Strength and Conditioning for Cricket Spin Bowlers PDF

Title Strength and Conditioning for Cricket Spin Bowlers
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Strength and Conditioning for Cricket Spin Bowlers...


Strength and Conditioning for Cricket Spin Bowlers Apurva Mathankar, MPT, CSCS and Kirti S, BPEd, CSCS

ABSTRACT Although the popularity of cricket is increasing, there is a lack of strength and conditioning research into position-specific roles. Much of the available research on cricket spin bowling is based on ball swing, flight, deviation, and its principles. Less is known about the demands of the cricket spin bowler (needs analysis) and the specific training methods needed for the optimal performance of the athlete. Spin bowlers are considered to play a crucial role in bowling attacks against the batting team. The batsman is deceived by the spin bowler by adding revolutions to the ball and thus deviates it off the wicket. Therefore, to improve the cricket team’s performance, it is prudent to focus on improving the performance of the team’s spin bowlers. needs analysis based on a review of literature in the area of biomechanics, time-motion analysis, physiology, and injury epidemiology specific to cricket spin bowlers is provided in this article. Based on these analyses, practical considerations and guidelines for the implementation of strength and conditioning programs for the spin bowlers are provided. INTRODUCTION

lobally, cricket is played across more than 100 countries (22). Cricket is a bat and ball game


Address correspondence to Apurva Mathankar, [email protected].

played between 2 teams of 11 players each, and all players have specific roles such as batsmen, bowlers, and wicketkeeper (26). An inning is one of the divisions of a cricket match during which one team is batting, attempting to score maximum runs, while the other team is bowling and fielding to take wickets. All players of a team, irrespective of their specific roles, are required to field throughout the inning. There are 3 established match formats, namely twenty-twenty matches (T20), one-day innings matches (ODI), and test match or multiple-day cricket matches. Each format varies in rest periods and volume load, and therefore, the physical requirements of the players also vary greatly (34,35). In cricket, bowling is the action of propelling the cricket ball toward the batsman defending his wicket. Bowlers are further divided into fast bowlers and spin bowlers. The fast bowler delivers the cricket ball to the batsman at a relatively higher velocity, whereas the spin bowler deceives the batsman by adding revolutions to the ball and thus deviates it off the wicket. The spin bowler can be further classified into 2 categories as finger spin bowler and wrist spin bowler, depending on the direction the cricket ball is spun from the hand of the bowler. The finger spin bowler imparts rotation to the cricket ball by a rapid flexion of the fingers around one side of the ball, whereas the wrist spin bowlers impart rotation by the rapid movement of the wrist while releasing the ball from the hand (44). Although the ball release (BR)

mechanics are different, they both have the same aim to deceive the batsman through a combination of cricket ball spin, flight, drift, and speed variations. Bowlers are an integral part of any cricket team (53). All bowlers propel a 5.5 oz. ball toward a batsman or his wicket, but a spin bowler imparts rotation to the cricket ball, which makes the ball deviate from its original direction of flight when it hits the ground (16). A ball bowled with spin affects the flight and bounce of the ball, making it more challenging for the batsman to play (53). Thus, spin bowlers play an important role in a bowling attack against the batting team. Therefore, to improve the team’s performance, it is prudent to focus on improving the performance of the team’s spin bowlers. To date, much of the available research in spin bowling has been dominantly on ball swing, flight, deviation, and its principles (28,37,40). Although the world’s 3 highest “wicket-takers” are spin bowlers (9), still there is a lack of scientific research for enhancing the physical performance of the cricket spin bowler. Unfortunately, coaches majorly rely on ball kinematics and the tactical skills of a spin bowler for enhancing performance. Considering limited research on spin bowlers and varying match formats, there is a need for evidence-based literature on cricket spin bowlers for strength and KE Y WORDS:

cricket; cricket spin bowler; cricket injury; cricket biomechanics; cricket spin bowler strength and conditioning

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Strength and Conditioning Journal |

Strength and Conditioning for Cricket Spin Bowlers

conditioning professionals. This article will review the current shreds of evidence and guide strength and conditioning professionals on developing training programs for cricket spin bowlers. NEEDS ANALYSIS BIOMECHANICAL ANALYSIS

Spin bowlers play a crucial role in cricket because they are responsible for deceiving the batsman and thus taking more wickets of the opposition team. As described throughout coaching manuals and books (6,26,36,47), the complete cricket spin bowling action is broken into 5 distinct positions or phases: back foot impact (BFI), delivery stride/front foot impact (FFI), cradle position, BR, and followthrough (Figures 1A–1E).

gastrocnemius, and soleus that initially acts eccentrically (during the BFI phase to overcome deceleration forces) and then concentrically (going toward delivery stride/FFI phase for acceleration) is required. The aforementioned sequence supports the value of the plyometric exercise prescription to access stretch-shortening cycle quality in the training of a spin bowler (11,26) (Table 1).

Delivery stride/front foot impact. The front foot of the spin

from the run-up (approach of a bowler) to the landing on the ipsilateral foot before the delivery of the ball, such as the right foot for a right-handed bowler (Figure 1A). It is documented that elite athletes demonstrate a side-on bowling position at BFI. Also, the trunk of the spin bowler is in 258 hyperextension (16) as the front arm points out and stretches toward the batsman.

bowler lands pointing in the direction of the batsman at an angle of 308 (9) to the leg side of the target (batsman), with a shorter stride length compared with a fast bowler (Figure 1B). In this phase, the alignment of the shoulders is rotated beyond that of the hips in the transverse plane, creating a horizontal separation angle of approximately 308 (9). The rotational emphasis of the bowling action means that the training programs should focus on developing core musculature strength and stability (Table 1). Therefore, core muscle exercises, predominantly training explosive trunk action through sagittal and transverse planes must be included by the strength and conditioning professional in the training program of a spin bowler.

BFI phase involves stability and summation of forces sequenced largely in a proximal-to-distal (legs, trunk, and bowling arm) fashion. A coordinated sequence of muscle recruitment of the gluteal muscle group, quadriceps,

In addition, the bowling arm is abducted and externally rotated with the humerus, which is approximately parallel to the ground, termed as upper arm horizontal position of the balling extremity (44). Therefore, the training of a spin bowler

Back foot impact. BFI is a phase

should equally focus on enhancing shoulder muscular strength and improving shoulder stability.

Cradle position. The cradle position is preparation for releasing the ball from the balling extremity (9) (Figure 1C). In this phase, hips begin to rotate forward to reduce shoulder pelvic separation at the BR phase. Thus, the weight gets transferred from the back foot to the front foot with internal rotation of the rear foot while still maintaining the side-on position (26). The front foot continues to remain in slight internal rotation and adduction (44). Furthermore, as the forces are transferred from the lower body to the bowling arm (long-axis rotation) through the kinetic chain, the coaches must be aware of the motion defined by coupled scapular stabilization, glenohumeral rotation, and forearm pronation/supination.

Ball release. At the time of the delivery, the bowler pivots his body on the metatarsophalangeal joint of the front foot with trunk forward flexion of approximately 558 (26,44) (Figure 1D). This helps the bowler to rotate his rear leg hip joint to increase ball revolutions (28,40) by kinetic chain mechanism, resulting in more deviation of the ball from the pitch. In finger spin and wrist spin bowling, wrist joint movement mechanics play a crucial role in imparting spin to the ball (36,37). In particular, the wrist joint

Figure 1. Sequential motion of cricket spin bowling action. (A) Back foot impact (BFI), (B) delivery stride/front foot impact (FFI), (C) cradle position, (D) ball release (BR), and (E) follow-through.

VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MARCH 2021 2 Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 1 Summary of physical characteristics to consider when developing training programs for cricket spin bowlers Physical characteristic The need for the physical characteristic Exercises for improving the particular physical characteristic

Maximum lower-body Forces generated by lower extremity will Overhead squat, overhead lunge, Romanian deadlift, landmine get transferred to the bowling arm press with rotation, (Figure 2A) and landmine press with rear strength $85% with the kinetic chain principle that leg knee drive (Figure 2B). 1RM and #6 helps in improving the ball release repetitions (18) phase (9,31,45). Maximum upper-body strength $85% 1RM and #6 repetitions (18)


Core strength and stability

Woodchopper, kneeling rollout, kneeling and standing The bowler’s trunk must be antirotation push-pull, isometric back extension, plate pallof hyperextended and laterally flexed press (Figure 7A), medicine ball rotary putt (Figure 6), and during the BFI and FFI phase, followed Turkish get-up (31). by trunk flexion during the followthrough phase. These movements occur repetitively in an explosive manner per delivery (9).

Trunk stiffness


Flexibility and stability


Staggered stance cable press (Figure 5), bench pulls, bent-over Increasing shoulder and upper-body rows (supinated grip), and inverted row. strength will help in improving the dynamic stability (1,4) and enhancing the ball release phase outcome.

Improves transfer of momentum from lower extremity to the bowling arm (49).

Flexibility training for normalizing movement pattern and Posterior glenohumeral capsule focusing muscle tightness or weakness. tightness leads to maximum shoulder injuries (46).

Speed and agility and Movements specific to fielding and running between the wickets. change of direction (COD) Power and reactive strength

Figure 7A-C.

5-, 10-, 20-, 30-m sprint, reactive agility drill, and COD drill.

Improves the rate of force development Power snatch, hang snatch, rotational medicine ball throw, during the BFI and FFI phase. box jump, and drop jump.

Conditioning HRmean Improves match conditioning. . 75% of HRmax (50)

Programming repeated shuttle runs with appropriate rest intervals.

1RM 5 one repetition maximum; BFI 5 back foot impact; FFI 5 front foot impact. a

Details provided in text.

undergoes flexion and adduction during the BR phase to increase the axis of rotation of the ball in finger spin bowlers, whereas wrist cocking (a combination of hyperextension and radial deviation at wrist joint) takes place in wrist spinners to help them apply greater revolutions (16) to the ball.

eccentric loading of the gastrocnemius, soleus, quadriceps, and gluteal muscle group.

Follow-Through. After the ball


delivery, the bowler continues to pivot on the front foot at the metatarsophalangeal joint while changing the forward loading of the body (Figure 1E). The focus of this phase is on the

Spin bowlers approach the bowling crease from a self-directed run-up length unique to the individual. Generally, spin bowlers tend to have very short run-ups and are less likely to

Considering the sequential motion of spin bowling action, the strength and conditioning programs must include various qualities as summarized in Table 1.

reach high running speeds during their predelivery run-up when compared with fast bowlers (50). The total distance covered by a spin bowler in a one-day international (ODI) match notes 71% spent walking, 20% jogging, 3% running or striding, and 2% sprinting (34). It was reported that relative high-intensity distance was observed between 9 and 14% for T20 and 7 and 9% for ODI matches, respectively, suggesting the high-intensity demands of T20 over ODI (50). Furthermore, this study was objectively supported by reporting that spin

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Strength and Conditioning for Cricket Spin Bowlers

to deal with the various demands of the matches (34). PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSES OF SPIN BOWLING

Figure 2. (A) Male professional spin bowler performing landmine rotation. (Arrow denotes the side-on position of the landing leg during back foot impact (BFI) phase of spin bowling action.) (B) Progression to landmine rotation with knee drive.

bowlers generally cover more distance per hour (190 m/h) in T20 than ODI (34). In summary, the workload placed on spin bowlers during the

different formats of matches is significantly different. Thus, a tailor-made strength and conditioning program should be considered for spin bowlers

Figure 3. Landmine rotation exercise variation. (A) Starting position, (B) shoulder joint flexion and internal rotation, and (C) forearm pronation and wrist radial deviation.

Some studies have reported on the physiological responses of cricket players during matches, training sessions, and simulation (noncompetitive bowling events) protocols, although most research has been limited to investigating the heart rate (HR) responses of bowlers. These studies reported mean HR being higher for T20 matches (approximately 135 b/min) (34) in comparison with ODI (HR mean of 125 6 18 b/min) (49,51), with 5–6% of this being .75% HRmax for elite spin bowlers. This means intermittent high-intensity work is linked to bowling coupled with less intense periods between overs. Few studies also reported that the mean HR of spin bowlers during net-based practice training and simulated (noncompetitive) bowling events was similar to 130 6 22 b/ min with 91 6 19% of the total duration spent performing at #75% HRmax (50), which reckons lack of match conditioning in spin bowlers. There are few studies on spin bowling, concluding about the association of acute workload with increased injury risk (22,30). Evidence suggests an insignificant increase in the blood lactate levels of spin bowlers during netbased and in simulation (noncompetitive bowling events) protocols (50). This suggests that there is highintensity work occurring with the appropriate time for lactate washout. However, given that spin bowlers must remain on the field during the entire inning and need to perform repeated short sprints during delivery, batting, and fielding, aerobic conditioning and high-intensity interval training play important roles in the athlete’s program. This means that strength and conditioning coaches must develop a training program that not only trains a spin bowler for bowling movement patterns but also considers the acute and chronic neuromuscular responses as a result of repeated accelerations, change of direction (COD), and decelerations

VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MARCH 2021 4 Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Figure 4. (A) Staggered stance cable pulls. (B) Progression to staggered stance cable pulls with knee drive.

(50). Therefore, a position-specific training program must be developed to deal with the metabolic demands of all formats of cricket matches (38). This suggests developing conditioning sessions focusing on aerobic endurance using high-intensity interval training methods (Tables 3 and 4). INJURY EPIDEMIOLOGY

In cricket, bowling injuries are more common than batting and fielding injuries (1,2,5,16). It is documented that injury prevalence and injury incidence have similar patterns that result in a large proportion of missed playing time in bowlers because of its severity (33). Data collected over 5 years for Australian elite male cricketers show that wrist and hand, shoulder, and knee ligament injury prevalence among spin bowlers were more as compared to fast bowlers, batsmen,

and wicketkeepers (33). Furthermore, research has shown that shoulder injuries are more common in wrist spinners, on account of more internal rotation during the ball delivery, while the arm circumducts as compared to finger spinners (45). A shoulder injury in spin bowling has mainly been attributed to technical issues associated with wrist spin bowling, such as repetitive overhead internal rotation during ball delivery and external rotation hypermobility during circumduction leading to shoulder rotator dysfunction that results in impingement and injury (2,16,45). These shoulder rotation changes are reported to be the result of repetitive overhead or throwing activity causing capsule ligamentous and muscular microtrauma, with particular reference to stretching of the glenohumeral joint

(GHJ) anterior capsule and contracture of the GHJ posterior-inferior capsule (7,29,41,52). It is documented that there is an increased internal rotation difference value between dominant and nondominant arm suggesting an association with the gradual onset of nonspecific shoulder pain (GOMS) (15). This means that strength and conditioning professionals must be aware of acute and chronic GHJ capsular as well as neuromuscular responses to the overhead throwing workload. Therefore, it may be prudent to include GHJ capsule stretches along with upper-body strength training sessions (Table 1). Another common site of injury in spin bowlers is the lower back (19). Low back injuries are common in activities involving repetitive flexion/ extension and/or rotation of the spine (9). Sequential movements of spin bowling action (Figure 1) show shoulder to pelvis rotational alignment association and dissociation at BFI and FFI, respectively (9,44). The rotational emphasis of the bowling actions means that the training program must emphasize developing core muscle strength and improving trunk stiffness (Table 1). A strong core helps the body to organize many parts of the body linkage (upper body and lower body) to create a rotational activity (42). PROGRAM DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS

The previous section of this article provided a needs analysis of cricket spin bowling with a specific focus on the area of biomechanics, time-motion analysis, physiology, and injury epidemiology. Based on the findings of the needs analysis, the following section details some program design considerations for strength and conditioning professionals: strength and power development, the importance of trunk stiffness, flexibility and stability, and conditioning considerations. STRENGTH AND POWER Figure 5. Staggered stance cable press.

In Figure 1 we can observe that the upper body and the lower body undergo a serie...

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