Social Studies Learning Segment Outline PDF

Title Social Studies Learning Segment Outline
Course Social Studies
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 3
File Size 231.3 KB
File Type PDF
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C104: Task 1

Social Studies Learning Segment Outline Central Focus _American History, Family and Community


Social Studies Theme

Specific Elementary Grade Level

State or Local Social Studies Standard

Topic of Instruction Description

Time, continuity, and change

SS.1.A.2.1 Understand history tells the story of people and events of other times and places.

St udent swi l l par t i ci pat ei nhands on ac t i vi t i est ogat herf ac t sr egar di ng Abr aham Li nc ol naspar tofour t hemet hi sweekofunder s t andi ng hi st or yt el l sas t or yofpeopl eand ev ent sofot hert i mesandpl aces . St udent swi l l pl ayamat c hi nggame wi t hwor dsandpi ct ur est oc r eat ea t i mel i neofLi ncol n' sl i f eandwat c ha v i deopr es ent at i onr egar di ng Li ncol n' sl i f easanat t or ney .

Individual development and identity

SS.1.A.2.2 Compare life now with life in the past.

Thi sl ess oni sanext ensi onoft hel i f e ofAbr aham Li ncol nandaddr es ses t het hemeindividual development and identity. This week we will review our timeline of Lincoln's life and consider how we can find out more information regarding an event or period of time in Lincoln's life. The students will watch

Week One

Week Two



another video regarding Lincoln's life. After the video, we will have a whole group discussion regarding some of the objects seen in the video. The students will form small groups and discuss some of the objects around the room that would help outsiders understand the class better and have them complete the student organizer. After that, the students will create their own timelines of their lives. Week Three


SS.1.A.2.3 Identify celebrations and national holidays as a way of remembering and honoring the heroism and achievements of the people, events, and our nation's ethnic heritage.

St udent swi l lc ompl et ehands on ac t i vi t i est ocompl et ev ar i oust ask s s ear c hi ngmedi a,r es our ces ,and ot herac t i v i t i est oi nv est i gat e, anal yz eandexpl ai nmul t i pl ec ul t ur al hol i day sar oundt hewor l d.Theywi l l t henus et hi si nf or mat i ont ocompar e andcont r as tt hei rper sonal exper i enceswi t ht hei rfindi ngs .The s t udent swi l l t henappl ywhatt hey hav edi sc ov er eddur i ngt heHol i day s ar oundt heWor l dExpl or er sev entt o hel pt hem under s t anddi ffer ent c ul t ur es .

Week Four

People, places and environment

SS.1.G.1.6 Describe how location, weather, and physical environment affect the way people live in our community.

St udent swi l lus et hei rpr i or k nowl edgeof" al mos tev er yt hi ngi s madeofmat t er "t ocr eat eamodel of as nowmanus i ngdi ffer ents t at esof


mat t er .Theywi l l t henuset he k nowl edgegai nedt oc r eat ea “ mat t erman”andanappr opr i at e env i r onmentf ort hei rmat t erman. Thi swi l l hel pt hem expl or et he t hemepeopl e,pl aces ,andt hemes . Week Five

Science, technology, and society

SS.1.G.1.1 Use physical and political/cultural maps to locate places in Florida.

(The rows in the table will expand as you type.)


Wi t hi nt het hemeScience, technology, and society, this is a STEM lesson (model eliciting Activity) where students will explore a story and have a whole group discussion followed by planning an itinerary with places to visit in Florida....

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