Story OF Amanda Taylor - ,,,,,,,, PDF

Title Story OF Amanda Taylor - ,,,,,,,,
Author George Anne Cualing
Course Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Institution Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Pages 3
File Size 77.8 KB
File Type PDF
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STORY OF AMANDA TAYLORGeneral Instructions for activities/ assessments: Attach your answer here ( google classroom). You can use any format, font style/size, docs/ pdf, etc. be sure that it is readable/ understandable. Be creative. Every question has corresponding points including the sub-questions ...


STORY OF AMANDA TAYLOR General Instructions for activities/ assessments: 1. Attach your answer here ( google classroom). You can use any format, font style/size, docs/ pdf, etc..but be sure that it is readable/ understandable. Be creative.

2. Every question has corresponding points including the sub-questions “why”.

3. Always number your answer in accordance with the question you are answering. “Answers without numbers will be considered wrong.” You can also use question/ answer format but you should put no. in every question that you are answering.

4. Summary of all answers in a paragraph will be marked zero! (Except for reactions papers)

5. Always put references in your answers (APA). Answers without references will not be entertained. (Except for subjective questions)

6. Answers must always be In English.

7. Submission deadline for activities/assessments: Credits will be given to those who can submit on time, but late submission will not have point deductions.

8. Submission BEFORE the end of the SEMESTER will still be entertained but FAILURE TO SUBMIT WILL MEAN INCOMPLETE GRADES.

Story of Amanda Taylor

1. Give as many descriptions as you can about the personality of Amanda. Amanda is a brave woman because it takes a lot of courage to stand against the norms within her family. She is also goal-oriented because even though her teachers, counselor, and mother discouraged her to go to the University where she had been accepted, she is still driven by motivation and managed to finish her master's degree. Her persistency to continue life regardless of how many times she experienced betrayal and heartache.

2. Which sentences in her story do you like best? Cite your reasons why you like them. The sentence that I liked the most among all the sentences in her story is, "I feel at home in the struggle, it motivates me like nothing else." I like it because it entirely summarized her life. She faced a lot of struggles from her childhood until her adulthood, however, these does not stopped her from achieving her dreams and helping other people who are losing their hope. 3. In Amanda’s experience in pain, how would you relate yourself dealing with your own pain? When I experience pain brought by others in my life, I immediately cut them off from my life especially if they are doing it by purpose like when they are mocking my flaws or when my classmate in 9th grade smartshamed me during our Economics class. Although I cut them off from my life, I hold to their words and still prove to myself that I am not what they said. Because their words became a trauma to my younger self and I am continuously improving myself for my own sake. 4. Identify at least 3 unpacking the self, happened with Amanda. The first thing I recognized with the story of Amanda is that she started it with what family does she have. She did not point anything bad against her parents for living in poverty at a very young age. The next thing she accepted is the demotivation from her mother and teachers that she should not go to the University. However, instead of using it as something demotivating, she used it as a motivation to still go through and prove to them that they are wrong. Lastly, she always accepted that God has a better plan for her after all the heartaches and anger she had been through. 5. What characteristics do you think Amanda made when she set her free from her own pain? It was very kind of her and forgiving, albeit no one deserves to become raped, abused, and homeless as a child nor does one deserves to be betrayed and stolen by her own husband, she managed to free herself from the pain. This act is not a benefit for her perpetrators but a generous act for herself to accept that she can move forward freely and happily without the grudges within her heart. 6. What seems to be the life goal of Amanda? Amanda's goal is to finish her degree and prove that even the little mixed girl living in Gainesville, Florida can become someone more than that girl way back then. She always wants to prove that someone who strives her way out of the unhealthy norm, is someone who always wins in life. So does she, she became finished her Master's degree and later on become a Ph.D. holder.

7. What do you believe to be the factors that enabled Amanda to achieve her goal? Contrary to what she said in the first parts of her story that she became numb because of the violence around her, she had her eyes opened that the victims, including herself, needs someone to vent these out. This is why she used these words, "to help people cultivate hope when they feel like giving up," that is when I thought that she must be a psychologist. Because she wants to address these kinds of burdens, stories, traumas, and anything of different people, and help them as much as she could. 8. If you were Amanda, how would you see yourself surviving? Are there things Amanda has done which you also have also done? First, I wanted to congratulate Amanda on making it to her goal. She fought a good battle and she deserves to win it. I was scared that our environment plays a huge role to nurture us, and having Amanda's environment, it must have been a real fight to not walking towards her parents situation. But it would do the same because no one can change me if not me, so I must do it for myself. There are things that I have done against the will of my parents like going to the University and my course. I picked and only took the college examination at this University, I have no other options than this. And I am looking forward that I shall also finish my pre-law course and soon enough I will take the Law School and become a lawyer, no matter how many rivers I cry over the pressure of passing it. So, I can say that we are both goal-oriented. 9. Create a plan on how you will improve your mental health. My plan to improve my mental health is that I need to take a break from the news mainstream because they report a lot of negative news than positive ones. Same with social media, before the pandemic, my social media accounts such as messenger and Facebook are inactive because it does not bring anything good to myself and I always feel insecure and envious to the achievement of others posted on their timelines. During the pandemic, I became a frequent user of these social media, but later or managed to give importance to what my studies only need, this also helps me to become less distracted. Inside our house, I finally got along with my little sister and it is fun and destressing to joke with her. She is also a "big sister" to me especially if I am not feeling well, she helps me a lot. 10. Create a commitment plan where, when and who will be involved in your plan to boost your mental health. I am planning to give my full commitment to boost my mental health. First, it must be done in my study place where the table is cleaned and books are organized. I shall start this commitment plan right after this day, exactly at 6 o'clock in the morning when the sun has already risen too. I will involve my sister with this plan because she is who I am always with and it will be a huge help for the both of us to have improved mental since the pandemic brought a lot of struggles and trauma for the both of us....

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