Spice chart on SE AND S Asia PDF

Title Spice chart on SE AND S Asia
Author Niya Bourdon
Course AP World History
Institution Van Nuys High School
Pages 5
File Size 217.4 KB
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This is a summary of chapters 1 and 2 in ap world history. Spice stands for Social, Political, Interactions, Cultural, Economics. These will talk about locations, Wars, Traditions, and more...


AP World History: Modern Textbook Reading Guide

Unit 2: Networks of Exchange 1200-1450

Ms. Lombana

Ch. 13 The Expansive Realm of Islam

Very Important Section

Ch. 17 Nomadic

Unit 1 Global Tapestry 1200-1450

A Prophet & his World pgs. 260-262 - Muhammad Early Life* - Muhammad’s Spiritual Transformation* - The Quran Establishment of Islam in Arabia pgs. 262-264 - Five Pillars of Islam* - Jihad* - Islamic Law: The Sharia Expansion of Islam pgs. 264-268 - The Caliph* - The Shia - Umayyad Dynasty* - Abbasid Dynasty - Baghdad - Abbasid Decline Economy & Society of Early Islamic World pgs. 268-273 - Urban Growth* Pay attention to - Formation of Trading Zone the images & o Overland Trade o Camels and Caravans analyze on these o Maritime Trade pages. o Banks o Organization of Trade o Al-Andalus Changing Status of Women pgs. 272-273 - The Quran & Women - Veiling of Women Islamic Values & Cultural Exchanges pgs. 273-275 - Promotion of Islamic Values* - Sufis - Sufi Missionaries - Hajj* Islam & Cultural Traditions of Persia, India & Greece pgs. 275- 278 - Translators and Travelers - Persian Influences on Islam - Indian Influences on Islam - Greek Influences on Islam Turkish Migrations & Imperial Expansion pg. 354 Economy & Society of Nomadic Pastoralism pg. 354-357

Empires & Eurasian Integration

Ch. 12 CrossCultural Exchanges on Silk Roads

Ch. 8 Unification of China

Ch. 14 Resurgence of Empire in East Asia Course starts with Song Dynasty. Can’t Ignore Tang.. They paved the way for Song

*= These are topics you simply need to understand & notes should be a quick summary (short & sweet.. but must EXPLAIN the topic). It’ll be background info you NEED to understand what happens during each Unit.

- Nomadic & Settled Peoples - Nomadic Society* - Nomadic Religion * - Turkish Conversion to Islam - Military Organization Turkish Empires in Persia Anatolia & India pg. 357-358 - Saljuq Turks & Abbasid Empire - Saljuq Turks & Byzantine Empire - Ghaznavid Turks & Sultanate of Delhi The Silk Roads pgs. 236-239 - Overland Trade Routes* - Sea Lanes & Maritime Trade * - Trade Goods *Cultural & Biological Exchanges Along the Silk Roads pgs. 239240 - Spread of Buddhism & Hinduism - Buddhism & Hinduism in Southeast Asia - The Spread of Christianity The Spread of Epidemic Disease pgs. 243-244 -Effects of Epidemic Diseases Confucius & His School pgs. 150-152 - Confucius * Traditions before 1200 - Confucian Ideas that are continuities in - Confucian Values East Asia- Must Daoism pgs. 153-154 UNDERSTAND them! - Laozi & Daodejing * - Doctrine of Wuwei* - Political Implications of Daoism Confucian Educational System pg. 160 Tang Dynasty pg. 283-285* - Transportation & Communications * - Equal-Field System* Must understand these - Bureaucracy of Merit systems/traditions. These will be - Tang Foreign Relations continuities throughout East Song Dynasty pg. 286-288 Asia History. VERY IMPORTANT! - Song Weaknesses Economic Development of Tang and Song China pg. 288-290 - Fast-Ripening Rice - New Agricultural Techniques* - Population Growth *

Ch. 4 Early Societies in South Asia

Ch. 9 State,

- Urbanization - Patriarchal Social Structures - Foot Binding Technological & Industrial Development pg. 290-292 - Porcelain - Metallurgy - Gunpowder - Printing - Naval Technology Emergence of Market Economy pg. 292-294 - Financial Instruments - Paper Money - Cosmopolitan Society - China & Hemispheric Economy Cultural Change in Tang and Song China pg. 294-297 - Establishment of Buddhism - Foreign Religions in China - Dunhuang - Buddhism in China - Schools of Buddhism - Hostility to Buddhism Neo-Confucianism pg. 297-298 - Confucians & Buddhism - Neo-Confucian Influence Chinese Influence in East Asia pg. 298-299 - Korea & Vietnam - Silla Dynasty - Chinese Influence in Korea - China & Vietnam - Chinese Influence in Vietnam Early Japan pg. 299-301* Must know how Japan was formed/Traditions - Heian Japan - Decline of Heian Japan  Medieval Japan p. 301-302 - Political Decentralization - The Samurai The Vedas pg. 76* Background info need to understand formation of

Origins of Caste System pg. 77-80 S. & SE Asia – - Caste & Varna* Effects: Culture, Society - Caste & Social Mobility* & Political - Development of Patriarchal Society * - Sati* Early Buddhism pgs. 179-180

Society, & Quest for Salvation in India

Ch. 15 India & Indian Ocean Basin

- Siddhartha Gautama * - Buddhist Doctrine: The Dharma* - Appeal of Buddhism * Mahayana Buddhism pg. 181-185* - Spread of Mahayana Buddhism - Popularity of Hinduism Islamic & Hindu Kingdoms pgs. 306

Background info need to understand formation of S. & SE Asia

Introduction of Islam to Northern India pgs.307-309 - Merchants and Islam - Turkish Migrants and Islam - Sultanate of Delhi Hindu Kingdoms of Southern India pgs. 309-310 - Chola Kingdom - Kingdom of Vijayanagar Agriculture in Monsoon World pgs. 310-311 - - The Monsoons* - Irrigation Systems * - Population Growth * - Urbanization * Trade and Economic Development of Southern India pgs. 311- Internal Trade - Temples and Society Cross-Cultural Trade in Indian Ocean Basin pg. 312-314 - Dhows & Junks * - Emporia - Specialized Production Caste & Society pg. 315-316 - Caste and Migration - Caste & Social Change - Expansion of Caste System Meeting of Hindu & Islamic Traditions pg. 316-319 - The Development of Hinduism - Islam & Its Appeal - Conversion to Islam - Sufis - Bhakti Movement Influence of Indian Society in Southeast Asia pg. 320

Ch. 18 States & Societies of Sub-Saharan Africa

- Indian Influence in Southeast Asia - Srivijaya - Angkor Arrival of Islam pg. 323 - Conversion of Islam - Melaka (S.E. Asia) African Political Organization pgs. 373- 374 - Kin-Based Societies * - Chiefdoms*

Ch. 16 Two Worlds of Christendom

Social Developments in Two Worlds of Christendom: pg. 339-342* - Byzantium: An Urban Society* - City Life * Read: Life on an Early - Western Europe: A Rural Society * Medieval Manor -Question of Feudalism -Peasants - Population*

Islamic Kingdoms and Empires pgs. 373-379 - Trans-Saharan Trade & Islamic States in West Africa - Camels - Gold Trade - Islam in West Africa - Sundiata* - Mali Empire and Trade - Mansa Musa - Mansa Musa & Islam

Evolution of Christian Societies in Byzantium & Western Europe pg. 342 - Popes & Patriarchs* - The Papacy* - Iconoclasm* - Monks & Missionaries * - Monasticism & Society * - Missionaries* - Religious Rivalry *

Indian Ocean Trade & Islamic States in East Africa pgs. 379- Swahili * - Swahili City-States - Zimbabwe - Islam in East Africa African Society & Cultural Development pgs. 382- 386 - Social Classes - Sex and Gender Relations - Women’s Roles - Slavery - Slave Trading - The Zanj Revolt African Religion pg. 385*

- Ibn Battuta pg. 440-441 9 (ch. 21) AMSCO pg. 44 - Hautu Kingdoms - Griots & Griottes (pg.49) Early Byzantine Empire pg. 329* -City of Constantine pg. 329 * -Byzantine Trade pg. 337-338

Ch. 19 Increasing Influence of Europe

The Late Byzantine Empire pg. 392-393 - Social & Economic Problems - Challenges from the West * - Challenges from the East * Regional States in Italy & Iberia pg. 397- 398 - Italian States - Christian & Muslim States in Iberia

Arrival of Christianity & Islam pgs. 386- 388 - Early Christianity in North Africa - Ethiopian Christianity - African Islam - Islam & African Society

Economic Growth & Social Development pg. 398-399 - Growth of Agricultural Economy - Improved Agricultural Techniques* - New Tools & Technologies* - New Crops* - Population Growth

Long Distance Trade And Travel pg. 436-437 - Patterns of Long Distance Trade - Trading Cities

Revival of Towns & Trade pg. 399-400 -Urbanization - Textile Production


Recovery in Europe: The Renaissance pg. 450-452 - Italian Renaissance Art - Renaissance Architecture - The Humanists - Renaissance Europe & Larger World*

Mediterranean Trade The Hanseatic League Improved Business Techniques

Social Change pg. 400-404 - The Three Estates - Chivalry* - Independent Cities - Guilds - Urban Women European Christianity During High Middle Ages pg. 404-405 - Schools, Universities, & Scholastic Theology - Cathedral Schools * - Universities*

Ch. 17 Nomadic Empires & Eurasian Integration (Mongols)

The Mongol Empires pg. 358-361 - Chinggis Khan & Making Mongol Empire - Chinggis Khan’s Rise to Power * - Mongol Political Organization - Mongol Arms - Mongol Conquest of Northern China - Mongol Conquest of Persia

Mongol Empires after Chinggis Khan pg. 361-364 - Khubilai Khan - Mongol Conquest of Southern China - The Golden Horde - The Ilkhanate of Persia - Mongol Rule in Persia - Mongol Rule in China - The Mongols & Buddhism The Mongols & Eurasian Integration pg. 364-365 - The Mongols & Trade - Diplomatic Missions - Missionary Efforts - Resettlement Decline of the Mongols in Persia & China pg. 365-366 - Collapse of the Ilkhanate - Decline of the Yuan Dynasty - Bubonic Plague - Surviving Mongol Khanates After the Mongols pg. 366-367 - Tamerlane the Whirlwind* - Tamerlane’s Conquest * - Tamerlane’s Heirs* (This sets up for the next Unit 3-4)

Popular Religion pg. 405-406 * - Sacraments* - Devotion to Saints * - Pilgrimage* Reform Movements & Popular Heresies pg. 407- Dominicans & Franciscans The Crusades pg. 411-412 - Urban II * - The First Crusade - Later Crusades - Consequences of Crusades Crisis & Recovery pg. 445-446 (ch. 21) Bubonic Plague pg. 445 - Little Ice Age * - Origins of Epidemic Bubonic Plague * - Spread of Plague - Population Decline - Social & Economic Effects

Marco Polo pg. 437-439 (ch. 21) Recovery in Europe: State Building pg. 448-450 - Taxes & Armies Set up for Next Units 3-4 - Italian States 1450-1750 - France & England - Spain - Russia

Know MAP pg. 359, 362

Ch. 21 Expanding

Political & Diplomatic Travel pg. 439-440 - Mongol-Chrstian Diplomacy - Rabban Sauma* Long Distance Trade & Travel pg. 436-437 - Patterns of Long-Distance Trade

Horizons of Cross Cultural Interaction

- Trading Cities Long Distance Travel & Cross-Cultural Exchanges pg. 442-445 - Cultural Exchanges - Spread of Crops - Gunpowder Technologies

(ALL Trade Routes) Ch. 21 Expanding Horizons of Cross Cultural Interaction (East Asia)

Ch. 20 Worlds Apart: The Americas & Oceania

Recovery in China: Ming Dynasty pg. 447-448 - Hongwu* - Ming Centralization - Mandarins & Eunuchs - Economic Recovery - Cultural Revival Exploration & Colonization pg. 453-455 - Chinese Reconnaissance of Indian Ocean Basin - Zheng He’s Expeditions - Chinese Naval Power - End of Voyages States & Empires in Mesoamerica & North America pg. 416-419 - The Mexica - Tenochtitlan - The Aztec Empire - Tribute & Trade Mexica Society pg. 419- 421 - Social Structure - Warriors - Mexica Women - Priests - Cultivators & Slaves - Artisans & Merchants Mexica Religion pg. 421 - Mexica Gods - Ritual Bloodletting Peoples & Societies of the North pg. 422-423 - Iroquois Peoples - Cahokia - Trade States & Empires in SOUTH America pg. 425-426 - The Inca Empire - Inca Administration - Quipu - Inca Roads*

Inca Society & Religion pg. 426-427 - Trade - Ruling Elites - Aristocrats & Priests - Peasants AMSCO pg. 33-35 - The Mississippian Culture - Chaco & Mesa Verde - The Maya City-States...

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