Strict parents editorial PDF

Title Strict parents editorial
Course English Studies
Institution High School - Canada
Pages 3
File Size 109.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Editorial on strict parents...


Strict Parenting, to Hell with the Rest

A confused teenager only acquiring the knowledge to use deception while being yelled at as punishment.

How well do you know your kids? Many might say pretty well, most notably due to the the certain style of authoritarian parenting. Numerous parents believe they should be strict in hopes for the result of better behaved children. That being the case, here is a question for you: Are you raising your kids to be honest, or are they just devious? It is important to have guidelines to educate your children right from wrong, but strict parenting will lead to sneaky kids. Parents are convinced that their strictness is the reason why their kids stay out of trouble, get good grades, are responsible, etc. I will admit that punishing your children for making mistakes will teach them to become more logical in avoiding future mistakes, but consider this; those punishments will also teach kids to be more logical in making those mistakes while

escaping the following consequences. Discipline becomes more loathed than making mistakes. Kids will only grasp to avoid punishment which rapidly leads to lying and deception. Before you know it, they are set about to lie regarding their friends, actions, location, all to avoid punishment. “Children, with higher IQs, who are more socially outgoing, or who are raised in a controlling family environment are more likely to use deception” (“Children and Lying”). Growing up with very strict parents, I can personally vouch for this statement. I unfortunately have, and will continue to lie to my folks in order to have a little freedom on a Friday night. I am aware the answer would be a definite no if I were to ask to attend a party. Presuming my parents were more understanding with less demands, I would be inclined to advise them the truth. Kids and adolescents are curious. We are determined to experiment and find an answer to our curiosity. We increase our knowledge by experience and through mistakes.“‘Learning from mistakes builds confidence,’ says [Carl Pickhardt]. But this only happens when you, as a parent, treat mistakes as an opportunity to learn and grow… Pickhardt says parents should see ‘uh-oh’ moments as an opportunity to teach their kids not to fear failure” (Smith, Jacquelyn). Strict parents would take these “uh-oh” moments to discipline, believing that these mistakes will not occur again.

However, it only teaches kids to fear punishment and seek ways to sneak around it. Lying is inevitable, not only for children, but for anyone. In order to have a more honest relationship with your children, stop convincing yourself that strict parenting is the only way to raise successful, well-behaved children. Allow your children to make mistakes, and instead of punishment, take those opportunities to help them learn and flourish. It is crucial to comprehend that the most significant lesson a child learns from harsh parenting is to be more sneaky next time. With this in mind, really ask yourself how well you truly know your kids....

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