Strategic 1-Final submission PDF

Title Strategic 1-Final submission
Course World of sport business
Institution Western Sydney University
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Strategic Decision 1- Appointing Jurgen Klopp Sport coaches assist athletes in the development of sport specific skills and psychology to ensure maximum potential is reached (Topendsports n.a). Ideal sport coaches have the responsibility to train athletes by providing clear communication skills whilst analysing their performances. Also, motivate players through displaying positive and encouraging behaviours and providing decision-making skills that best reflects the attitudes and expectations of the sporting organisation (International-Olympic-Committee n.a). Duncastle United have decided to appoint Jurgen Klopp as the new head coach for the start of the new season. The struggling football side had to select a coach that will not only solve problems on the field like team chemistry and poor results but face off the field issues like player misconduct and relegation pressures. Being a sports coach requires the ongoing effort of analysing athlete’s performance, instructing and developing skills and the use of encouragement to maximise performance (Topendsportsn.a). Along with the development of reaching the athlete’s full potential, a coach can also assist in connecting with the athletes on an individual level (Gels 2017). Forming positive relationships with players by establishing trust and providing continual recognition can bring out the best version of them (Tozzetto-et. al). What makes an ideal coach means to have good communication skills with the athletes. Communication is key as the coach is required to understand the emotions of the athlete and how they are progressing in their team. Coaches keep records of this through detailed feedback upon performance (Johnson et. al). Poor communication can hinder the performance of the team. If there is a lack of communication, the team cannot work together to achieve goals (Schneider-, F.W, Gruman,- J. A, & Coutts,-L. M 2012). Positive behaviour should always be presented by the coach. This means to be genuine, to listen, be responsive and to provide athletes with a sense of security. (Ohio University n.a). Positive behaviour can enhance the players morale and increase the quality of performances. A successful and dominant team can execute high levels of skills more effectively and efficiently as the team chemistry increases (Vishnevsky-2020). This is due to the positive reinforcement displayed by the coach during training and team preparation before games or after performances. A coach is also responsible for decision making. Decision making comes with risks and it is essential for a coach to acknowledge this. Such decision making could include; changing the style of play, altering skills to become more efficient and removing certain players from a team to increase the likelihood of winning (Martinez 2018). However, these decisions can backfire on the team’s performance as one poor decision can affect the rhythm of the game. If this incident was to happen, an ideal coach will own up to the mistake they have made. Along with making decisions, an ideal coach has to be adaptive to the environment around them. Athletes may come across certain family emergencies and are at risk of injury when participating in the event. For a positive performance, a coach needs to be prepared to adjust to these external situations to continue performing at the highest level despite these pressures.

Good communication, being able to take charge in the decision-making process, being adaptive to change and demonstrating great leadership are essential qualities that have made Jurgen Klopp into the successful coach that he is today. Jurgen will utilise these skills to benefit Duncastle United by enabling players to reach their potential in training and in matches to ensure that the athletes are improving the individual’s style of play (Serrano 2013).This can have an ultimate effect on the team’s overall performance. Although these skills that Jurgen Klopp possesses can play a role on an athletes' and the team’s physical performance, Klopp’s skills can benefit the players mental approach come gameday. Jurgen Klopp can improve any team he is assigned to, his passion, dedication and leadership have ensured his success in all the teams he has managed. He is able to get the best performance possible out of his players. One of the main factors contributing to Jurgen Klopp’s success at Liverpool is his approach to leadership in his coaching career. An example of his approach to leadership is putting his players mind as top priority. By prioritising the team’s needs, Klopp has formed a great team spirit, therefore gaining trust from his players. His positive mentality can encourage his players to feel more confident and trust on their abilities. These skills are essential to a successful football team, therefore Jurgen Klopp will be able to improve Duncastle United. In summary, it is evident from this report that selecting Jurgen Klopp as the new head coach for Duncaste United would be the correct decision to guide this team back to winning the championship. The identification process of the head coach required changes relating to the development of the team. This included providing clear directions when enhancing the skills of its players, taking charge and accepting responsibility when faced with difficult challenges and displaying encouraging behaviours throughout the new season. By selecting the right coach would ensure the team’s skills would develop and future performance will flourish.

Reference List Gels, J 2017, The importance of a strong Coach-Athlete relationship, National Federation of State High School Associations, viewed 6 May 2020

Martinez, G 2018, The role of a performance analyst in sports, Sports Performance Analysis, viewed 6 May 2020

My Sports Mentor 2014, 5 Qualities of a great coach, YouTube, viewed 5 May 2020

Ohio University 2017, 5 Tips for Building a Strong Relationship Between a Coach and an Athlete, viewed 4 MAy 2020 Johnson, S, 2011 A Coach’s Responsibility: Learning How to Prepare Athletes for Peak Performance, viewed 4 May 2020, Serrano, J 2013, The Importance of Sports Performance Factors and Training Contents From the Perspective of Futsal Coaches, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, viewed 5 May 2020

The Jurgen Klopp Masterclass – His Top 5 Leadership Approaches n.d., viewed 6 May 2020

The Role of The Spots Coach n.d., viewed 5 May 2020

Tozetto, 2019 Strategies for coaches’ development in a football club: a learning organization Motriz: Revista de Educação Física, viewed 6 may2020

Vishnevsky, L 2020, What are some really good examples of positive behavior?, Quora,, viewed 6 May 2020

What Makes A Good Coach n.d., viewed 5 May 2020

Strategic Decision 2 (10%=max 825 words) Duncastle United’s stadia strategy involves undergoing a stadium redevelopment in 2021, spending a total of $20 million to refurbish the entire stands and to expand the capacity from 7,500 each stand to 17,500 each stand (Infrastructure NSW 2019). It is not just about the economic benefits from football. It’s about what major events, domestic competitions and rivalry fixtures can attract ahead of competitors (Webster 2017). The goal is also to enhance the stadium experience by bringing as many people together as possible. The large-scale expansion of Duncastle United’s stadium will transform the old architecture and worn out stands into a multi-tenant arrangement with comfortable seating and ample room space. By revamping the stadium will also give the club the opportunity to host major events and to attract all kinds of fans: spectators, supporters, children, families and other segment groups. ‘The possibility to construct metropolitan environments and including community facilities will enhance the atmosphere around the stadium and bring people together. (Siu 2014). This strategy was implemented for the construction of the Emirates Stadium in London. By replicating this will meet the projected population growth of current and potential future sport franchises in the area (Infrastructure NSW 2019). However, the current challenges being faced with the refurbishment of Duncastle United is the strong opposition to new venues. The ongoing debates with ‘incodes and other public stakeholders’ have delayed redevelopment until 2021 as ‘public funding was preferred to be spent on improving public areas rather than developing stadiums’ (The Conversation 2018). Another significant cost is the short-term closure of the stadium. Being unable to host fixtures at the stadium will generate less revenue and TV sales will fall as no games will be played. Duncastle United has received several sponsorship deals that will assist the club’s financial development and aim to establish a strong fan base. The type of sponsor that Duncastle United selects will reflect the values of the organisation which are positive to the spectators and stakeholders of the club. Duncastle United strategy must align with the organisational goals in order to support the performance of management and succeed financially. This can be achieved through not only promoting the sponsors, however using the sponsorship’s products throughout the organisation. An example of this is Duncastle’s Sport Analysts could use the Global Internet software to login into their program to monitor and evaluate athlete’s during performance. By using the products will encourage spectators to purchase the products themselves as well as supporting Duncastle United. Northern Breweries sponsor has mentioned interesting offers such as $1 per ticket sold in a season, it will not be ethical to promote drinks to the audience as it is a detriment to children’s health. Therefore, the sponsorship strategy that the club wants to partake in involves a family friendly and healthy drinking practice. Another appealing deal that was offered to Duncastle United was Hai-Sin automobiles. Hai-Sin automobiles failed to provide any additional value to the club. The sponsor will not promote the team and provide resources for the club to use. While the offer of an immediate large sum payment is appealing it is not an offer that the club can accept as its objectives are to build the club and last in the long run. Global Internet is the deal that Duncastle United will sign as it provides us with multiple sources of income and can provide the club with exposure to the public. This can also encourage the team to perform better on the pitch as we receive ongoing payment as a result of the goals scored. This can get the best out of the team.

Duncastle United’s social media campaign will consist of using a variety of platforms which will assist in building the club’s brand, membership and ticket sales. These include: Twitter and Instagram. One social media platform that the club can use is Twitter. This platform would be beneficial to market Duncastle United and build their brand the club is able to become increasingly more accessible is by providing real time updates. How the club will use this social media platform is by keeping fans in the loop about new updates with the team. This can include score updates on live matches, photos of fan recreations of game moments and jersey launches for the upcoming season (ThemeBoy 2016) Instagram is another great social media platform for Duncastle United as this platform specifically focuses on more visual content. The reason why Instagram would be beneficial is because the platform consistently releases new interactive features via Instagram stories. For example, polls, quizzes, etc (Opendorse 2020). Another feature associated with this platform is Instagram Live. Instagram Live is great way for the club to host weekly live Q&A’s either with the coach or one of the players. This can provide greater connectedness between the club and the fan. Although social media marketing and digital media platforms have their benefits, there are many issues and challenges Duncastle United will encounter during their campaign. Even though social media can be both an opportunity and a challenge for sport marketers, it is essential that the club’s social media strategy aligns with their overall marketing strategy. By using a variety of free social media platforms, another issue that the club can be exposed to is the mentality that social media is a free platform used to broadcast messages. In order to avoid this issue, it is critical that Duncastle United must stay away from that mentality as the business needs to understand that social media is primarily “social” and focus on the consumer who is seeking engaging content. Choosing the local radio option is recommended as it reaches 15,000 listeners every day. The 30 second advertisement is played 10 times a week can improve the turn out of supporters at games. Radio advertisement’s are effective as many people listen to the radio on the way to work or while driving. The service will be at a high quality as the radio station is a sports station whose listeners are sports fans, making this the best option for Duncastle United as they can get an increase in fans and people turning up to games to support the team.

Sponsorship plan  

Sponsors can be promoted through ‘authentic interaction’ directly with fans creating an accumulated influence effect Studies have suggested there is still a fundamental lack of understanding of the concept of sponsorship among practitioners (S-Comm, 2006), while marketers remain unsure of how sponsorship works and how to properly measure its value (Harvey, 2001, p. 59)

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