Studyguide 3-BP - All exam questions are sourced from this guide. PDF

Title Studyguide 3-BP - All exam questions are sourced from this guide.
Author Kevin Elder
Course Biopsychology
Institution California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo
Pages 3
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All exam questions are sourced from this guide. ...


Biological Psychology Study Guide #3 s12 Cells of the Nervous System Lecture and Text Chapter 3, pp56-62 Questions 1. The outer surface of a cell is called the _____ and the fluid inside the cell is the _____. 2. What prevents or slows certain chemicals from reaching the cells of the brain, while allowing other molecules to enter the extra-cellular fluid? 3. What is the main source of nutrition and metabolic energy for vertebrate neurons? 4. Based on their functions, what are the two basic kinds of cells in the nervous system? 5. Researchers estimate that the average adult human brain contains approximately how many neurons? 6. Which type of cell in the nervous system is responsible for removing wastes and metabolic support? 7. The cells of the nervous system that are specialized for communication are called . 8. What specific specialization(s) of neurons allows them to function as a communication system within the body? 9. Which part of a neuron contains the nucleus? 10. The fine branching structures of a neuron that typically have many synaptic contacts are known as 11. The surface of a dendrite has specialized structures that are the junctions through which the dendrite receives information from other neurons. What are these sites for intercellular communication called? 12. Dendrites often have additional short outgrowths with synaptic junctions at the tips. What are these outgrowths called? 13. The part of a neuron that functions like a wire transmitting information from one place to another in the body is known as a(n) 14. What is the insulating material produced by glia that covers some axons? 15. What is an interneuron? 16. The morphology (size & shape) of neuronal structure determines: 17. Which of the following is true about changes of neuronal structure or morphology over time? 18. What technique has allowed neuroscientists to visualize the structure of individual cells? Neural Conduction and Synaptic Transmission Lecture and Chapter 4 Questions 1. Invertebrates are often used in neurophysiological research because: 2. By what means can the physiological activity of single neurons be recorded and analyzed? 3. A microelectrode is typically a(n): 4. What is the difference in electrical potential(voltage) that typically exists between the inside and the outside of a neuron called? 5. When we say that the neuron's membrane is polarized, we are referring to a difference in electrical potential between 6. Concentration gradients produce what kind of movements? 7. An electrical gradient(polarization)produces what kind of movements? 8. The sodium-potassium pump moves sodium ions _____ and potassium ions _____. 9. What is the result if the potential inside a neuron shifts from the resting potential to a more negative potential? 10. What is the result if the voltage potential inside a neuron shifts from the resting potential to a potential that is closer to zero? 11. Which movement of ions would depolarize a neuron? 12. What does the abbreviation EPSP stand for? 13. What is an EPSP? 14. Depolarization is to _____ as hyperpolarization is to _____. 15. If an EPSP combines with a previous EPSP, what has occurred? 16. Which of the following would produce spatial summation?

17. When activation of a synapse produces hyperpolarization (a more negative membrane potential) of the post-synaptic cell, the synapse and neurotransmitter involved would be classified as: 18. What is an IPSP? 19. Which of the following combinations would be most likely to summate to produce an action potential? 20. An EPSP is to _____ as an IPSP is to _____. 21. What effect do multiple EPSPs and IPSPs have on the probability of triggering an action potential? 22. Which of the following would increase the spontaneous action potential firing rates in neurons? 23. An action potential occurs when a neuron has 24. Just after the peak of the action potential, what movement of ions restores the membrane to approximately the resting potential? 25. Which factors will affect the conduction speed of an action potential? 26. Saltatory conduction _____ the velocity of action potentials, and _____ the amount of energy used by the neuron. 27. What disease is related to the destruction of myelin sheaths? 28. The dendritic spines with synapses at the tips are believed to be important for neural function in what way? Synaptic Transmission 29. What is contained within a synaptic vesicle? 30. How does an action potential cause the release of neurotransmitters at a presynaptic terminal? 31. What is the advantage of a neuron releasing more than one neurotransmitter? 32. Glutamate binds to post-synaptic receptors and opens sodium channels, enabling sodium ions to enter the postsynaptic cell. What is this effect is called? 33. What does it means to say that acetylcholine exerts ionotropic effects? 34. Which of the following characterizes ionotropic effects? 35. How do metabotropic effects compare to ionotropic effects? 36. Which effect is associated with action of a "second messenger” molecule inside the postsynaptic cell? 37. Which of the following best describes a "second messenger"? 38. How do the effects of directed synapses compare to nondirected synapses? 39. What is the name of a presynaptic receptor that responds to the same neurotransmitter that is released by a neuron? 40. What usually happens to acetylcholine after it attaches to a receptor on the postsynaptic cell? 41. What is neuronal reuptake? 42. What is the effect of transport proteins in the presynaptic cell membrane? 43. Why do the effects of certain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, vary from one synapse to another in different regions of the nervous system? 44. What is the most prevalent excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian nervous system? 45. Which neurotransmitter is ordinarily a poisonous gas? 46. Which amino acid is used to synthesize serotonin in the brain? 47. The direct anatomical connections between neurons that provide a type of inter-neural communication that does not utilize neurotransmitters are called: 48. What are the functional advantages of gap junctions? SYNAPSES, CIRCUITS AND CENTRAL PATTERN GENERATION 49. Central pattern generators consisting of small assemblies of interconnected neurons have been found to produce: 50. In order to understand the neural basis for any behavior pattern, it was suggested that neurophysiological analyses would need to provide three kinds of information. What do we need to know to explain the generation of a specific pattern of neural activity?

51. How can a neurophysiologist determine whether two neurons share a synaptic connection? SYNAPSES, DRUGS AND BEHAVIOR 52. What type of drug increases the effects of a neurotransmitter? 53. A drug that decreases the effects of a neurotransmitter is a(n) _____; a drug that increases the effects is a(n) _____. 54. Which effect would be considered to be agonistic? 55. How do most psychotropic drugs influence brain activity? 56. What does it mean to say a drug has an affinity for a particular receptor? 57. The effects of a particular neurotransmitter often vary from one part of the nervous system to another. What discovery has been found to explain this? 58. Nicotine directly stimulates receptors in the central nervous system and at nerve-muscle junctions. These nicotinic receptors are also receptors for which neurotransmitter? 59. The discovery that opiate drugs such as morphine bind with certain neuronal receptors led to what other discovery? Drug Addiction Lecture and Chapter 15 Questions 1. Psychoactive drugs are those that affect 2. A state of decreased sensitivity to a drug as a result of previous exposure to the drug is called 3. After the use of certain drugs ends, there are withdrawal effects that are usually 4. A maladaptive pattern of continuing substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, is DSM-IV's definition of: 5. The defining feature of addiction is 6. The theory that drug tolerance and other effects can be produced by learning is based on demonstrations of 7. A problem faced by theories of conditioned drug effects is predicting 8. Although __________ is classified as a depressant, it can have stimulant effects at low doses. 9. Which of the following is true about the effects of alcohol on the nervous system? 10. Of the following, which chemical is most responsible for the effects of marijuana on behavior? 11. An endogenous neurotransmitter that binds to the same receptors as THC from marijuana has been isolated and named 12. A drug which produces excitement, alertness, elevated mood, and decreased fatigue is referred to as a: 13. What effect does an amphetamine such as methadrine have at the synapse? 14. What effect does cocaine have at the synapse? 15. The "crash" that follows amphetamine or cocaine abuse can be attributed to what effect of the drugs? 16. What is the name given to drugs that grossly distort perception? 17. Several eminent psychopharmacologists and political scientists have evaluated the U.S. system of dealing with drug abuse. They reached the following conclusion: 18. A key point of the positive-incentive sensitization theory of addiction is that 19. Studies of electrical intracranial self-stimulation have influenced the development of biopsychological theories of addiction by indicating that 20. Evidence that the nucleus accumbens is involved in drug addiction comes form reports that 21. The brain area that appears to be involved in drug addiction as well as motivation and reward learning is the: 22. Along with the nucleus accumbens, the prefrontal cortex, the hippocampus, and the amygdala are thought to participate in 23. Which neurotransmitter has been repeatedly associated with addictive drugs? 24. Many addictive drugs have been found to produce which neurotransmitter effects?...

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