概念 - Summary Ethics in Commerce PDF

Title 概念 - Summary Ethics in Commerce
Author Alex Chen Jinhao
Course Ethics in Commerce
Institution Ryerson University
Pages 6
File Size 180.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Stakeholder 受决定影响者 In a general sense, a stakeholder is anyone who can be affected by decisions made within a business. More specifically, stakeholders are considered to be those people who are necessary for the functioning of a business.

Ethics 伦理 Derived from the Greek word ethos, which refers to those values, norms, beliefs, and expectations that determine how people within a culture live and act. Ethics steps back from such standards for how people do act, and reflects on the standards by which people should live and act.

normative ethics 规范伦理 (为什么要这样做) As a normative discipline, ethics deals with norms and standards of appropriate and proper (normal) behavior.

descriptive ethics 描述伦理 (为什么会这样做) As practiced by many social scientists, provides a descriptive and empirical account of those standards that actually guide behavior. When we say that they are descriptive, we refer to the fact that they provide an account of how and why people do act the way they do—they describe. Morality (自己内心的伦理 ethic by personal) Sometimes used to denote 表示 the phenomena 现象 studied by the field of ethics. This text uses morality to refer to those aspects of ethics involving personal, individual decision making. 个人伦理 Personal integrity (个人操守 个人操守/准则 准则) The term integrity connotes completeness of a being or thing. Personal integrity, therefore, refers to individuals’ completeness within themselves, often derived from the consistency or alignment of actions with deeply held beliefs.

Social ethics (社会伦理:如何与大家相处以及社会该如何构成组成) The area of ethics that is concerned with how we should live together with others and how social organizations ought to be structured.

Norms (规范 规范 规范/标准 标准 标准/准则) Those standards or guidelines that establish appropriate and proper behavior.

Values (使人做出自己选择的信念 使人做出自己选择的信念 使人做出自己选择的信念/想法,能够使你做出自己选择的东西,你会为了它选 想法,能够使你做出自己选择的东西,你会为了它选 择 A 而不是 B) Those beliefs that incline us to act or to choose in one way rather than another.

Ethical values (伦理价值 会让人活得好的东西 如尊重快乐自由) Those properties 特性 of life that contribute to human well-being and a life well lived. Ethical values would include such things as happiness, respect, dignity, integrity, freedom, companionship, and health.

Risk assessment (风险评估:识别潜在风险并把其把握在可控范围内,保证不会影响整 风险评估:识别潜在风险并把其把握在可控范围内,保证不会影响整 体目标 体目标) Defined as “a process to identify potential events that may affect the entity, and manage risk to be within its risk appetite, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of entity objectives.、

Practical reasoning Reasoning about what we should do, ethic is a part of practical reasoning.

Theoretical reasoning Reasoning about what we should believe.


Ethical decision-making process Requires a persuasive 有说服性 and rational justification 合理 for a decision.

Normative myopia 规范性近视症 (做决定时总忽略伦理道德) The tendency to ignore, or the lack of the ability to recognize, ethical issues in decision making.

Inattentional blindness 过于关注单一因素使自己忽略周围的其他明显因素 If we happen to focus on or are told specifically to pay attention to a particular element of a decision or event, we are likely to miss all of the surrounding details, no matter how obvious.

Change blindness 做决定时无法察觉周围的因素随时间推移而产生的变化 A decision-making omission 被忽略 that occurs when decision makers fail to notice gradual changes over time.

Moral imagination 考虑到各方的利益损失前因后果,并相出多种解决方式的能力 When one is facing an ethical decision, the ability to envision various alternative choices, consequences, resolutions, benefits, and harms.

Personal and professional decision making 个人决定与职场决定总会有冲突的时候,想 要活出有道德操守的人生就需要在做决策时在责任(社会或职场)与利益(个人或公 司)间取得正确的平衡 Individuals within a business setting are often in situations in which they must make decisions both from their own personal point of view and from the perspective of the specific role they fill within an institution. Ethically responsible decisions require an individual to recognize that these perspectives can conflict and that a life of moral integrity must balance the personal values with the professional role-based values and responsibilities.


Ethical relativism 伦理相对论

道德哲学界认为道德价值观和判断最终取决于或有关于一个人的文化,社会或个人感 受。 相对论否认我们可以做出理性或客观的道德判断。 An important perspective within the philosophical study of ethics that holds that ethical values and judgments are ultimately dependent on, or relative to, one’s culture, society, or personal feelings. Relativism denies that we can make rational or objective ethical judgments.

Utilitarianism 功利主义:通过看事物的前因后果而决定其是否伦理,其结果对整个集 体好的就是伦理的,其结果对整个集体不好的就是不伦理的 An ethical theory that tells us that we can determine the ethical significance of any action by looking to the consequences of that act. Utilitarianism is typically identified with the policy of “maximizing the overall good” or, in a slightly different version, of producing “the greatest good for the greatest number.” 对大家要好

Consequentialist theories 前因后果理论:通过结果来判断事物的好坏 Ethical theories, such as utilitarianism, that determine right and wrong by calculating the consequences of actions.

Principle-based framework 以规则作为基础的伦理框架 A framework for ethics that grounds decision making in fundamental principles such as justice, liberty, autonomy, and fairness.

Virtue ethics 美德伦理:好的性格和生活习惯才会让人过上美好生活 An approach to ethics that studies the character traits or habits that constitute a good human life, a life worth living.

Egoism 利己主义:人都是以自己的意愿以及利益来考虑 As a psychological theory, egoism holds that all people act only from self-interest.

Principles 原则道理:把 value 放入行动的伦理规矩 Ethical rules that put values into action.

Duties 义务:不管前因后果都要履行的义务 Those obligations that one is bound to perform, regardless of consequences.

Categorical imperative 绝对无例外的命令 An imperative is a command or duty; “categorical” means that it is without exception.

Autonomy 自治 From the Greek for “self-ruled,” autonomy is the capacity to make free and deliberate 深思 熟虑 choices.

Human rights 作为人的道德权利 Those moral rights that individuals have simply in virtue of being a human being.

Character 人的性情气质以及习惯的总和 The sum of relatively set traits, dispositions, and habits of an individual.

Culture 一种共享的信仰期望意义从而影响人们的思想和行为 A shared pattern of beliefs, expectations, and meanings that influences and guides the thinking and behaviors of the members of a particular group.

Ethics officers 道德检察官:在组织内监 道德检察官:在组织内监督 督道德事务 具有一定权力 Individuals within an organization charged with managerial oversight of ethical compliance and enforcement within the organization.

Code of conduct 给公司员工看的行为守则 A set of behavioral guidelines and expectations that govern all members of a business firm.

Mission statement 一个公司用来告诉大家自己的目标以及价值的任务宣言 A formal summary statement that describes the goals, values, and institutional aim of an organization.

Whistle-blowing 告密:特指公司内部人员向外告发公司的错误行径 A practice in which an individual within an organization reports organizational wrongdoing to the public or to others in position of authority.

United States Sentencing Commission (USSC) 美国量刑委员会(USSC) ) An independent agency in the United States judiciary created in 1984 to regulate sentencing 量刑 policy in the federal court system. 美国司法部门的一个独立机构,成立于 1984 年, 负责管理联邦法院系统中的判决政策。

Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations (FSGO) 联邦组织量刑指南(FSGO) ) Developed by the United States Sentencing Commission and implemented in 1991, originally as mandatory parameters for judges to use during organizational sentencing cases. 由美国量 刑委员会制定并于 1991 年实施,最初是法官在组织量刑案件中使用的强制性参数。...

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