Course  Developmental Psychology
Institution Central Washington University
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The adolescent is in two broad affective states: mourning and being in love. The adolescent suffers true parity with the resignation of his parents, feels an internal emptiness, sadness, sadness and the grieving process includes feelings of loss.


STAGES OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Life cycle of the individual a) Stage of lactation : The child at birth passes from the intrauterine medium to another, continues to depend directly on the mother to survive biologically. According to Erikson, when the bond between mother and son is obtained , the child acquires "basic confidence" in his surrounding environment, and a hopeful and optimistic attitude towards his life. The distance, maternal depression, etc ; create in the child an attitude of distrust, pessimism in relation to the environment. According to Margaret Mahler, points out that this period occurs the "psychological birth" of the person. This, unlike biological birth, is a slow process in which progress is made from an initial symbiosis with the mother, through a separation process / individuation b ) Muscular stage or second childhood : Includes the period from 2 to 4 when neurological maturation occurs. Its capacity for mobilization, control of muscles and its capacity for vocalization is developed. According to Erikson, the sense of autonomy is acquired; the child feels that he has a will of his own, that he is capable of self-control. The excess of protection by the mother produces in the child feelings of doubt, shame or insecurity in itself. c) Preschool stage or game age : Comprises between 4 and 5 years ; the child I know has become independent, both psychologically and physically from the mother. The boy he is more clearly aware of his external environment. When parents or others; define the child's attempts to take initiatives and get their own ends as something negative or bad, and are therefore punished, you can generate a guilty reaction. When the excess of guilt appears, and a sense of clear purpose does not materialize, the possibility arises that in adult life neurotic pictures appear. d ) School stage: It comprises between 5 and 10 years, the child begins to spend increasingly longer periods away from home and gives more importance to schools. The sense of being competent arises; play, competitive sports and school performance are crucial in the consolidation of a sense of competence; to the extent that the child performs well and is properly related to their peers. When this does not happen, the feeling of inferiority or incompetence arises.

and) Adolescence : Period between 10 and 19 years, the biological changes of puberty give rise to psychological responses; the adolescent separates in a progressive way from the family and raises the issue of their own identity. The "identity" is defined by Erikson as the sense of continuity and stability of the person over time. The sense of one's identity translates into decisions at the end of adolescence regarding vocational and couple choices. If this consolidation is not achieved, Erikson speaks of "identity confusion". Adolescence is defined as the transition between childhood and adulthood is a stage of the life cycle, characterized by profound physical, psychological and social changes. Stage of destruction, construction and reconstruction of the mental apparatus. Somatic Development Growth of size First rule in girls and ejaculation in men. Men between 13 and 16 years old; Women 11 and 14 years old. The maturation of gonadal trophic gland hypothalamic pituitary unit, initiates endocrine activity and triggers puberty. Without forgetting psychological and environmental factors. Restlessness and bewilderment, due to the bodily abnormality. Narcissism is a characteristic defense of adolescence. The lolito needs to adapt to his new body image with which he needs to identify himself and build his mental representation. Emotional development Somatic changes trigger psychological changes, involve a restructuring of the mental apparatus, which has to adapt to the new instinctive demands and the development of new objectal bonds. There is an increase in the pulsations, especially sexual and aggressive, the I of the lolito must be strengthened. It must strike a balance between the demands of the inner world and of reality, structure the mental apparatus so that the ego again directs it. The final achievement of the adolescent process is to have a stable feeling of being oneself, even in the midst of change. Dependence must pass to autonomy; by distancing from parents, their identity is questioned. The problematic is reactivated, the lolito tries to escape incest. Fantasy and creativity, along with emotional depth are at the top.

The amorous impulses are directed to the search of non-incestuous people of the opposite sex. One of the central tasks is the elaboration of the feeling of femininity in women and of masculinity in men. The YO, during adolescence initiates defensive measures and adaptive processes. Cognitive processes become more objective and analytical, the reign of the reality principle begins. There appear hierarchies of the functions of the Self, which makes different interests, capacities, abilities and talents stand out that are tested experimentally in the use and maintenance of self-esteem. Narcissism occurs because energy is withdrawn from the parental figures and leads to overvaluation of oneself. When he feels unprotected and fragile, he defends himself with feelings of greatness and superiority. The senses acquire great importance, the corporeal "I" allows them to maintain their identity, when the psychological "I" is involved in other scrolls. The increase of instinctual tensions generates anguish. To avoid it the lolillo partially discharges its tensions to the outside, via motor expression , especially through sports, dances. They are also partially discharged into the body and are the cause of the frequent physical ailments of adolescents. The adolescent is in two broad emotional states: mourning and being in love. The adolescent suffers true parity with the renunciation of his childhood parents, feels an internal emptiness, grief, sadness and the process of mourning includes feelings of loss. Being in love is the approach of the libido to new objects of love, it is the end of the bisexuality of the previous stages.

Cognitive development Access to the stage of formal thought that is progressively forming from 11 to 12 years .. almost reaches all adolescents to loas 17-18 years. Ways of reasoning independent of one's beliefs or placing oneself in another's point of view. From the age of 11 - 12, Hypothetic-Deductive thoughts appear in the adolescent's mind. Formal thinking allows greater distance in the relationship to oneself and carries an active construction of identity, placing the current representation of itself, among other possible.

Social interactions are occasions for the operative development and the interactions between peers due to the reciprocity they arouse and for the imbalances that they provoke in the plane of ideas, are also a source of opertario progress . Social development Search for independence, which allows true autonomy. 3 Psychological difficulties linked to roles: Contradictory roles Conflicts within the same role In the case of new roles, when there is no bridge between new and old. This stage has great importance socialization. The pairs occupy a very prominent place, because of their influence on the psychosocial development of adolescents. 11-13 friendship seems more focused on common activities than on interaction itself. 14-16 , the friendly relations are essentially dramatic as if the teenager had need of a double of himself, it would be the most important value loyalty and mutual trust. 14-16 the first loves are lived. 17 friendship relations become less intense, they must share more the social space of a couple. For young people, groups are a way of existing and of making a place in society. The adolescent needs to mature, he is neither a child nor an adult, he oscillates between dependence and independence, repetition and change, loneliness and peer search, security and insecurity, etc. Stage of transition development between childhood and adult life It starts more or less 12 to 13 years . It ends more or less 20 years . The first stage brings changes in the body. The second stage is followed by socially defined development. * Adult age "legal aspect" It reaches different ages for different purposes (license, voting). Psychological aspect:

Young people support themselves, get married, choose a career, develop their own value system and can start a mature relationship of friendship and love. Physical development: The physical or physiological changes are not suddenly; if not they are a progression from pubescence to puberty. Pubescence: Stage during which the reproductive functions mature, weight and height increase occurs, the primary sexual organs enlarge and secondary sexual characteristics appear. Average age girl: 10 years ; average age child: 12 years . Early age in girls: 7 years Late age: 14 years . Puberty: Point at which a girl or boy reaches full sexual maturity and are trained to reproduce. Average age girl: 12 years ; average age child: 14 years Normal average age in girls: 9 to 16 years old ; normal average age in children 11 to 18 years old . * Secular trend: Trend that can be seen only by observing several generations. * Physiological changes in adolescence: -First signs of maturation: increase in height and weight. -Primary sexual characteristics (internal changes): are directly related to reproduction (sexual organs) Girls: uterus, ovary, vagina. Children: prostate, gland, penis. -Secondary sexual characteristics (external changes): are physiological attributions of the two sexes that are a sign of sexual maturation, but do not intervene directly in sexual organs. -Menarquia: First menstruation, average age of 10 to 16 years . Children experience the presence of semen in their urine and in the night Maturation in man:

-Muration early: they are more balanced and more relaxed, they present good mood , they are more popular, more tendency to be leaders , less impulsive. - Late bereavement: more misfits , rejected and dominated, more dependent, aggressive and insecure, are revealed more against their parents. Early maturation (advantages and disadvantages) Advantages: high self-esteem, advantages in sports and dating with girls. Disadvantages: having to carry expectations of others. Late ripening (advantages and disadvantages) Advantages: can feel and act more childishly. Maturation in women: Early maturation: they are more social, expressive, balanced, more introverted and timid, they are bigger. Reactions to menarche and menstruation: Menarche is a concrete symbol of the passage from girl to woman. Feelings about physical appearance: Most teenagers are not satisfied with their body. Nutrition: Children who grow more during adolescence, need more calories than girls. Protein levels are important to maintain growth. Obesity: Overweight 20 percent on ideal weight. They suffer weakening of will. Influential factors: Genetic regulation of the body's metabolism. Stories of development (abnormal development of number of fat cells) Physical inactivity. Emotional stress Brain injury. It is associated with degenerative disorders of the circulatory system and an increased propensity of heart diseases. Anorexia nervosa:

Loss of 25 percent of the body's original weight. Refuse to eat. Stop menstruating Hyperactive It can affect both sexes from 8 to 30 years . They do not see how thin they are (they have distorted vision of themselves). Good students. They are far away, depressed and obsessed. Repetitive and perfectionist behavior .. Causes: Physical disorder caused by a major chemical deficiency in the brain or by a disorder in the hypothalamus, a psychological disturbance. Relationship with depression, desire for society to be thin. Treatment: Nutritional and behavioral therapy, individual and group psychotherapy, family counseling . Bulimia: Disorder in food. Characterized by episodes of ingestion of huge amounts of food, followed by extreme physical and emotional discomfort. Induced vomiting or use of laxative. The bulimics give in to their impulse to overeat and then they are overwhelmed by depression, guilt, shame. Only some lose weight. Deterioration of teeth, loss of hair. The bulimics access the food to remove the psychological hunger for affection and support that they do not find in the home. They feel deprived by their parents of care and attention. Treatment: Therapeutic techniques, behavioral therapy, family therapy, hospital treatment and drug treatment (antidepressants) that prevent suicide. Alcohol:

-Powerful drug that alters the mind. -They start drinking because it seems to be something of growth. -Feel pleasant, reduce anguish and escape problems. Marijuana: -Different reasons of alcohol. -The use in large proportion can lead to heart or lung problems, contribute to traffic accidents , affect memory, interfere with the ability to work at school, cause family problems. -They have deficiencies in nutrition, respiratory tract infections and other physical problems. Tobacco: - Smokers become physically dependent around 15 years of age . -It is possible that they smoke if their family does it. -The teens who smoke mature later. -Tend to be rebellious, to perform less in school, to go out less to do sports. Sexually transmitted diseases: - Venereal diseases transmitted by sexual contact ( damidia , gonorrhea, genital warts, simple herpes, syphilis and AIDS). Death in adolescence: Violence, the majority is due to accidents, homicides and suicides. *Intellectual development: Teens can think in terms of what may be true. You can imagine an infinite variety of possibilities. They are able to do "hypothetical reasoning". There remain residues of egocentric thought. They think in broader terms about moral problems and plans for their own future. Cognitive development of Piaget: (formal operations) Highest level of intellectual development, which is characterized by abstract thought, 12 years. He is able to make "hypothetical deductive" reasoning (think in terms of what might be true).

Apply systematic reasoning. You can use what you have learned in the past to solve present problems and plan for the future. Cognitive maturity: External and internal changes. According to Piaget the structures of his brain have matured and his social environment has expanded, giving him more opportunities for experimentation. Moral development: levels of morality of Kohlberg: Teenagers are not all on the same moral scale, they can be found in each of the three levels. one)


Think in terms of fear of punishment or the magnitude of an act, can justify, have concerns of a childlike nature. two) Conventional: They conform to social conventions, think in terms of doing the right thing to please others and obey the law. 3) Postconventional : Only young adults move on this level, they must recognize the relative nature of moral norms, they must understand that society develops its own definition of right and wrong and that the values of one culture may seem shocking to another. *Egocentrism: The thinking of adolescents remains immature. They often lose the sense of reality. They tend to be critical, argumentative, self-centered. * Influence of the home on student performance: Those who get better grades are those that their parents participate in the life of your children. School performance and behavior may be affected by the way Take with parents. * Abandonment of school: -Pregnancy. -Plans to get married.

- To feel that school is not for her. -Job. -Lower notes. -Lack of motivation or self-esteem. * To choose career influences: Individual skills, personality, education, socioeconomic, racial or ethnic background and also background of particular life experiences (work). P ersonality and social development in adolescence - Freud's theory: Physiological changes overexcite the "libido", before finishing the genital stage must overcome their unresolved sexual feelings towards their mother or father, the sexual bond is replaced by a temporary hostility "reactive training" (the person expresses feelings opposite to the real ones ). This is the beginning of the adolescent rebellion. By freeing themselves, young people go through a "homosexual" stage, which could go through an excessive admiration to an adult or relative. -Mead theory: The way a culture handles the changes of adolescence determines the nature of the transition. -Theory of Erikson: Crisis number 5: "Identity v / s confusion of identity, the active agent of identity is the" me ". The search of the identity is during all the life, one of the aspects is "the decision by a race" (in the previous stage the skills are acquired), the virtue that arises is the "fidelity" the sense of belonging; Failure results in "stubbornness and shyness." * Identity status: Internal organization of commitments, beliefs and individual stories. "Identity achievement": (crisis that leads to commitment) Large amount of time thinking about important aspects of your life. "Acceptance without reason: They have made commitments but instead of considering possible alternatives, they have accepted other people's plans for their lives. "Dissemination of identity": (without commitment) You may have recognized a period of considering alternatives, you have not committed.

"Moratorium": Ambivalent struggle, probable achievement of identity. * The role of the peer group: When searching for friends, new values are tested. Rest in cognitive development, adolescents are less self-centered and are more susceptible to the feelings and thoughts that their friends share with them. * Pressure of the peer group v / s paternal influence: They are more influenced, paternity provides a psychological foundation that enables teens to resist peer group pressure. * Achievement of sexual identity: Among adolescents sexual activity, completely fills a number of needs, only one of which is physical pleasure. -Masturbation: First sexual experience of many young people. - Sexual reference: Is interested in members of the opposite sex (heterosexual); or of the same sex (homosexual). -Homosexuality: Hypothesis Hormonal imbalance, family conformation with a dominant mother and weak parent, the interaction between hormonal and environmental events is crucial. -Pregnancy: Young people who have discussed sex, pregnancy and contraception with their parents tend to use more birth control. D evelopment social and personality in adolescence * There are three main domains: Cognitive development, personality and social behavior. * Personality in adolescence: It is a period of transition, change and instability, a step from childhood to adulthood, in this stage the person consolidates their specific skills and social capacity in front of the world. * Bandura: I call adolescence fiction and mythology and it is the exaggerated interpretation of some superficial signs of juvenile nonconformism. * Constituents of psychosocial identity:

The most characteristic element is personal identity. * Self development and personal identity: Erikson: For him adolescence is a key and critical moment for the development of identity, when he reaches that point he allows him to live in society, the differentiation is the psychosocial nature and contains cognitive elements (the individual judges himself, the light of how it warns that others judge it). * Four elements that distinguish identity: -Express mode of identity. - Conscious feeling of identity. -Synthesis of the self and its corresponding acts. -Interiority with identity and group ideals. *Moral conscience: It comprises different contents of a compartmental nature , of a cognitive order, judgment and conscience. Moral judgment is linked to Piaget and Kohlberg. Kohlberg postulates that the development of the judgment, moral reasoning advances through the stages, the moral development presupposes cognitive development. *Concept of itself: -Rogers: the concept of self has been recognized a central role in the formation of personality, its integration and adjustment, self - concept are cognitive schemas about oneself. -Lacan: The genesis of the self is reflected in its own image (mirror), due to body changes, they need to redo the image of their body. *S...

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