Strength and Conditioning for Cricket Fast Bowlers PDF

Title Strength and Conditioning for Cricket Fast Bowlers
Author Shozib Mirza
Course Macro Economics
Institution University of Canterbury
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Strength and Conditioning for Cricket Fast Bowlers...


Strength and Conditioning for Cricket Fast Bowlers Ivan Mukandi, MSc,1 Anthony Turner, MSc, CSCS*D,2 Phil Scott, MSc, MPhil, CSCS,3 and James A. Johnstone, PhD 4 1 Cambridge University Physical Education Department, Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom;2London Sports Institute, Middlesex University, London, England; 3Lancashire County Cricket Club, Lancashire, United Kingdom; and 4Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Group, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, United Kingdom


ricket is a global sport that is played in over 100 countries (26). There are 3 established formats of the game such as twenty-twenty, one day, and multiday (13,35). These formats of cricket have commonalities with 1 team batting, attempting to score runs, and the other team bowling, attempting to take wickets (13,35). The batting innings ends after 10 batsmen are dismissed by the bowling team. Bowling teams deliver multiple “overs” (i.e., 1 over 5 minimum of 6 balls), and most formats of cricket are based on the number of overs bowled (13,35). Twenty-twenty matches (;3 hours long) are played with a maximum of 20 overs bowled in each team’s batting



innings, with bowlers allowed a maximum of 4 overs (13,35). One-day matches (;6 hours) are played with a maximum of 50 overs per innings, with each bowler having a maximum of 10 overs (13,35). Multiday cricket matches can have ;100 overs per day with matches lasting 4 or 5 days (13,35). Multiday cricket could require individual bowlers to bowl 50 overs or more (i.e., 300+ deliveries) during a match (13,35). With varying match formats and limited available research, it has been reported that there is an incomplete evidence base on fast bowling for strength and conditioning professionals (26,27). This article aims to highlight the current evidence and provide guidance for strength and conditioning specialists when planning training programs for fast bowlers. NEEDS ANALYSIS TIME MOTION ANALYSIS

Of all positions, fast bowlers operated with the greatest intensity across the different formats of the game (42). Across all formats, fast bowlers had 35% less recovery time between highintensity efforts compared with slow (spin) bowlers, batsmen, and the wicketkeeper (42). Work-to-rest ratios (W:R) of 1:15 have been reported for fast bowlers during twenty-twenty games (42). The distance a fast bowler covers (mean + 90% Confidence Interval (CI)) has been reported at 5.5 6 0.4 km for twenty-twenty


matches, 13.4 6 0.7 km for 1-day matches, and 22.6 6 2.1 km during a day of multiday cricket (42,43,46). The total distance covered by fast bowlers during one-day international matches notes 69% spent walking, 16% jogging, 9% running or striding, and 7% sprinting (42). Physical efforts completed that were .12.6 km/h totaled 191, lasting on average 2.7 seconds with 68-seconds recovery (42). Twenty-twenty cricket was 22% more intense than one-day cricket and 43% more intense when compared with multiday cricket, although the latter format had the higher total sprint distance (i.e., twenty-twenty 24%, one day 59% of multiday distance) (42). Also, within a cricket team, only fast bowlers completed repeat sprint activities, which was defined as a minimum 3 sprints with ,60-seconds recovery during matches (42). Obviously, these repeat sprint activities occur during bowling but also could occur between overs when fielding (42,43,45). In summary, the movement patterns and subsequent workload placed on fast bowlers is significantly greater than that placed on other positions meaning position specific conditioning programs should be considered for the fast bowler (42,45). KEY WORDS:

fast bowling; injury; strength; power; repeat sprint ability

Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association


The majority of fast bowling research has been generated through simulated (noncompetitive) bowling events using participants from different playing standards. The latter issue has limited the application of data to elite performers (26,27). During simulated bowling events, age-related maximum heart rate (HR) data has been reported between 80.3 and 84.7% (8). Recent use of monitoring technology using elite participants reports in-match bowling HR being higher for one-day matches (143 6 14 beats per minute, 78% of age-related maximum) in comparison with multiday matches (137 6 16 beats per minute, 70% of age-related maximum) (25). Data for twenty-twenty cricket present mean HR of 133 6 12 beats per minute, although this figure does not differentiate between bowling and nonbowling activity, unlike the former data (42). These mean HR values disguise the nature of the intermittent increments and decrements of the HR response when bowling multiple overs (Figure 1). This intermittent cardiovascular stress is stimulated from run-ups, which range between 15.2 and 17.7 m with performers’ velocity reaching ;22 km/h, with highest values recorded in the last 5-m predelivery (10). Moreover, research has reported nonsignificant increments of physiological markers such as core temperature, blood lactate, muscle soreness, and rate of perceived exertion after simulated bowling spells (13). Physiological profiling of fast bowlers reports

that the average predicted VO 2 max is between 50.6 and 62.7 mL$kg21 $min 21, which is suggestive of the relatively moderate role aerobic endurance has to fast bowling (8,13,25,26). The nonsignificant increments in physiological markers such as blood lactate reflect the intermittent highintensity work linked to bowling coupled with less-intense periods between overs (13,25,26). The short nature of the sprint activities experienced by fast bowlers during delivery, batting, and fielding means that the strength and conditioning professional should also be aware of the acute and chronic neuromuscular responses as a result of the repeated accelerations and decelerations (6). Several causes of fatigue during multiple sprint work have been suggested, including neuromuscular adjustments, a lack of available phosphocreatine (PCr), and accumulation of muscle byproducts (ion H+ and intracellular Pi) (6). Therefore, it is imperative to develop tailored training programs that prepare fast bowlers to deal with the metabolic demands of all formats of the game, which may change on a weekly basis (27,37,45). Despite the moderate role aerobic endurance has in fast bowling, it is worth noting that the ability to sprint repeatedly in quick succession is determined by the aerobic system’s ability to resynthesize PCr, remove accumulated intracellular inorganic phosphate, and oxidize lactate during rest periods (2,6). Therefore, it may be prudent to format

Figure 1. In-match performance-level FB data demonstrating the undulating HR during a 6-over bowling spell followed by a lower plateau in HR when not bowling (i.e., fielding) (25) (Nb. HR trace used polynomial smoothing). HR 5 heart rate.

conditioning sessions to focus on developing aerobic endurance using highintensity interval training methods in the off-season and repeated sprint ability toward the competitive season and during the season (Tables 3–6). INJURY EPIDEMIOLOGY

It is documented that the higher in-match physiological demands placed on fast bowlers mean that this group of performers have a higher risk of injury and shorter career spans (11,12,14,16,20–22,32). In a longitudinal study, Orchard et al. (41) reported that fast bowlers suffered 3 times more injury occurrences in comparison with other positions; furthermore, this is a theme that has been noted in other cricket-playing countries. The most common site of injury is the lower back (14,16,29). Data collected over 5- and 10-year periods for elite male Australian cricketers show that only 22% of all injuries were to the shin, foot, or ankle (39). Further to this, research has shown that among injured international South African fast bowlers, 55% of injuries were to the lower limbs (55). Lower back pain in fast bowling has mainly been attributed to technical issues associated with a “mixed” bowling action (8,14,16,48). In a study by Portus et al. (48), 89% of bowlers diagnosed with a bony stress injury bowled with a mixed action. The mixed action is characterized by the fast bowler having a more front-on hip orientation and a more side-on shoulder orientation, or vice versa, at back foot impact Figure 2 (48). Counter-rotations of 12–408 during a delivery stride have predicted an increased incidence of lumbar spondylolysis, disc abnormality, and muscle injury in fast bowlers (8,16). The mixed bowling action also shows more lateral flexion and hyperextension of the lumbar spine at front-foot impact, and a greater range of motion of the trunk over the delivery stride when compared with the side-on and front-on techniques (8,16). The rotational emphasis of the bowling actions

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Strength and Conditioning for Cricket Fast Bowlers

Table 1 Summary of qualities to consider when developing training programs for fast bowlers Quality

Importance of quality

Suggested exercises

Maximum lower body strength Ability to deal with GRF 5.9 times BW at front- Front squat, Bulgarian split, RDL, trap bar deadlift, glute ham, hip thrust, split squat, foot contact. The ability to extend the knee $85% 1RM—#6 repetitions single leg squat, single leg RDL, back squat, as much as possible before ball release will (supramaximal intensities) (4) deadlift be dependent on the ability to produce as much force as possible to increase ball release speed and bounce (1,33,40,51) Power and reactive strength

Drop jump, box jump, ankling, boundiing, high-hurdle jump, single-leg hop, bunny hop, rotational medicine ball throw

Strength speed and speed strength 75–85% 1RM—3–5 repetitions (4)

Weightlifting, squat clean and jerk, hang clean, split jerk, power snatch, squat snatch, jump squat, medicine ball throw, clap push up, jammer

Maximum upper-body strength $85% 1RM—$6 repetitions (4)

Positive correlation between upper-body isoinertial strength, power and girth, and delivery speed (48)

Bench press, military press, chin up, bench pull, DB press, DB row, pull up, inverted row, push press, incline DB press, medicine ball throw

Flexibility and stability

Ankle dorsiflexion—lack of dorsiflexion correlated with more risk of back injury (13,55)

Flexibility training, movement assessment to cater for any tightness or weakness

Agility, acceleration and top speed

Delivery speed up to 95% of maximal velocity (40)

Acceleration drills, sprinting mechanics, COD drills

Core stability—rotational emphasis

The bowlers’ trunk must be hyperextended, laterally flexed, twisted, and then flexed again in an explosive manner per delivery (48)

Kneeling and standing anti-rotation push pull, BB rollout, Pallof press, 3-point DB row, kneeling DB shoulder press, Turkish get up, medicine ball rotation, plank, farmer’s walk

RM 5 repetition maximum; GRF 5 ground reaction forces; BW 5 bodyweight; RDL 5 Romanian deadlift; DB 5 dumbbell; COD 5 change of direction; BB 5 barbell.

means that training programs should focus on developing core musculature. A strong core allows strength to radiate out peripherally to more distant regions of the body (34) (Table 1). Portus et al. (48) presented (Figure 2) an outline of the classification of bowling techniques into 3 main categories such as the following:  Side-on (i.e., hip and shoulders aligned side ways to batter).  Front-on (hips and shoulders fronton to batter).  Mixed action (i.e., front-on hip and side-on shoulders or vice versa). Bowling workload has received an increasing amount of attention as a significant factor in the development of lower back pain in fast bowlers


(11,22,40,41). There is a significant correlation between injury occurrence and exposure to high acute workloads relative to the chronic workload (10,11,22,40,56). The findings are not only indicative of the varying effects of physical demands on fast bowlers in comparison with other positions but also highlight the need to carefully manipulate workload in training and competition. Fast bowlers can experience higher absolute demands in multiday cricket as in some match scenarios teams could be bowling for 2–3 days. Clearly, in the latter scenario, high volumes of bowling may occur (.50 overs), which could lead to long-term damage to the fast bowler (40). Systematic and controlled


increment of workloads over a long period of time is correlated with a decreased risk of injury (11,22,40). This management of physical work must include efficient communication between the bowler, coaching staff, and senior players to ensure adequate exposure to workload to enhance performance and avoid injury. Other factors that have received modest attention as potential contributors to an increased risk of lower back pain include, ankle dorsiflexion, hip internal rotation, and level of the longitudinal arch of the foot (12,16,36). Bowlers with hip internal rotation of #308 on the leg ipsilateral to the bowling arm were at a significantly reduced risk compared with bowlers with .408 of

Table 2 Battery of field and gym-based tests suitable for cricket fast bowlers Skin fold assessment Identifies body fat percentage. This assessment is to enable the regulation of nonfunctional mass, which would impede performance by reducing propulsion and exercise economy by virtue of the muscular system having to continuously overcome the body’s inertia (49) Functional movement screen Assessment of static postures, active ranges of motion, and athletic stability—shoulder assessment should be included— throwing athletes are at an increased risk of muscular imbalances in the shoulder region (12,16) Bilateral and single-leg countermovement jump Measure of lower-body power (speed strength). RFD and power are determining factors for ball release speed. Assessment of bilateral strength asymmetry through SLCMJ. Unilateral dominance of bowling action will result in significant muscular imbalances. Front foot has to tolerate GRF up to 5.9 times BW; therefore, muscular imbalances are inevitable between front foot and back foot. A difference of 15% is generally used as a clinical marker of bilateral strength asymmetry and a significant risk of injury (24) Reactive strength index (height jumped/GCT ) Efficient SSC mechanics should result in greater jump heights from greater drop heights (also reflected by the reactive strength index score). If equipment is not available to measure GCT, the coaches can simply monitor the drop height that produces the greatest vertical displacement (15,28) 1RM power clean This test evaluates the athlete’s strength-speed (power under heavy loading) but should only be included once the athlete’s technique is of sufficient standard (4,47) Seated medicine ball toss This test will evaluate upper-body speed-strength. Time to develop force for the upper body is between 0.15 and 0.18 s; therefore, explosiveness can be a determining factor for release speed (10) 1RM squat Evaluation of maximum knee strength, which as described, is significantly correlated with peak power, sprint acceleration, and sprint velocity. Greater knee extensor strength will determine ball release height after front-foot contact deceleration (23,33,53,63). Like above, this should only be included once the athlete’s technique is of sufficient standard (4). Higher repetition maximums can be used for less experienced athletes (4) 5-, 10-, 20-, and 30-m sprint Evaluation of acceleration and top speed. Shorter distance is indicative of distances covered when fielding in and around the wicket area, whereas longer distances are indicative of distances covered when fielding in the deep (51) Repeat sprint ability—6 3 20-m sprints (measure speed decrement) 20-s rest per sprint Ability to perform maximally and recover sufficiently between bouts of activity is critical in maintaining high delivery speeds and technique (5). To date, W:R ratios available are for twenty-twenty which is 1:15 (42) Running between wickets Ability to efficiently complete 2 runs of the wicket with a bat. Running mechanics will change with bat in hand; therefore, ability to be efficient at this skill can be a determining factor in batting performance (30). This test also assesses COD ability over cricket specific distances 30:15 intermittent test Anaerobic capacity, inter-effort recovery capacity, acceleration, and deceleration assessment. The result from the test will allow the coach to accurately individualize high-intensity interval training methods to achieve the desired physiological responses and adaptations (5,6). The velocity attained during the last completed stage is noted as the player’s VIFT RFD 5 rate of force development; SLCMJ 5 single leg countermovement jump; GRF 5 ground reaction force; BW 5 body weight; SSC 5 stretch-shortening cycle; GCT 5 ground contact time; COD 5 change of direction; RM 5 repetition maximum; VIFT 5 final test speed.

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Strength and Conditioning for Cricket Fast Bowlers

Table 3 Early off-season training plan Early off-season: 6–8RM, 3–5 sets (volume driven) Physical quality

Session 1

Session 2




Strength training

Clean pulls

Snatch pulls

Front squat 5 push press

Bulgarian split squat 5 DB press

RDL 5 chin ups


Skater squat

Lateral sled pulls

Jump and stick 5 medicine ball rotational toss

Box jump 5 lateral medicine ball rotational toss

20–25 m linear sprints, 75–80% maximum, W:R 1:10 COD. Drills emphasizing on lateral movement, cutting, and turning

Conditioning (using % VIFT )

Repeated shuttle runs, W:R 1:1–2:1 shuttles, 25–35 m, 80–85% VIFT

RM 5 repetition maximum; DB 5 dumbbell; RDL 5 Romanian deadlift; COD 5 change of direction; VIFT 5 final test speed. Perform the plyometric/explosive exercise first 5 superset the exercises.

rotation (12). In addition, bowlers with an ankle dorsiflexion lunge of 12–14 cm on the leg contralateral to the bowling arm were at a significantly increased risk compared with bowlers with a lunge of

.14 cm (12). Limited dorsiflexion may be linked to altered function further along the lower-limb kinetic chain (12). The link between these 2 variables and lower back pain is still largely

Table 4 Late off-season Late off-season: 4–5RM, 3–5 sets (volume driven) Physical quality

Session 1

Session 2


SL linear, diagonal and lateral continuous jump and stick 5 medicine ball rotational toss


Strength training

Hang squat clean and jerk

Power snatch

Back squat

Bulgarian split squat

Hip thrust 5 chin ups

RDL 5 DB incline press

Skater squat

Single leg pistol squat

Drop jump 5 lateral medicine ball rotational toss

Speed and agility training

20–25 m linear sprints, 80–85% maximum, W:R ...

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