Social Publishing PDF

Title Social Publishing
Course Social Media Marketing
Institution Federation University Australia
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Week 7 Questions and Answers for Social Publishing...


Week 7 - Social Publishing 

What are the channels of social publishing?

Channels that allow people and organization to publish content including blogs, media-sharing sites, microblogs, and information and news networks Blogs offer an opportunity for individuals to express their opinions, share their expertise, make money by selling on-site advertising, and attract clients for consulting work. Media sharing sites: Media-sharing sites are earned media because their environments are not directly controlled by the person or organization posting the content. Social Community Social communities describe channels of social media focused on relationships and the common activities people participate in with others who share the same interest or identification. Thus, social communities feature twoway and multi-way communication, conversation, collaboration, and the sharing of experiences and resources. All social media channels are built around networked relationships, but for social communities the interaction and collaboration for relationship building and maintenance are the primary reason people engage in these activities. Many of the channels in which you already participate likely reside in this first zone. The channels in the social community zone include social networking sites, message boards and forums, and wikis. All emphasize individual contributions in the context of a community, communication and conversation, and collaboration.

Who creates the content published in social channels? What kind of content can be published?

Content Producers creatthecontent: Editorial Message – is objective and unbiased, the source expresses an opinion or provides information and does not intend to carry out the agenda of an organization Commercial Message – such as a advertisement, make it clear that the intent is to persuade the reader or viewer to change an attitude or behavior. Cultural co-creation – among both producers and consumers ● Been around for almost a decade ● More than 200 million blogs in existence ● Include video and images Micro blogs- are similar to blogs, except that the content is limited to short burst of text and links. Media-Sharing sites – include video sharing sites such as youtube, vimeo, and Ustream and photo-streaming sites such as flikr and snapfish, audiosharing sites such as Podcast alley, and document and presentation-sharing sites such as Scribd and Slideshare. Content- is the unit of value in a social community. Types of content include: Blog post Microblog post Press release White papers, case studies, and ebooks

Newsletters Videos Webinars and presentations Podcast Photos Organic Content – Is content that a person feels intrinsically motivated to prepare and share Incentivized Content – Is encouraged by the offer of an incentive such as a contest or free merchandise Call to Action – Ensures people participate in the social media campaign Customer- solicited content – Invited but non-compensated citizen advertising Sponsored conversations – paid customer content. SpokesBloggers – The company pays bloggers who post sponsored conversations a their sole reason to contribute to a conversation. Counterfeit conversations – when an organization plants content that masquerades as original material an actual customer posted

What content characteristics enhance perceived content quality and value? How can marketers plan and organize their efforts as they embrace a social publishing strategy?

Events offer a great opportunity to connect your online content marketing strategy to offline, in-person interactions. Start by giving your events a prominent place online. Our survey respondents certainly value being able to access information about events online: As you can see in the chart below, 68 percent said the online event calendar was one of the most useful features of our website. In addition, be sure to engage prospective event attendees online before they arrive at the offline event, and after they leave. In our survey, events were the most popular type of content on Facebook, and second most popular on Twitter. One way to step up audience engagement with your content marketing is to encourage user-generated content, as people often feel more connected to your organization and your events when they are given the opportunity to submit their own content. In fact, 60 percent of our survey respondents felt it was important to add their own events and opinions on event calendars. Moreover, it fosters a sense of belonging that can translate into increased page views, engagement, and event attendance. The media plan designates how the campaign’s creative content will be disseminated to the target audience using specific media vehicles such as radio or billboards. Using search engine optimization (SEO), the process of modifying content, site characteristics, and content connections to achieve improved search engine rankings, marketers develop and publish content in ways that improve the likelihood that search engines will rank the sites well in response to search queries. Social media optimization (SMO) is a process that makes it more likely for content on a specific social media platform to be more visible and linkable in online communities. A branded article is an article that is written to promote SOS’s expertise in the field.

Search engine marketing (SEM) refers to a form of online marketing that promotes websites by increasing the visibility of the site’s URL in search engine results, both organic and sponsored.

What is the role of social publishing in social media marketing? How do social media marketers utilize search engine optimization and social media optimization to meet marketing objectives?

Social Publishing Social publishing sites aid in the dissemination of content to an audience. The channels of social publishing include blogs, microsharing sites, media sharing sites, and social bookmarking and news sites. Online publishing is editorial, commercial, & user-generated, Social media is all about creating opportunities by communicating & interacting mass population through media vehicles & channels like Blogs, youtube (video sharing), Instagram, Snapfish, Flickr (photo sharing), Audiofarm & Soundcloud (music &audio sharing), Slide share, Splash cast, Bright talk (presentation & document sharing).they are all examples of media sharing sites. Weblog is a discussion site with discrete entries (posts). Earlier it use to be the work of singke individual or sometimes a group efforts often worked on single subject. Later “multi-author blogs” (MABs) started posting on various topics of their expertise by number of Authors are professionally edited. MABs from newspapers, universities, other media outlets, came forward to share their views. Popular blogging Sites: Bloggers, technorati. The rise of Twitter & other microblogging systems helps MABs to share their views & opinions on contemporary issues. Varied opinions create Twitter wars, very fascinating to see people defending their arguments. Social Publishing sites are concentrated on sharing information to an audience bigger than just few followers, like in Social Community zone. The channels of social publishing include blogs, microsharing sites, media sharing sites and news sites. Blogs can be maintained by an individual or organizations. What makes blogs social is that they are open for discussion. People can leave comments on texts or share the posts in social communities. Microsharing sites can be seen as blogs, but with limited length of text. The best known microsharing site is Twitter, which is commonly used in a business life. Media sharing sites host content, but also videos, music, photos and other mixtures of media. A well known video sharing media YouTube is an example of marketing done via media sharing.

How can social content be promoted? What role do social news and social bookmarking sites play in content promotion? Pay-per-click are the fees a marketer pays when someone clicks on an online display ad. Researchers use eye-tracking studies to help identify the characteristics of a search page that determine this. They borrow this method from more traditional advertising researchers, who for many years have hooked respondents to sophisticated devices

that follow the precise movements of eyeballs as they scan ads on TV or computer screens. On most screens, this means that every user will view the first three search results, but they may or may not scroll down. Search engine marketers call this space on the screen where listings are virtually guaranteed to be viewed the “golden triangle.” Content can be promoted on social networks, blogs, microblogs, and social bookmarking and on news sites that use aggregators. Social media optimization (SMO) employs tactics to increase the likelihood that others will share and promote content. These tactics can be on-site and off-site. Social media pros refer to the careful crafting of a title that markets the content as linkbaiting. We choose a hook that increases the likelihood that the intended audience will click. The resource hook refers to content written with the intent to be helpful to the target audience. The contrary hook refutes some accepted belief;, it is challenging the belief inciting people to read the content if only to argue the point. The humor hook is designed to show that the content will entertain. The giveaway hook promises something for free. The research hook offers a claim about something of interest. Share tools are plug-ins that appear as clickable icons on a website and enable the viewer to bookmark or share the page with many social networking, social news, and social bookmarking sites. Plug-ins are third-party applications that “plug in” to a main site to add some form of functionality. RSS feeds are tools to automatically feed new published content to subscribers. Social media press releases: Social media press releases are announcements that let media know of new developments via social channels. They should have an optimized title, good keywords and tags, links to the main site landing page, RSS feed options, share buttons, and embeddable multimedia content that can be shared on several networks, in addition to the typical press release content. Microblogs share headlines: Microblog posts can be useful for reminder communications and ensuring top-of-mind awareness, but they can also provide valuable links, direct traffic, and build credibility and reputation. Social news and bookmarking sites: These filter vast amounts of information into sets that individuals can manage....

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