Sociology Lecture 4 PDF

Title Sociology Lecture 4
Author jenny oster
Course Intro to Sociology
Institution Sam Houston State University
Pages 6
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Sociology Lecture 4 | Fall 2021 | Doug Constance...


Sociology Lecture 4 Social Inequality/Stratification 

Groups of people in structured hierarchies

Layers of access to the good life (high class) o Born into these groups

Achieved status o Earned (class - car, neighborhoods)-> social mobility – both up and down) Ascribed status o Born (caste like slavery, India) Functionalism (Davis & Moore) -> stratification is natural (even good); always been winners/losers o Makes poor people work harder to be rich o Carrot (wealth) and stick o Scarce talents(wealth/white/men) are matched to societal needs (doctors, air plane pilots) Conflict (Marx) -> not about scarce talents; its about power; not given the opportunity Marx -> social class is about property(land); the access to the means of production (economy) - Bour -> Proletariat (okies went from boug (farm owners) to prol – migrant workers) - Owner -> work - Buying human labor

Weber (conflict) -> 3Ps Property, Prestige, Power - Millionaire sports entertainment, politicians, religious elites, - Oakies lost access to means of production and the 3 Ps (land, moved away from farm, no power with police) TSLV (theory surplus labor value) - LV (labor value) $20 o Everything is about labor value - Wages -> $10 - SLV -> $10 x 80 = 800 Sex / Gender - Sex: are the parts -> Biology (ascribed) - Gender is o achieved, o culture, o learned; o through the process of gender roles (socialization) -> toxic masculinity o social construction Sexism -

one sex is superior and the other is inferior differential treatment patriarchy -> men are the decision maker, boss, head of family matriarch -> women are the boss o egalitarian -> equals

Patterns of sexism 1. pink collar jobs (dead end, minimal benefits, teachers)


2. glass ceiling 3. second shift (when a married women has to take care of the kids while the men watches sports or TV -> 2 jobs) Feminism - liberal feminist -> rights under law (most of the class are liberal feminist -> power is problem) - socialist feminist -> reproduction of capitalism mode of production (men are bougie, females are proletariat; capitalism is problem) - radical feminist -> separatists; men-hater -> they want men to be castrated (men are problem) Multicultural - black woman; intersectionality Waves of feminist movement - 1890 – 1920s –> voting rights - 1940s – 1960s –> equal right to work & reproductive rights (birth control) - 2000s – child care Beauty Myth -

A women can never be too thin Damaging to women Society teaches women to be measured by being pretty Prize men by being rich Extremely disciplined – attentive to men Teaches men to possess women

Marx’s View of Stratification Capitalists


 own and control means of production  achieve wealth thru capital Workers  work for wages  vulnerable to displacement by cheap labor Upper Class  the upper class is divided by upper-upper class and the lower-upper  old money – upper-upper  new money – lower-upper o American Dream  Wealth is more stratified than income Prestige Scale  Highest status jobs dominant by women – nurse/secondary school teacher  Highest status blue collar job – police officer Poverty      

Relative poverty Absolute poverty Culture of poverty – in the south Child Poverty is high in Texas US is the most stratified county in the world If you are poor, you are lazy

Race and Ethnicity Important sociology, not important biologically


Type of racist Prejudice Discrimination Norms of racism bigot yes yes Supports Timid bigot Yes Not resist Not Yes Yields Fair weather liberal All weather Not No Oppose liberal - Racial group -> biological difference (color, hair, eyes, environmental adaptations) - Ethnic group -> cultural differences o Customs, religion, - Minority group -> o Bio/cul differences o Usually fewer in numbers o Less power - Racism -> belief that one race is superior to others - Ethnicism -> belief that one ethnic group is better than others - Dominant group -> WASPs - Subordinate group -> not in the dominant group - Prejudice -> attitude - Discrimination -> action that negatively impacts another person; limit quality of life; deny a job - Institutional discrimination -> embedded in the working society o Not voting, abortion, - Stereotyping -> generalization about a whole group that ignore individual differences 5 Peeps (must be handwritten, who they are, why they are important, 1 paragraph each, how they lived and died, how society treated them,) 1. Medgar Evers 2. Angela Davis 3. Ruben “Hurricane” Carter 4. Leonard Peltier 5. Che Guerarrg


Patterns of Racism -

Segregation -> physical separation Assimilation -> all old differences disappear Accommodation -> keep some of the old ways Genocide -> systematically kill them Pluralism -> value all races and cultures Expulsion -> pushing you out/forcefully make you leave

Weed patch camp (gov camp) Find 2 examples of prejudice (attitude), discrimination (do something/treatment), institutional discrimination (embedded in working system) each What are the grapes of wrath and what you think they are? ForSt ei nbeck,t he" gr apesofwr at h"r epr esentt hegr owi ngangerwi t hi nt hesoul sofoppr essed mi gr ant s .Thi ss ymbol appear satt heendofChapt er25,i nwhi cht heaut hordescr i beshowbi g f ar mer shar v es tc r ops ,i ncl udi ngf r ui t ssuchasgr apes .Thi shar v es t i ngi si nhumanebecauset he pr ocessi nvol v esdes t r oyi ngf oodi nst eadofal l owi nghungr ypeopl et oeati t .St ei nbec kt ak est he i mager yofgr apesandt ur nsi ti nt oas y mbol f ort hemi gr ant s.Ast hebi gf ar mer shar v es tgr apes t opr oducewi ne,as ymbol i cc r opr ef er r edt oast hegr apesofwr at hgr owswi t hi nt hesoul soft he hungr ypeopl ewhowat cht hi spr ocess .I ns t eadofpr oduci ngpoor qual i t ywi ne,t hegr apesof wr at har e" gr owi ngheavyf ort hevi nt age. "Avi nt ageof t enr ef er st oayi el dofgr apest hat pr oduc esapot entwi ne.St ei nbeckgott hephr ase" gr apesofwr at h"f r om av er sei n" TheBat t l e Hymnoft heRepubl i c, "whi c hr eads" Mi neey eshav es eent hegl or yoft hecomi ngoft heLor d/ Hei st r ampl i ngoutt hevi nt agewher et hegr apesofwr at har est or ed. "God,St ei nbeckhopes , wi l l t r ampl eoutt hecondi t i onst hatpr oducet hegr apesofwr at h.

GOP it becomes a patriarchy to matriarchy

Sensitive new age guy (SNAG)


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