have a high IQ and feel I am fairly articulate. As well, I am no stranger to hard, focused, dedicated work. This is actually my third time going through college and if the old saying holds true this time will be the charm. In regards to the academic commitment I am still a bit weary of this but I am a hard worker with a full time job and student loans will be able to fill in the gap. Leaving me with enough alleviated stress to focus on my job and schooling

How can goal setting and time management help you reach your goals?

Goal setting and time management are only as effective as the effort you put into them. Picture these tools being as to a bicycle. Yes, they are designed to convert human energy into a usable and efficient form of power; but you can only go as far or as fast as you can peddle. In essence, if used correctly you can gain quite a deal of use from these tools. Again, this is dependent on your level of commitment. If you treat these applications as something one can waiver on you may only expect to see lack-luster results from such.

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