Social media marketing tutorial PDF

Title Social media marketing tutorial
Author Angry Banana
Course Business To Business Marketing
Institution Stanford University
Pages 15
File Size 468.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 23
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Tutorial 2 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. D 11. C 12. E 13. B 14. C 15. E 16. D 17. E

Tutorial 3

1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. B 8. E 9. C 10. B 11. D 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. A 16. C 17. D 18. A

Tutorial 4 1. The code of ethics for SMM marketing is the same as for traditional marketing. a. True b. False

2. Being honest is one way for a company to build credibility. a. True b. False

3. According to the text, traditional advertising has no value to consumers. a. True b. False

4. Most people use social media because they are looking for discounts and deals. a. True b. False

5. When first engaging in social media, it is important to listen first before creating content. a. True b. False

6. How much people trust you is less important than the overall number of fans and followers you have. a. True b. False 7. Which of the following statements is false? a. Being credible helps build a brand’s trustworthiness. b. Providing an audience with helpful information is one definition of being resourceful. c. Putting a human face to a brand is one way to develop authenticity and build trust. d. Steering the conversation and message is one example of a company being participatory in social media. e. Successful permission marketing is about giving the audience something of value.

8. Which of the following is not part of an active engagement strategy? a. Creating social media profiles. b. Connecting with key influencers. c. Starting conversations with others. d. Broadcasting messages. e. Creating and sharing content.

9. With a global audience, which of the following should be avoided in your content? a. Expressions b. Helpful proverbs c. Folksy, friendly sayings d. Sarcasm e. All of these should be avoided

10. Authenticity can be described as: a. always sounding enthusiastic. b. the tone a brand or company has when using social media. c. telling the truth in a personable and genuine manner. d. a way for a brand to lose credibility. e. an important element of interruption marketing.

11. Why is communicating with citizens from countries other than the U.S. important for a social media marketer? a. Social media is international, with adoption and usage on the rise in many countries. b. The U.S. has a large international population that uses social media. c. Globalization means that the world is smaller. d. Social media in the U.S. is declining when compared to usage in other countries. e. Most social media sites are not country specific, so it is important to be inclusive.

12. Which of the following is not an example of permission marketing? a. Signing up for an email newsletter. b. Becoming a fan of a Facebook business page. c. Viewing an online ad on a mobile phone. d. Subscribing to a company’s YouTube account. e. Responding to someone on Twitter.

13. According to the social media rules of engagement, which of the following is not recommended? a. Sending an untargeted message on Twitter as a tweet b. Providing context when trying to connect with someone c. Sticking to a marketing message regardless of the social channel d. Talking about music tastes on Facebook e. Not deleting less than positive comments or reviews on your social profiles

14. Which of the following is not considered one of the rules of engagement? a. Having a personality b. Being nice c. Staying on topic d. Using social media channels as intended e. Entertaining your audience

15. The passive engagement strategy focuses on: a. collecting and sharing content. b. engaging with your audience. c. creating content. d. listening. e. setting up social media profiles.

16. Social media marketing ethics involve all of the following except: a. being active in addressing customer complaints. b. employing information gathering software on social profiles.

c. telling the truth. d. taking responsibility for one’s actions. e. showing respect for your audience.

17. Which of Walmart’s social media strategies was considered successful? a. Its Facebook page b. The Walmarting Across America blog c. The Hub d. The Eleven Moms blog e. Its MySpace page

18. Why is it important to understand the rules of engagement in social media? a. It helps avoid potentially costly mistakes. b. It identifies what social media channels to avoid. c. It shows how to grow your social media followers. d. It makes it easier to engage in interruption marketing. e. It reduces information costs.

19. Compare and contrast interruption- and permission-based marketing in SMM. -Traditional marketing relies heavily on interruption marketing: Firms purchase the right to interrupt people and demand their attention. Advertising is created to interrupt the viewer at what he or she is doing. These marketers need not worry about whether a consumer wants to see their ads. Viewer realize that ads are part of the cost they pay in order to consume media content. -The content of interruption ads is focused around selling a product or service that provides value to the target market. The goal of the ad is to showcase the product, reduce information search costs, create a persuasive case for purchase. -Permission-based marketing relies on attention being earned. Consumers consent to being marketed, examples include: (i) Opting into an email newsletter (ii) Following an account on Twitter (iii) Signing up for text message alerts

20. Discuss the 4 PARC principles for success in SMM. 1. Participatory -Successful brands are participatory – they interact with the community, answer questions and thank those who respond. -Brands may create their own communities, but in most cases, there are existing communities whose trust can be earned by showing interest and participating.

2. Authentic -Being authentic is vital to success. Deception is not a long-term strategy. -Authenticity implies conversing without forced attitudes or demeanour; inauthenticity is hard to describe, but easy to spot. Communications must be professional & personable. Honest responses will earn goodwill, trust. 3. Resourceful -Provide the audience with helpful information. Giving the audience a genuinely useful resource is a powerful method for earning trust and gaining attention through social media. -Many ways a firm can become a resource online – solve customer service questions, or deal with complaints, allow visitors to share feedback and ask questions. 4. Credible -Building a reputation for knowledge & expertise (thought leadership); this is especially important for B2Bs. -Building a brand’s trustworthiness: be ready to share information and explain the rationale behind decisions; admitting mistakes, asking for understanding or support

21. Describe the principles of ethical SMM. (a)Honesty -SMM is based largely on personal interactions, marketers must build a reputation for honesty. -The “spin” of traditional advertising is not expected; public scrutiny is high, facts will be checked, promises must be kept.

(b) Privacy - Do not collect or distribute personal information without consent. -Obtaining helpful data from viewers should be balanced again protecting user privacy. -Aggressive information-gathering software seen as malware, a computer virus, or an annoyance -Violations of user privacy can destroy a site’s reputation and severely damage a company. -Best to employ passive approaches that allow the user to input data voluntarily.

(c) Respect -Show respect for online participants – Treat people as equals, as reasonable individuals with goals and lives of their own. -Although online interactions can be highly impersonal, there is always another person somewhere in front of a screen. -Do not present manipulative messages, create false identities for testimonials, or hijack user profiles for promotional purposes.

(d) Responsibility -Mistakes will occur, when a customer has a valid complaint, a technical problem arises or some other crisis looms, take these 3 steps: -Acknowledge: find out what the problem is and take responsibility for the situation. -Apologize: If someone is angry, first attempt to calm, and apologize; then determine what would give the individual resolution. -Act: Implement promised changes or make other restitution. Inform the complainant that the problem is being addressed.

Tutorial 6 1. Twitter is ideal at achieving all marketing objectives, with the exception of brand building. a. True b. False

2. It is considered a best practice for a brand to use its logo as its Twitter avatar. a. True b. False

3. Odeo was the first microblogging service. a. True b. False

4. The equal ratio strategy describes when one follows lots of other profiles and hope they decide to follow back. a. True b. False

5. One should not include links to other social media platforms on a profile page on Twitter. a. True b. False

6. It is important for a brand to identify the unique value it can bring to its Twitter followers. a. True b. False

7. One use of microblogging is to start a discussion or participate in an existing conversation. a. True b. False

8. What is one disadvantage of the mass follow strategy? a. It takes a long time to gather followers. b. It may require a company to follow its competitors. c. It is costly. d. Most of the users who follow back are mass marketers and spammers and will not see the tweets. e. It requires a much more hands on approach to managing followers.

9. Which statement is false? a. Twitter accounts with few followers lack credibility. b. The quantity of Twitter followers is more important than the quality of the follower profiles. c. The ‘Suggested People’ feature on Twitter identifies people with similar interest to those profiles currently being followed. d. The targeted follow strategy is the most effective way to achieve marketing objectives. e. It is important to promote your Twitter profile across other social networks.

10. How does Twitter make other social media tools more effective? a. It provides a distribution outlet that can reach millions of people. b. It has better tracking than other social media channels. c. It creates a synergistic relationship between social networks. d. As Twitter grows, so does social media usage in general. e. Brands are able to grow their other social networks through Twitter.

11. What type of tweet category is described as “Look at What I’ve Been Doing”? a. Classic tweets b. Entertainment tweets c. Question tweets d. Opinion tweets e. Picture tweets

12. What is the most important element of microblogging? a. It is found on ‘tumblelogs.’

b. It only occurs on Twitter. c. The content must be unique. d. It must be short. e. It must be developed in conjunction with other social networking sites.

13. Which of the following is likely to generate the highest click through rate to your Twitter account? a. Follow me on Twitter. b. You should follow me on Twitter here (link). c. I’m on Twitter. d. I need more followers. e. You should follow me on Twitter.

14. Why does Twitter require strong writing skills? a. It is a social platform that many writers use, so the expectations are higher. b. Brands need to find different ways to communicate the same message. c. Standing out from a sea of tweets requires creativity. d. It requires a brand to be persuasive and interesting in a very limited number of words. e. Providing value requires a well-honed ability to communicate clearly.

15. Why is Twitter a useful channel for building personas? a. The hashtag is an important tool for identifying personas. b. It allows a marketer to listen to what the target audience is talking about, and develop personas based on those topics. c. The search function allows a marketer to easily study different users and their interests. d. The ability to directly contact users allows marketers to connect with personas directly. e. Marketers can develop personas based on the topics most discussed in its Twitter stream.

16. When marketing on Twitter, brands should: a. avoid offering special deals. b. ensure that they provide plenty of product announcements and promotions.

c. focus on relationships. d. ignore feedback and comments from other Twitter users. e. never retweet.

17. What is one element that is universal across microblogging and social platforms? a. The marketing objectives. b. Peoples, value and interests. c. The ability to identify influencers. d. Peoples need for deals. e. The ability for a brand to broadcast its marketing message.

18. Microblogs have become a source of: a. special offers. b. news and citizen journalism. c. spam. d. fake accounts. e. advertising.

19. The best content a brand can provide on Twitter is: a. that which includes photos or links to external content. b. interesting, fun, and valuable. c. varied and covers multiple topics and themes. d. appealing to the identified personas. e. a special offer not found anywhere else.

20. Describe the best practices a marketer should follow in building an effective twitter channel. -Set goals Success on any social media platform begins with having clear, measurable goals. There’s no way to know if your strategy is having a positive impact on your business unless you understand what you’re trying to achieve. - Check out the competition

Review the Twitter accounts for your industry competitors. Analyzing their social media can help you refine your own, by revealing weaknesses or gaps in their strategy, and ways that you can distinguish yourself. - Assign roles You need to ensure your accounts are monitored and active, and that someone is replying to direct messages and mentions. Twitter conversations move fast, so it’s noticeable to your followers if you’re not checking in regularly, and a failure to be responsive and timely will damage your brand. - Create guidelines You need a social media style guide to keep your communications clear and consistent. Guidelines also help you onboard new team members, and prevent mishaps and mistakes on social media.

21. Assess how Twitter can be used by a marketer to build a brand online. - Use Twitter hashtags and trends Tweets with hashtags get almost double the engagement than Tweets without hashtags. This is an exciting statistic, but it doesn’t mean that you should load up your Tweets with every hashtag you see. Hashtags are a great way to expose your brand to new audiences who may be interested in what you have to say. -Utilize Twitter ads Using paid ads on Twitter is a great way to reach your audience in a more direct way than waiting for organic reach. Promoted Tweets can expand your reach more quickly. They also allow people to discover your profile, even if they don’t follow your brand or hashtags. When you use a promoted Tweet, your Tweets show up people’s timelines who share interests with your audience. -Find out when to Tweet Sprout’s ViralPost™ feature looks at your audience’s activity and even chooses the most optimal times for you to share updates depending on when your followers are most active. Even though Tweets remain on your profile forever unless deleted, Twitter moves so fast that something you Tweeted 30 minutes ago may very well be invisible to your followers.

- Engage with your followers Twitter is all about creating a two-way channel of communication with your audience. It’s important to create content that encourages your audience to engage with your Tweets. You also need to make sure that you’re engaging with people who are Tweeting about your brand individually.

22. Visit and read some of the tweets. Discuss how an entrepreneur with a new product can use Twitter to achieve their marketing goals. Provide examples to support your answer....

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