Part B - Math Learning Segment Overview Template PDF

Title Part B - Math Learning Segment Overview Template
Author Michael McDowell
Course Teacher Performance Assessment in Elementary Education
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 2
File Size 162.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Elementary Education: Literacy with Mathematics Task 4 Task 4: Mathematics Learning Segment Overview L e a r ni ngSe gme ntOv e r v i e wDi r e c t i on s :Br i e fl yd e s c r i b et h ei n s t r u c t i o np r e c e d i n gt h ea s s e s s me n t b yt y p i n gwi t h i nt h e b r a c k e t si ne a c hs e c t i o no f t h ec h a r t b e l o w( nomo r et h a n2s i ngl es p a c e dpa ge s ) . Don o t d e l e t eo r a l t e rt h ec h a r t ; b o t ht h e c h a r t a n dy o u rd e s c r i p t i o na r ei n c l u d e di nt h et o t a l p a g ec o u n t a l l o we d . Re f e rt ot h ee v i d e n c ec h a r t i nt h eh a n d b o o kt oe n s u r e t h a t t h i sd o c u me n t c o mp l i e swi t ha l l f o r ma t s p e c i fi c a t i o n s . Pa g e se x c e e d i n gt h ema x i mu mwi l l n o t b es c o r e d .

Central Focus: [Students will use computational accuracy with whole numbers and decimals and use a problem-solving process to solve problems.]

State-Adopted Content Standards TEKS 4.4 The student applies mathematical process standards to develop and use strategies and methods for whole number computations and decimals sums and differences in order to solve problems with efficiency and accuracy. The student is expected to: (A) add and subtract whole numbers and decimals to the hundredths place using standard algorithm. TEKS 4.1 The student uses mathematical processes to acquire and demonstrate mathematical understanding. (B) use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a solution, justifying the solution, and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution.]

Learning Objectives

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

[Students will solve addition and subtraction problems with whole numbers.]

[Students will know how to add fraction with unequal

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Formative and Summative Assessments

[In this lesson, students will have to solve addition and subtraction problems with whole numbers. This process will be introduced by using visual models to build understanding before moving into the standard algorithm to find the sums and difference between whole numbers. This will be accomplished through direct instruction, guided practice, and independent practice. [The instructional strategy for this lesson will be active participation. In this lesson

[Exit Ticket: Students will be presented with one addition and one subtraction problem with whole numbers. They will solve the two problems and turn in at the end of the class period. I will assess for accuracy.]

Formative Assessment: [Students will be assessed using the

Co p y r i g h t ©2 0 1 8Bo a r do f T r u s t e e so f t h eL e l a n dSt a n f o r dJ u n i o rUn i v e r s i t y . 1o f 2| 2p a ge sma x i mu m Al l r i g h t sr e s e r v e d . V0 7 . 1 T h ee d T P At r a d e ma r k sa r eo wn e db yT h eBo a r do f T r u s t e e so f t h eL e l a n dSt a n f o r dJ u n i o r Un i v e r s i t y . Us eo f t h ee d T P At r a d e ma r k si sp e r mi t t e d o n l yp u r s u a n t t ot h et e r mso f awr i t t e nl i c e n s ea g r e e me n t .

Elementary Education: Literacy with Mathematics Task 4 Task 4: Mathematics Learning Segment Overview

denominators and how to add mixed fractions.]

Lesson 3

Lesson 4 (Optional )

Lesson 5 (Optional )

[Students will add and subtract whole numbers and decimals to the hundredths place using standard algorithm and a problem-solving process to solve problems.]

the students will be doing some comparison shopping. Each student will be given a set of four task cards that are designed to all the students to practice adding and subtracting decimals. The students must select candies that they believe would make the perfect goody bag. They must add and subtract to compare prices, adjust spending based on parental allowances, compare prices at different stores, and compare coupons in order to see where they can save money. [For this lesson, I will use direct instruction to review student understanding of adding and subtracting whole numbers and decimals. I will model adding and subtracting whole numbers and decimal word problems.]

record sheet for the task card exercise.]


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The students will add and subtract whole numbers and decimals to the hundredths place using standard algorithm and a problem-solving process to solve problems on a teachercreated formative assessment.] [ ]

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Co p y r i g h t ©2 0 1 8Bo a r do f T r u s t e e so f t h eL e l a n dSt a n f o r dJ u n i o rUn i v e r s i t y . 2o f 2| 2p a ge sma x i mu m Al l r i g h t sr e s e r v e d . V0 7 . 1 T h ee d T P At r a d e ma r k sa r eo wn e db yT h eBo a r do f T r u s t e e so f t h eL e l a n dSt a n f o r dJ u n i o r Un i v e r s i t y . Us eo f t h ee d T P At r a d e ma r k si sp e r mi t t e d o n l yp u r s u a n t t ot h et e r mso f awr i t t e nl i c e n s ea g r e e me n t ....

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