Study Guide 1301F19 PDF

Title Study Guide 1301F19
Author Frank Cuevas
Course Anatomy & Physiology I
Institution The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Pages 5
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STUDY GUIDE 1301F19 METHODS CHAPTER 2 Which of the following is true regarding value judgments made by sociologists conducting research? a. It is possible for a sociologist to remain value free. b. It is not important for a sociologist to remain value free. c. Value judgments and subjectivity lead to better research. d. Every sociologist makes some value judgments, even about the problems and topics he or she chooses to study. Sandra is doing research on cheating among students at UT-RGV University. The student body at UT-RGV will serve as her: a. sample. b. population. c. random sample. d. fieldwork. Charles is a sociologist studying a population of gay fathers in the United States. He interviews 200 men in his data collection. These 200 men constitute what researchers call a: a. census. b. selection bias. c. sample. d. participant observation. A(n) ____________ is an in-depth look at a specific phenomenon or situation in a particular social setting and is common in qualitative research. a. experiment b. case study c. survey d. participant observation Which of the following might be an advantage of participant observation research? a. The researcher has considerable control over the conditions of the research. b. The researcher can uncover what people do rather than simply what they say they do. c. The research itself is often limited in scope—which is important to sociological research. d. It is a useful method for studying large and diverse populations. A sociologist studying minor children, pregnant women, or inmates must get approval, as These groups are known as: a. panel populations. b. census populations. c. protected populations. d. total populations.

a. People who work harder have higher income. b. People with better health work harder. c. The more income a person makes, the easier it is to retire. d. People with higher levels of income tend to enjoy better overall health. Which of the following is an example of a quantitative research method? a. conducting a survey about how often people attend church b. interviewing people about the role of religion in their lives c. observing how people behave and interact with each other in a church setting d. participating in a weekly Bible study meeting for 12 months to understand its importance in people’s lives

The two broad approaches social scientists use to gather data about the social world are: a. deductive and inductive. b. qualitative and quantitative. c. implicit and explicit d. correlational and causal. The research method that uses information that can be converted to numerical form is: a. qualitative. b. quantitative. c. deductive. d. inductive. What type of research describes people’s behavior in rich detail and focuses on the meanings people give to their actions? a. inductive b. qualitative c. quantitative d. deductive Which of the following describes the deductive approach to research? a. A researcher makes some observations and develops a theory based on these observations. b. A researcher develops some hypotheses to explain a correlation observed between two variables. c. A researcher starts with a theory, forms hypotheses, makes observations, and then analyzes the data. d. A researcher develops some hypotheses that lead to a theory about human behavior. Which approach to sociological research starts with empirical observations and then works to form a theory? a. statistical b. observational

c. inductive d. deductive In social research, a hypothesis is a(n): a. educated guess. b. proposed relationship between two or more variables. c. description for why a particular social phenomenon occurs. d. explanation for why two variables are correlated. When a researcher is successful at measuring what he or she intends to measure, this is called: a. validity. b. reliability. c. response rate. d. generalizability. In her study, Darby is using church membership as an indicator of how religious a person is. She discovers that some “very religious” people rarely attend church. Darby may conclude that: a. religiosity is a dependent variable. b. her measure of religiosity lacks validity. c. church attendance is a reliable indicator. d. there is reverse causality between church attendance and religion. The likelihood that a researcher will obtain the same result using the same measures the next time he or she tests a hypothesis is: a. validity. b. reliability. c. response rate. d. generalizability. CHAPTER 1 Charles H. Cooley argued that the “self ”emerges from how an individual interacts with others and then interprets those interactions. He calls this: the looking glass self Which modern sociological theory attempts to understand social behavior by examining the ways people interpret and give meaning to social signals and signs? symbolic interactionism

__functionalist_______ approach is its view of society as orderly and stable.

Review questions on suicide, for example: today, suicide rates is higher for which of the following categories of people? Which of the following is an accurate criticism of the structural-functional approach? The consequences

The social-conflict approach draws attention to: patterns of social inequality

What social theorist had an important influence on the development of the social-conflict approach? Marx A criticism of symbolic-interaction approach is that it:___________. says little about the influence of structural factors such as culture, class, gender, and race C. Wright Mills criticized Talcott Parsons for_________. supporting the dominant class structure and the inequalities associated with it.

In sociology’s “cousin,” psychology, the focus is on the individual. In sociology, the focus is above and beyond the individual, on group-level dynamics and social structures. This is known as:_supra-individual ______. Know the difference between microsociology and macrosociology. The military-industrial complex refers to________. A theory is a statement of how and why specific facts are related. Understand the participant observation method of study. What is social change (define) La Bestia, True or falseKarl Marx basic argument centers around the fact that inequality and conflict produce change, thus, he argued that class conflict is the engine that drives societies from one historical era to another. In essence, his Marxist theories support world capitalism. Research the El Paso Shooting, true or false questions on this hate crime.

Functionalism is a consensus theory, which holds out the possibility of social harmony in a well-oiled societal machine. Some argue that functionalism is an extension of a nineteenthcentury theory known as organicism, the idea that society is much like a living organism and can be studied as such. Durkheim’s concepts of division of labor, social solidarity, and anomie are all part of this theory. Talcott Parsons argued that functionalism got its name from the notion that the best way to analyze society is to identify the roles that different aspects or phenomena play, and that these may be manifest functions (intended functions) and/or latent functions (hidden, unintended functions). In summary, Durkheim’s theory of functionalism is basically the same as conflict theory. How would a conflict theorist explain the educational system in the United States? A conflict theorist would see the educational system in the United States as unequal. People from lower classes don’t receive the same education as those from higher social classes. This is due to the fact that even public schools are not equal. Schools in upper-status neighborhoods have more resources for learning, and therefore their students are more likely to be accepted into college. Families from upper-class neighborhoods are also more likely to be able to afford tutors and computers, and they may be alumni of good colleges and thus assist their children in admission. How would a functionalist theorist explain the educational system? A functionalist, however, might argue that the public school system in the United States is functional in allowing all students access to the same education. The organization of this system is beneficial for all who want to take advantage of it. The people who get into colleges are those who have studied harder in school and are smarter than those youths who aren’t accepted into these institutions. Conflict theorists argue that conflict and competition—not consensus, as functionalists suggest—are the basic forces that guide the behaviors of people and societies. In other words, conflict among competing interests over societal resources drives social change. Karl Marx’s work on historical materialism and his critique of capitalism guide conflict theory. Further, investigation reveals that Karl Marx advocated for a violent overthrow of capitalism in the world, and for workers of the world to unite in this effort. Questions on the migrant caravan? Why are people moving?...

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