Social Media Data Collection PDF

Title Social Media Data Collection
Course Introduction to Computer Technology
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 11
File Size 988 KB
File Type PDF
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Introduction to Computer Technology - A...


Social Media Data Collection How Howbusinesses businessesuse usesocial socialmedia mediato tocollect collectdata dataand andcreate createan anadvantage advantage

Social Media Mining Strategies  Association  Analyzes data, finds patterns, identifies co-occurrences  Identifies a set of products customers frequently purchase together  Retailers use this to research buying habits

 Classification  Uses machine learning or artificial intelligence (AI)  Classifies a set of data into a set of classes or groups  Objects are assigned to predefined groups  Software learns how to classify data into groups

Social Media Mining Strategies  Clustering  Makes a useful cluster of objects that have similar characteristics  Defines the class or group and puts the data into each class  Retailers use this to keep similar products in the same area

 Prediction  Projects data you will likely see in the future  Covers the predictor and predicted variables  Recognizes trends and patterns to generate predictions  Predict profit data or future customer demands

Mining For Business Advantages  Market Research  Social media data tells companies what customers tastes, preferences, and biases are  Gather info on specific geographics, competitors, and potential partners  Determine public sentiment towards their brands and products

 Advertising  Tells companies how to identify and address specific audiences  Determines which messages are most effective in certain demographics  Can determine the best time and place to run an ad

Mining For Business Advantages  Influencer Marketing  Help identify influencers and users with a strong following to promote products  Social data analysis can help a company find the right influencers  Certain social media platforms are better for selling certain products

 Predictive Analytics  Algorithms and AI help businesses with predictive strategies  Identify social media trends and gain valuable insights  Anticipate future customer trends

Legal Issues  Corporations gather enormous amounts of data on their customers  Concern of who will have access to customers private information  Puts customers information and privacy at risk  Process of getting data is easier than ever  Quick transfer of personal info can lead to identity theft  Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)  Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)


 Cookies are used by marketers to track users and target them with ads  Verizon created the “supercookie” to track users browsing history  Customers were not made aware they were being tracked  The Federal Communications Commission hit Verizon with a $1.35 million fine  Verizon was forced to change their policy  Only customers who opt-in voluntarily will be tracked

Ethical Issues

 Apps collect and store private customer data  Customers often do not have the knowledge or given consent to be tracked  Our mobile devices can track our location and even record conversations  Cookies track our browsing history  Businesses can use the cookie data to learn customer preferences and interests  Unknown if organizations sell customer data to third parties  Data pertaining to identity or credit can easily be sold/ stolen

Bose  In 2017 a lawsuit was filed against Bose  Claims they had been tracking and distributing customer data  Users listening history was sold to third party data mining companies  Users were not informed their listening was being tracked/ data sold  Also accused of breaking federal and state laws  Demanded the company destroy the collected data

References  Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Pub. L. No. 106-102, 113 Stat. 1338 (1999).  Kukral, J. (2019, March 28). The Ethical Dilemma Pose by Data Mining. The Carroll News.  Miller, C. (2021). Social Media Mining Techniques You Should Know. FinancesOnline.

 Zentut. (2021). Data Mining Techniques.


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