Spanish 308 Notes PDF

Title Spanish 308 Notes
Course Advanced Reading and Writing
Institution Washington University in St. Louis
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felipe montero=protagonist: young historian who sees an add, anxious el narrador comunica con felipe y el lector a historian that doesn’t know anything about the future. only the past vive en la ciudad es oscuro, he confuses the present with the past the numbers are all weird and confused pg 11, 14,

-identification quiz of quotes on wednesday!!!! -defining 2 terms of literature -15 minute quiz Temas para el ensayo ● Naturalism and its influence in “Las Medias Rojas” ● Influence of social class on feminist autonomy at the end of the 19th century in Spain in “El Encaje Roto” ● The use of clothing as symbols in which the 2 relate ● Make sure you put short stories in quotes, long works in ITALICS ● Formatting is really important to him PRUEBA...AHHHH! ● 2 quotes! Identify who says it and why, the context is improtant! ● Define 2 terms in the term list ○ cosmovisión=point of view, optimistic, pessimistic AURA 1. The cats: a. Aura and felipe believe they exist b. The cats have eyes that can see in the dark and they eat rats c. The cats were among the fire in the garden d. Animals follow their instincts---humans, in one way or another, do the same Tiempo: ● There is no organization of time, it’s cyclical ● Always darkness=representation of lost youth ● Cats---existence in time, not necessarily in space! Realismo Magico: ● When people “somehow” change ages ● When people turn into other people (Aura) ● When people confuse the present and the past ○ When felipe is informed that the garden doesn’t exist anymore, the cats as well Conversaciones Culturales: We’re having a discussion of culture on wednesday after the quiz! YAY :-) Summary of Las Medias Rojas: Iladara lives in the country with her father Claudio. She comes in with the firewood. Claudio rolls

his cigar, puffs it, and out of the cloud emerges Ildara’s leg wearing the red lace. Claudio accuses her of using his money to buy it and expresses anger as she claims she used her own money. In a fit of rage, he abuses her: throwing her up against the wall, shaking her, hitting her. He damages her eyes so that no one will ever want to interact with her. Ildara is reminded of the boat that could take away all of her misery and sadness---the boat that would take her to the U.S., but women without stockings don’t board those boats. The story ends in Ildara’s despair. The tragic disfiguration of Ildara is very important in that, Ildara’s beauty was what promised her that spot on the ship that would take her to a better life, but without that beauty Ildara no longer has a chance to leave as the ship only accepts the beautiful. On a figurative level, by destroying Ildara’s beauty, Ildara’s father destroys her hope of ever living a better life the red stockings represent the hope and happiness that Ildara feels over the thought that she will soon be leaving her poor and destitute life for a better life.

Summary of el encaje roto ● ● ● ● ●

Micaelita was supposed to marry Bernardo, but she said no at the altar. She comes from high upper class, very wealthy guests were shocked when she said no They started speculating why she did it, rumors started going around 3 years after, she goes into a nail salon and reveals why she said no There was a lace that Bernardo gave her to wear during the wedding, but it got caught on something as she walked and ripped it ● She saw Bernardo’s face and he gave her an expression she hadn’t seen before, one of rage and violence, one that made her feel threatened and scared ○ She thought she had known everything about him, but she realized theres more to learn as a married couple ● When asked why she didn’t tell people her reasoning, she said peoples reasons would be realistic and normal than hers THEMES: female independence, class disparity, traditions and customs, marriage (:-) AURA SUMMARY: Aura by Carlos Fuentes is a short fantasy novel that depicts dreamlike events to project youth and old age. Montero, a historian, visits a widow after he sees the advertisement in a newspaper that describes the kind of person required to the job of organizing and finishing the memories of the widow’s deceased husband. When Montero reads description, he finds such a strong connection and thinks that it is the perfect description of him, save a name. He visits the widow’s house which is dark and the widow is lying in her bed in her room. There he meets, Aura, the widow’s young niece and gets intrigued by her. The only condition to take the job is to live in the house, and even though it is a well paid job, he doubts, but after meeting Aura, he decides to take it. He spends the night thinking about her. The next day when he was working on widow’s late husband’s journals, he found out the widow’s obsession about youth, her infertility and her wish of having a child. Throughout the day, he couldn’t get Aura out of his head. Over few days, he realized a strange connection between the widow and Aura. Aura’s lips slightly moved when the widow spoke and she made the same gestures as the widow. He also

finds a strange connection between himself and the memories of the death general. Montero eventually falls in love with Aura, but notices that she is not free and cannot leave her aunt. Montero, one day, enters Aura’s room when she was in her bed and held her in bed. When Aura and Felipe were together, suddenly, the young Aura turned into the widow and Montero turned into the widow’s deceased husband. Thus, the entire story was a connection of the young and the old couple. The young couple, Aura and Montero, reflects the youthfulness of the widow and her husband. That is why Montero was so strongly connected to his journals.

Conversación cultural

Rosalia es de Barcelona (catalonia). Ana María Matute (1925-2014) ● Influencia del neorrealismo/tremendismo ○ Neorrealismo- busca representar las duras condiciones económicas y sociales ○ Tremendismo (parecido al naturalismo)- instintos basicos y primitivos, personajes marginales, violencia gráfica, pesimismo ● La posguerra ● La infancia ● Descripción de ojos negros y grandes ● Emeterio dice sí todo el tiempo hasta que finalmente dice NO ● Juan Rulfo: ● No escribió mucho ● Wrote a short novel and a collection of stories (both short) ● He is at the top of latin american writers ● Took an interest in photography ● Uses dialogue to develop plot ● In the story, people don’t say a word more than necessary ● Very minimalist: dry and cold ● Uses narrator that is documentary-like in style ● Emphasis on Agony (Ignacio) ● Violence in his stories comes from his background---lived through wars ● Revolution inspires his stories ○ 1910-1920 ● Civil war ● 1920-30; religious groups attempt to gain power “No oyes ladrar los perros” ● Theme 1: constant movement

“Amor, a la distancia” ● Edmundo Paz Soldán ○ Amores imperfectos ■ Post-modern ■ Has a very composite understanding of the world from traveling and studying around the world ○ Obviously, it’s a letter ○ A letter of confession and love ● this is the vine i was talking about “Casa tomada” Julio Cortázar (1946) Final version of Essay 1 is due next friday, 9-27 Crisitina Peri Rossi---Drew won the fucking kahoot--● Poetry has rhythm---she takes hers from hemingway ● Feminist revolution was something she admired Exilio ● Presidency of Pacheco Areco from 1967 - 1972 ● Military Dictatorship: 1973 - 1985 ● Operation Cóndor 1975-1983---LOOK IT UP ON WIKIPEDIA ● Tupamaros ● Democracy… return? La sexualidad ● Many of these south-American countries don’t allow or are still in the process of allowing gay marriage Plot and Structure ● A boy wants to be the son of the virgin ○ Hunts lizards ○ Goes down the well ● Themes: time, drought, lizards, religion→ christianity, water and fertility and their relationship, sun and hope/waiting, the virgin, the hunt, preparation of offerings, offering and rejection ● Interpretation: magic realism, temptation, transition between childhood and adolescence Crónica de una muerte anunciada Chapter 1: 1 hora de la muerte (Santiago) Chapter 2: 6 months before wedding (Ángela y Bayardo) Chapter 3: Twins turn themselves in after murder, goes into their past. Hours between Ángela’s devolution and the murder. Twins wait. 2 justices in the story: justice of the law, justice of honor Creo que los gemelos son culpables, pero no creo que deben servir un tiempo largo. Admiten que cometer el crimen, pero es por las razones correctas. La devolución de Ángela es una razón justificable para cometer el crimen porque la persona que se mataron también comete un crimen moral antes de la muerte.

The exam format: Choose 1 question and expand A LOT.--about half a page (1 large paragraph) 4 quotes to identify-choose 2 We have 4 quotes to choose from, and we have to choose 2 to identify author, work, person who says it, and then expand upon its relation to the plot and themes. Cronica: The autopsy--a medical student (Cristo) does an autopsy of Santiago Nassar. -There were so many wounds---suggests trauma -His brain weighs more than __? -Makes very weird details -The family receives a destroyed body - Investigation doesnt find anything new, illustrates the mechanics of his death -the twins cant sleep out of guilt -the twins exaggerate the story because (possibly) they wanted to demonstrate their manhood -love and hate are very close -when you use more energy to think about another person, you want to form a relationship with them instead of hating them -theme of women’s liberation (not marrying) shows up in el encaje roto too!! Angela + micaelita “Ninguno do nosotros quería seguir viviendo sin saber con exactitude cuál era el sitio y la misión que la había asignado la fatalidad.” -Santiago’s death was inevitable!!! Las medias rojas y encaje roto Feminine liberation Economic equality immigraton Aura-carlos fuente (mexico) Age/time Love Superimposition No oyes ladrar los perros---rulfo Murder Crimes of passion Pecado de omision-ana maria matute--españa Education equity The dictatorship of Franco Casa tomada-julio cortazar-argentina Affluence Realismo magico La navidad de los lagartos-cristina peli rossi-uruguay Religion Love Adolescence Rain and life Amor a la distancia-bolivia cheating/fidelity

Love Distance Trust cheating Cronica-gabriel garcia marquez-colombia 10/9 ●

Un constructo socio es definido como una comprensión general del mundo que es seguido como muchas personas en la sociedad. Es una opinión común que tiempo es un constructo socio porque los interacciones de las personas están fuera cuando no usan el tiempo. En “Aura” Carlos Fuentes desafía el concepto del tiempo y argumenta contra el constructo socio del tiempo. Los personajes en el cuento no piensan en el tiempo, y es demostrado por los acciones del Consuelo, Aura, y los detalles de la casa.

Gabriela Mistral-1889-1957 ● She was an academic in a scientific sense ● She won a nobel prize in 1945 ● She published lots of articles in her local newspapers ● She wasn’t married, nor did she have kids ○ Created a lonely lifestyle ● Popular Poetry ○ Simple language ○ Common themes ○ Elements of nature and society ○ Allegory, each poem corresponds to the poetic sensation of an object ○ Educative objective, to educate a society, to the children of the country The sea’s thousands of waves Rocks, divine Listening to the loving seas, I rock my son The wandering winds in the night Rocks the fields Listening to the loving winds I rock my son God father and his thousands of worlds He rocks silently Feeling his hand in the shadow I rock my son Friday, WILD October 25 Drew is not here and I am lonely :( Nicolás Guillén de Cuba. Cuba gained independence 1898-1902. Fidel Castro takes over in a communist revolution The poem talks about a white man and a black man, who is the slave. At the end of the poem,

he brings them to the same level, reflecting his communist ideals. Pablo Neruda y Canto General: ● He was a senator and author of several collections of poems ● Part of the communist revolution in Chile ● Won Nobel Prize in 1971 ● United Fruit Co.=controlling business→ a “Banana Republic” (not the clothing store), a small nation, especially in Central America, dependent on one crop or the influx of foreign capital. I did not understand the california thing. I hate this font. ● Monroe doctrine: the US policy that declared no more conquests and colonization by foreign entities ● 1903=cuban independence war ● Betrayed Guillen 10/30-beginning of class ● de Cuba ● Slavery ended in cuba in the 1870s and 1880s ● Negrismo-a revolution of black artists “Poema de los dos abuelos” (de Guillén) ---separated the black and white man, but at the end he put them on the same level, reflecting his communist ideals Morejon 10/30 Teatro ● Acotaciones de escena=the director’s notes about blocking ● Actores=the people that act in the play ● Catarsis=the liberation of sad emotions, acting out passions ○ Done by acting out fear and compassion ● Comedia=a comedy play, lower social class (speaking more colloquially) ● Drama=a drama play that deals with serious and emotional themes, has suspense ● Metateatro = es sobre la inrealidad ● Tragedia = Movimiento “Cachivache” ● 1970s ● “Cosa roto o inservible” ● Estructura: experimental, teatro dentro del teatro Marta: She wants a connection with someone that involves love; not satisfied Gonzalo: Dr. trying to move up in his work, but doesn’t spend much time with his wife, so she spends more someone else PALOMA PEDRERO

El dia de acción de gracias es un celebración importante en los EE.UU. Es representativa mucho la identidad de los Estados Unidos porque celebra las cosas americanas (futbol americano, pavo, familia y amigos, un banquete, etc) Especialmente los equipos que juegan futbol americano en el dia de accion de gracias (Cowboys, Lions) están la identidad nacional del país. Celebra todos los años y es posible la vacación más americana de todos las



SGT is taking it in Cornerstone; everyone else is EADS 003 (the lab) 3 questions to develop (choose 1) 10-12 sentences 3 short questions 5-7 sentences choose 2 Units covered are Poetry, Theater, And Essays 10 authors have been covered! Poesia ○ Alfonsina Storni: “Tú me quieres blanca” ○ Gabriela Mistral:”Meciendo” y “Yo no tengo soledad” ○ Pablo Neruda: Canto general ○ Nicolas Guillén: “No se porque piensas tú” y “Balada de los dos abuelos” ○ Nancy Morejón: Negra ○ Antonio Machado: “He andado muchos caminos” y “proverbios y cantares XXIX” ● Teatro ○ Federico Garcia Lorca: “La Casa de Bernarda Alba” ○ Paloma Pedrero: “Resguardo Personal” ● Ensayo ○ Jose Martí: Mi raza ○ Octavio Paz: “Todos santos, día de muertos” ○ Arturo Uslar Pietri: “Notas sobre el vasallaje” ○ Rosario Castellanos: “Y las madres que opinan”...

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