Strength & Weaknesses Reflection (Essay) PDF

Title Strength & Weaknesses Reflection (Essay)
Course Academic and Life Success
Institution Cypress College
Pages 3
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For the prompt of this essay, you're supposed to discuss what you personally believe are your strengths and weakness. Then you explain why you think this. This is a reflection. The assignment goes with the rubric, "Strengths & Weaknesses Reflection Rubric."...




Strength & Weaknesses I think that my main three strengths are curiosity, determination, and being creative. I really like that I’m very curious about the world around me. This is because it helps motivate me to be more productive and just to learn things. Especially things that interest me the most. Furthermore, I’m able to think about the future and enjoy my hobbies more. I’ve gotten to try learning new languages, other cultures, other traditions, and much more because of this trait. Determination has contributed to me continuing to push myself further and beyond. For example, my journey in cross country. Joining the sport really helped me to be more determined. At the beginning of joining in freshman year, I really felt horrible because I wasn’t fast enough and my endurance was the worst. It really made me doubt myself due to the fact that I used to think that I had a good endurance. However, I began to learn what contributed to why I would get tired before finishing a certain number of miles. I didn’t give up on the sport and continued to learn ways to succeed in enduring the miles. My friends that I made in the sport gave me tips on how to breathe better and how to encourage myself more. I began to realize that no matter what you do to get to a destination or goal. There’s always going to be something that’s doubting you. It could either be your environment, community, or even yourself. This lesson that I learned from participating in cross country has boosted my determination a lot more. I also noticed that I push people around me to do better too. Lastly, my favorite strength is my creativity. Although I’m not the best, I enjoy showing off that creative part of myself. I'm able to show off my talents the most in that area. I really enjoy music. Whether it’s singing, song-writing, or playing an instrument. As you can tell I’m

very proud of this trait. I hope that I never lose this trait. It’s something that makes me feel unique. There are many things that I need to improve on. A few main things are my time management, procrastination, and the way I express myself. The problem with my time management is that it gets along with my procrastination. I’ll avoid tasks especially if I’m not interested in making them. Procrastination contributes to my stress and makes me feel very unproductive. I have issues with how I express myself, which affects the people around me. I think that I need to stop being so hard on myself in order to stop procrastinating and having a horrible time management. I have this fear of failure. Which contributes to me not trying especially on tougher assignments. I need to accept that not everything will go my way. That I need to move on and not take everything to heart. Furthermore, the way I express myself is horrible. When I need to express myself I can’t sometimes control them. Even if I don’t want to, I can’t control how I feel. And I sometimes lash out or put my emotions onto the people around me. I think I need to improve on this by talking to people about how I feel and try to distract myself. By distracting myself I mean by playing my favorite hobbies such sports, painting, or doing music. I believe that the strengths that will help me be successful would be creativity, time management, and being responsible. I think that creativity is needed because it would help me stand out from people. It will help me to think outside of the box. I can show off a few of my talents with this trait. It will be beneficial for teamwork and projects. Time management is required for college. One thing is to make sure all tasks were completed. This will reduce stress and procrastination. It can help with having more free time

and not worrying about projects and due dates. Time management also makes sure that one isn’t overwhelmed with overdoing stuff or not doing enough. Responsibility is another important key strength. This is important because students need this trait to make sure they do their work. It’s key to be responsible in order to make time for appointments. This way, students aren’t stressed about feeling like a failure. And they can feel like they’re productive. Responsibility gives people a reputation of being more trustworthy and more reliable to other people....

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