Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude PDF

Title Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude
Author J. García Jiménez
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Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude By Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone Brought to you by Niclas Brunnegard Click here to visit my website and get more free eBooks and information. Click here if you would like to have a personalized copy of this eBook so you can make money by giving it away...


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Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude Juan Pedro García Jiménez

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Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude By Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone

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This eBook publication was created with extracted material from the complete and original 1960 version of Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude that is in the public domain in the United States. However, it may not be in the public domain in other countries. If you are outside the U.S. then make sure you check the copyright laws in your country before you distribute or keep a copy of this eBook. This new enhanced eBook edition is copyright protected.

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Table of Contents: About the Authors ..............................................................................


Preface ......................................................................................…....


Introduction ........................................................................................


Part One: Where the Road to Achievement Begins Chapter 1.: Meet the Most Important Living Person ...........……........ 14 Chapter 2.: You Can Change Your World ....................……………... 32 Chapter 3.: Clear the Cobwebs from Your Thinking ….........……….. 52 Chapter 4.: Will You Dare to Explore the Powers of Your Mind? ….. 72 Chapter 5.: ...And Something More ...............……..........………….... 91 Part Two: Five Mental Bombshells for Attacking Success Chapter 6.: You've Got a Problem? That's Good! .………………..... 106 Chapter 7.: Learn to See ..............………………..……………..……. 122 Chapter 8.: The Secret of Getting Things Done .......……………….. 138 Chapter 9.: How to Motivate Yourself ......…………………............... 152 Chapter 10.: How to Motivate Others .....................……………….... 167 Part Three: Your Key to the Citadel of Wealth Chapter 11.: Is There a Shortcut to Riches? ......................……....... 186 Chapter 12.: Attract -- Don't Repel – Wealth ......................……....... 189 Chapter 13.: If You Don't Have Money -- Use OPM! .……………..... 205 Chapter 14.: How to Find Satisfaction in Your Job ...................….... 227 Chapter 15.: Your Magnificent Obsession ........................………..... 241 Part Four: Get Ready to Succeed! Chapter 16.: How to Raise Your Energy Level .........……………….. 261 Chapter 17.: You Can Enjoy Good Health and Live Longer ....…..... 272 Chapter 18.: Can you Attract Happiness? ......…........……...........… 291 Chapter 19.: Get Rid of That Guilt Feeling ....................……..…….. 308 Part Five: Action Please! Chapter 20.: Now It's Time to Test Your Own Success Quotient ..... 323 Chapter 21.: Awaken the Sleeping Giant Within You ………….….... 336 Chapter 22.: The Amazing Power of a Bibliography ..…………….... 340

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About the Author W. Clement Stone William Clement Stone was born on May 4, 1902 and grew up on Chicago's South Side. His father died when he was 3, leaving the family impoverished because of his gambling losses. At the age of 6, he began hawking newspapers while his mother worked as a dressmaker. At 13, he owned his own newsstand. At the age of 16, he went to Detroit to help his mother in the insurance agency she had opened there. He went from office to office, making cold calls (he called them gold calls) to sell insurance, and he was soon making $100 a week. Stone turned $100 into millions with a strong desire to succeed and by putting into practice the principles in the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. He was the living example of the proverbial rags-to-riches story. Eventually he became an 'angel' to others lifting some from the gutter, to incredible heights. One of his great successes was the famed Og Mandino, an alcoholic at the time whom Stone took under his wing. The relationship brought about a complete change in life for Mandino who became the publisher of Success Magazine. In 1919, Stone built the Combined Insurance Company of America (a company providing accident and health insurance coverage) and by 1930 he had over a thousand agents selling insurance for him across the United States. By 1979, Stone's insurance company exceeded $1 billion in assets. In 1960, Stone teamed up with Napoleon Hill to author Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. Norman Vincent Peale said that Stone and Hill "have the rare gift of inspiring and helping people...In fact, I owe them both a personal debt of gratitude for the helpful guidance I have received from their writings." In 1962, Stone wrote the Success System That Never Fails, in which he suggested how to become successful and have a healthy, productive lifestyle. In 1964, he and Norma Lee Browning collaborated on writing The Other Side of the Mind. Stone was a supporter of The Napoleon Hill Foundation, which he directed for forty years, and to which his estate contributes funding. He celebrated his 100th birthday with a gift of $100,000 to the University of Illinois at Chicago and he gave over $275 million to charity including civic groups, mental health and Christian organizations. William Clement Stone was 100 years old when he passed away on September 3, 2002. He was a self-made millionaire, a successful author, and a generous philanthropist.

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About the Author Napoleon Hill Napoleon Hill was born into poverty in 1883 in a one-room cabin on the Pound River in Wise County, Virginia. When he was 13 he began his writing career as a "mountain reporter" for small town newspapers and went on to become one of America's most beloved motivational authors. He dedicated more than 25 years of his life to define the reasons why so many people fail to achieve true financial success and happiness in their life. His big break came in 1908 when Robert L. Taylor former Governor of Tennessee and owner of Bob Taylor's Magazine employed Hill to write "success stories" about famous men. Hill's first assignment was to interview one of the richest men in the world, the steel magnate Andrew Carnegie. During the interview Carnegie asked Hill if he wanted the opportunity to organize the World's first philosophy of individual achievement based upon the principles of success that he and other self-made millionaires had used to accumulate their vast fortunes. Carnegie explained that the task would require years of work and that he would only pay Hill's expenses because he wanted to make sure Hill would learn the philosophy and prove it worked through his own success and financial achievements. Hill accepted the task, so Carnegie commissioned Hill to interview over 500 millionaires, and with Carnegie's help Hill formulated a philosophy of success (The Law of Success), which was a success formula for the average person. Hill's first publication of "The Law of Success in 16 Lessons" was available in 1925 as a multi-volume study course. It took Hill almost 30 years to produce "Think and Grow Rich", which is still one of the best Personal Development books, and since its introduction in 1937 it has influenced millions of people around the world. During his life Napoleon Hill achieved great success as an attorney, a writer, a motivational speaker, and a teacher of the principles of success. He was also an advisor to President Woodrow Wilson and President Franklin D. Roosevelt. "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve" is one of Hill's hallmark expressions. Napoleon Hill passed away in November 1970 after a long and successful career. His work stands as a monument to individual achievement and is the cornerstone of modern motivation.

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PREFACE The great Danish philosopher and religious thinker, Soren Kierkegaard, once wrote, "It is the sign of a good book when the book reads you." You hold in your hands such a book — one that has not only become a classic in the self-help field, but also has that rare ability to relate to your problems, sympathize with them, and then advise you on their solutions as a wise old friend would. Still, I must warn you. Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude will do nothing for you. If you truly wish to change your life for the better, and are willing to pay a price in time and thinking and effort to reach your goals — and if you're not kidding yourself — then you hold in your hands a diamond plucked from a beach of pebbles, a road map to a better future, a valuable blueprint that will enable you to completely restructure your future. I speak from experience. Many years ago, through my own stupidities and faults, I lost everything that was precious to me — my family, my home and my job. Nearly penniless, and with no guidance, I began to wander the country, searching for myself and for some answers that would make my life bearable. I spent much time in public libraries because they were free — and warm. I read everything from Plato to Peale, seeking that one message that would explain to me where I had gone wrong — and what I could do to salvage the remainder of my life. I finally found my answer in W. Clement Stone's and Napoleon Hill's Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. I have employed the simple techniques and methods found in this classic for more than fifteen years, and they have provided me with riches and happiness far beyond anything I deserve. From a 5


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penniless vagrant without a single root, I eventually became the president of two corporations and the executive editor of the finest magazine of its kind in the world, Success Unlimited. I also wrote six books, and one of them, The Greatest Salesman in the World, has now become the best-selling book for salespeople of all time; it has been translated into fourteen languages and has sold more than three million copies. None of these things would have been accomplished without the daily application of the principles of success and living that I found in Stone's and Hill's classic. If I could accomplish what I did starting from ground zero, just think what you can do with all you have going for you already. We live in a strange and fast-moving world; each day a new false prophet arises preaching his own brand of happiness and success attainment. Like hula hoops and pet rocks they will all disappear as quickly as they appeared, and when the fog lifts, the truth of Stone's and Hill's book will still be changing the lives of thousands yet unborn. Do you really want to change your life for the better? If you do, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude can be the luckiest thing that has ever happened to you. Read it. Study it. Read it again. Then get into action. It's all very simple, really, if you make up your mind to work at it. And wonderful things will begin happening to you. I should know.




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INTRODUCTION Every inspirational, self-help action book, including this one, should be evaluated by what happens to you, the reader, as a result of the book's power to motivate you to motivate yourself to desirable action. By this standard, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude is reputed to be one of the outstandingly successful inspirational, self-help action books of this century. It has inspired countless thousands of men, women, and teenagers to acquire good physical, mental and moral health; seek happiness; pursue wealth and reach for high goals or other objectives that do not violate the laws of God or the rights of their fellow men. Something wonderful is going to happen to you — if you are ready. To prepare yourself to be ready, understand clearly Andrew Carnegie's observation that all achievement, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea! Before proceeding further, I'd like to give you a background of my co-author. Dr. Napoleon Hill. Think and grow rich. Think and Grow Rich, the book by Napoleon Hill, has motivated more persons throughout the world to acquire wealth and succeed in their careers than any book written in the twentieth century. Its author was born in poverty in a log cabin in Wise County, Virginia, on October 1883, and he passed away in Greenville, South Carolina, on November 8, 1970. As a boy, young Hill was blessed, inspired and motivated to high achievement by his calm, patient stepmother who loved him dearly. It was she, who motivated "a problem child" to develop character and motivate himself to work hard to become educated and an achiever. 7


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In 1908, while working for a magazine and attending college, young Hill was assigned to interview Andrew Carnegie, the great steelmaker, philosopher and philanthropist. Andrew Carnegie was so impressed with his interviewer that he invited him to his home as a guest. Hour after hour each day during the three-day visit, the two men discussed philosophy. The elder romanced the lives of philosophers and the impact their philosophy had had on world civilization to the younger, who listened with rapture. In his discussions, Carnegie made it a point to express in simple, clear language the principles involved and the concepts of each of the philosophers he romanced. And he told something more: how to apply those principles in everyday living as they pertain to an individual, his family, his career or any human activity. Andrew Carnegie knew human nature. One way to motivate an aggressive extrovert with a high energy level who has drive and stick-to-itiveness, and whose reason and emotions are in balance, is to challenge him. The young guest was just such a person. And he was challenged. "What is there in the climate of this great nation whereby I, a foreigner, can build a business and acquire wealth — or anyone can achieve success?" asked Carnegie. And before Hill could answer, he continued, "I challenge you to devote 20 years of your life to the study of the philosophy of American achievement and come up with an answer. Will you accept?" "Yes!" was the quick response. Andrew Carnegie had an obsession: Anything in life worth having was worth working for. He was willing to give the young author his personal time to consult with him and letters of introduction 8


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to the outstanding Americans of his day, and to reimburse him for any necessary out-of-pocket expense, such as traveling to interview people. But it was clearly understood that Napoleon Hill would have to earn his own livelihood. In the following 20 years, Hill interviewed over 500 successful men. Among them were Henry Ford, William Wrigley, Jr., John Wanamaker, George Eastman, John D. Rockefeller, Thomas A. Edison, Theodore Roosevelt, Albert Hubbard, J. Ogden Armour, Luther Burbank, Dr. Alexander Graham Bell and Julius Rosenwald. And Hill did earn his own livelihood — by applying many of the principles he learned from Carnegie and the men he interviewed. And in 1928, he completed the eight volumes of The Law of Success — books that motivated thousands to acquire wealth or to become outstanding achievers. On the recommendation of Senator Jennings Randolph of West Virginia, Napoleon Hill became an adviser to two Presidents of the United States: Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. He influenced certain decisions they made that affected the course of American history. When, exactly twenty years after the interview with Andrew Carnegie, The Law of Success was published, it had a worldwide impact. Seven years later, while be was an adviser to Franklin D. Roosevelt, he began writing the manuscript for Think and Grow Rich. It was published in 1937. More than ten million people have read the book. In 1937, Think and Grow Rich was given to me by Morris Pickus, a well-known sales executive, sales counselor and lecturer. The philosophy in so many respects coincided with my own that I sent the book to every one of my 9


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sales representatives throughout the United States. (At that time, I owned and operated Combined Registry Company, a national sales organization that specialized exclusively in the sale of accident insurance.) Bingo! I hit the jackpot, for I made a profitable discovery. I found a working tool that would motivate sales representatives to motivate themselves to increase their sales and profits — and something more: to acquire wealth through responding to an inspirational, self-help action book. "Now, what has relating the story about Carnegie, The Law of Success and Think and Grow Rich to do with Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude?" you ask. My answer: "If it were not for each of them, the manuscript for this book would not have been written. But it was written, and it was first published in 1960 by Prentice-Hall, Inc. Think and Grow Rich contains the basic principles of Andrew Carnegie's philosophy — those contained in The Law of Success — and Napoleon Hill’s philosophy and experiences, as well as stories about many people who acquired wealth and success after reading the eight volumes of The Law of Success. Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude combines all these in essence, and has something more. It tells specifically how you can use the greatest machine that was ever conceived — a machine so awesome that only God Himself could create it. This machine is a human computer; it is your brain and your nervous system, from which the mechanical computer was designed. Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude instructs you on what to do and how to do it when it comes to tapping and using the powers of your subconscious mind. Where have you been taught to constructively use, neutralize, control or harmonize with your passions, emotions, instincts, tendencies, feelings, moods and 10


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habits of thought and action? Have you been taught how to aim high and achieve your goals regardless of the obstacles? If your answer is "No." you will be taught these things if you read and then apply the principles in Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. = Over the last 16 years, more than 420,000 hardbound copies of Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude have been printed. Our readers have had such phenomenal results in changing their lives for the better, meeting life's problems courageously and bringing their desires into reality that I was delighted when arrangements were made for Pocket Books to publish the paperback edition, for the books published by Pocket Books reach hundreds of thousands. And my chief goal, and Napoleon Hill's, was to motivate multitudes of people to free themselves from the slavery of their undesirable thoughts, habits and actions and to help them seek and acquire the true riches of life by fulfilling desires that don't violate the laws of God or the rights of their fellow men. In the preface by Og Mandino to this edition of Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, you read: /



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