Sport and Society exam notes PDF

Title Sport and Society exam notes
Course Sport Business
Institution University of Technology Sydney
Pages 7
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Sport and Society Cheat Sheet General Review and notes  

Key theme sport having the ability to shift stereotypes and bias (or reinforce them) What is sport o Think about different styles of leadership  Transactional and transformational Know theories such as o Social capital o Intergroup contact theory o What is sport o Sport for development o What is theory Exam is 10 short answers

2- Sport and Social theory  

Dictionary definition of sport – athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often a competitive nature What has changed in sport o Tech  Streaming, tv, revenue  Skill/quality of play  Number of sports  Money needed o History  19th century – femininity vs athleticism  Medical opposition th  20 century – gender discrimination restricted female involvement at Olympic games  Sport and colour – African American  Jack Johnson boxing match in 26th December broke colour ban in boxing  Jackie Robinson – Brooklyn dodgers 1957 Social theory o Sociological is the systematic study of human social life, groups and societies o Sociology is a discipline that insists on studying people within their social context Social capital o Putnam 1995 – increased social connectedness…foster solidarity and social cohesion through bonding and bridging individuals o Bonding social capital – value assigned to social network between relatively homogeneous groups of kin, neighbours and close friends o Bridging social capital – conceptualized as relationships developed with individuals different from oneself

Intergroup contact o Allport 1954 – used to explain how relations among groups that are experiencing conflict can be improved o Ability to collaborate leads to increased understanding o Four criteria  Equal status  Common goals  Acquaintance potential  Support of authorities Know why/how sport is having the impact it does Pos or Neg 3- Sport and its impact

Sport for development o Global movement strives to engage sport for development, address issues such as obesity, public health, homelessness, social work etc Sport plus – increased participation in sport achieved by non-profits reducing barrier to entry to sport proving resources, equipment and coaching – Sydney thunder cricket coaching in schools Plus sport – organizations emphasis on sport being a tool for social change, more focused on non-sporting outcomes that result from programs – homeless soccer league Impact of sport o Physical fitness o Social interaction o Mental well-being UN millennium goals o Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger o Achieve universal primary education o Promote gender equality and empower women  Increase access for women and girls to physical education and sport helps confidence and a stronger social integration o Reduce child mortality and improve maternal health o Combat HIV/Aids, malaria and other diseases o Ensure environmental sustainability  Ideal to raise awareness to preserve environment, interdependency between regular practice of outdoor sport and protection of environment are obvious for all to realize  Philadelphia eagles recycled food, chemical free to clean seats, solar panels, wind turbines o Develop a global partnership for development  In order for poor countries to achieve first 7 goals, critical that richer countries deliver on their end with effective aid, sustainable debt relief and fairer trade rules for poor countries  Pacific sports partnerships program  $39 million from AUS gov for sport development program in pacific

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Transactional leadership – uses formal rewards and punishments (transaction at the shops money for food, rewards for work) Transformational leadership – inspires and excites followers to high levels of performance (transformers change into something) 4 – Youth Sports and Youth Participation

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Benefits of sport are huge therefore better for everyone if people stay involved Large amount of drop off in teenage years in organised sport Sports becomes too competitive and forces kids out, through push for professionalism but also pressure from external coaches and parents 2014 study – 9/10 kids said fun was main reason they participate How do we redefine our approach and provide sport activities that engage and reach youth o 1 in 3 kids are physically active each day o 7.5+ hours of screen daily o 4% decline in organized sport participation o Define culture  Have to know what is accomplished whether it is a premiership or just having fun and developing skills o Parents can be problem Strategies for getting kids back in the game very good chance will be an exam question o Ask kids what they want  More fun  What they care about  Coaches can run sport accordingly o Reintroduced free play  Social barriers to informal play with parents more busy both working  Competition increase with external offers such as scholarships o Encourage sport sampling o Designed for development  Active start - Provide opportunities to be physically active every day in a safe, fun environment (0-6)  Fundamentals – refine fundamental movement skills with focus on fun, acquire basic sport skills (6-8)  Learn to train – refine overall sport skills and develop sport specific skills (8-12) o Train all coaches  How to deal with kids o Emphasize prevention  Correct technique to avoid injuries  Safer kids = happier parents and kids o Think small  Might have to use alternatives to shrink down games

5 – Sport, racism and Diversity 

Implicit bias o Attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, decision making and behaviour without even realizing it Sport helping bias o able to see minority’s performance and even outperform other athletes of other ethnicities giving hope to others o Cathy freeman Olympic run one of the highest watched Australian sporting events ever Jobs in sport o Coaching and management jobs in sport are very rarely held by minorities despite a large representation of minorities on the field

6 – Sport, Gender rights and Gender Equality  

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Fink 2014 – highlights media coverage of male vs female athletes and its influence on consumers Sexism o Prejudice, stereotyping or discrimination typically against women on the basis of sex Performance descriptions o Description of performance varies based on the gender of participants  Over all in victory women are often seen to perform well due to outside factors compared to males and in defeat women’s emotions are blamed Example of work toward gender bias – rebranding of RWC no longer called men’s world cup or womens TV coverage o Women’s sport makes up small % of sports news reports and highlights shows o Women’s sports are usually covered at end of program after mens o Not taken as seriously Why womens sports are important o AFLW saw 56% increase in female community club teams and total female participation boosted 19% Sport is most male dominated are of pop culture Opportunity and visibility are key to grow the sport

8 – Sports and Tech

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Improvements o Athletes have improved for better o Evo of surfboard and golf club Video tech o Ability to review o Analysing form, potential for improvement TV o Much better, live sport had to adjust Intricate analysis = intricate results o High speed cameras used often by sports scientists to analyse motion  Injury assessment  Performance improvement  Preparation and adaptation Tech and sport viewership o Sport like surfing, skiing and others have been changed through GoPro’s Millennials and sport viewership o Changing rules and dynamics of sports experience o In-stadia experiences o Remote viewing experiences Millennial is impatient and has short attention span so games have to adapt to new audience o 7’s and T20 example Social media having a massive impact on sport Virtual reality also huge Esports o Attributes of success  Viewership’s  Barrier of entry  Can be easily involved  Wealth and celebrity  Prize money from tournament now equal and greater than a lot of major sport championships  Awareness and social acceptance  More socially acceptable to be into it  Snoop dog, ben Simmons and all involved showing that everyone from rappers to massive sport stars showing it is acceptable for all audiences How do technological advances in sport impact the industry o Technology has impacted at home fandom (hi-def tv, live streaming, social media) o Technology has impacted live fandom (online ticket sales, modern stadiums, commuting) o Technology has impacted sport skills (better equipment, better training, fitness, performance enhancing drugs, ability to study tape)

o Technology will impact sports in the future ( virtual reality, 3d Tech, augmented reality, twitch) 9 – Disability and adapted sports  

1 billion people have a disability Disability o Physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses or activities Discrimination o Include treating person unfavourably because of their disability, or because of assumptions made about condition o Representation matters  Mary Hums - most important issue is ensuring media coverage focuses on scores and medals instead of how long an athlete has used a wheelchair  “Paralympic athletes and their stories belong in the sports section… talking about elite athletes who represent their nations at the highest level possible. They are in essence, Olympians and we put Olympians on the sports page” Adaptive Sports o any sport, hobby or activity performed by someone with a disability using equipment specifically designed/modified to allow individual to do activity that was previously not possible o blind cricket with bell in ball o wheelchair rugby o can be expensive, hard to find, many areas do not have enough participants for entire leagues/teams importance of adaptive sports o another important role Paralympic athletes can undertake is to use their profile for political activism o cause champions 10 – Sport and media narrative

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social media o new media tech facilitating interactivity and co-creation that allow for the development and sharing of user-generated content among and between organisations and individuals Fink 2015 – the manner in which the media frames the issues impacts how the public perceives reality Co-creation – accounts turn to fans for ideas Memes – easy and recognizable Games – challenge fans to engage with brand by offering a simple game, tag a mate and they shout you Contests – can be clickbait

The opportunity presented by digital is huge in terms of access to new markets and audiences, deeper fan experiences through leveraging digital tech and longer event access through distributing new content in fresh ways 11 – Sports impact on LGBT rights

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80% of people have witnessed or experienced homophobia in sport with homophobic language most common 47% of fans heard homophobic abuse at sports matches Homophobia o Most often based on fear Ally o Member of a privileged group who takes a stand against oppression, works to be a part of social change rather than being a part of the oppression o Change does not happen without them, act as a facilitator to allow change to occur Why focus on sport o Sport culture in which Anti-LGBT name calling sometimes viewed as part of game o Coaches and administrators have special relationships with and opportunities to influence athletes (transformational eladers)...

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